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The Real Natural Tasty Cheddar Cheese Block 500g $3.75 (1/2 Price) @ Woolworths

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Cheesy deal for Friday, don't see them 1/2 price usually, worth a deal I guess.

Pasteurised Milk, Salt, Cultures, Enzyme (Non Animal Rennet)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Made in New Zealand

    No thanks… Could come from anywhere….

    • +1

      Including Australia.

      • +1

        Also New Zealand

    • Agreed, no thanks.

      I'll buy the Coon, Bega, or Aussie made home brand please

      • +1

        You do realise Western Star butter and Bega cheese are owned by Fonterra?


        • That's nice. I like my dairy to come from Australian farms with Australian farmers.

          It's the least we can do to support local industry, local jobs and the local economy.

          Not too fussed about owners, as the farms are here, and I get my fancy cheese from small local producers.

    • +3

      I think they changed their laws when this started happening. You'll see packed in NZ from the country of origin produce now.

      NZ cheese is awesome, and cheaper here than it is there

    • +1

      When did you get out of the joint?

    • +5

      Jv, you don't understand how complicated it is to import dairy products into the country because of quarantine laws.

      products with more than 5% dairy need traceability of the cow including a veterinarian certificate that the cow is free from mad cow disease.
      Yes, there is an argument that stuff get's through the post, but this isn't containers full of the stuff.

      I'd eat NZ cheese no worries.

  • +2

    Funny thing is, in Australia we know percentage of Australian made, but the rest is a mystery. A few say where the ingredients come from, majority just say; X% made in Australia, X% imported. For all we know it could come from anywhere…

    • +3

      For all we know it could come from anywhere…

      At least you know some of it does not come from Australia.

      If it says 'Made in New Zealand', it could be a product from China.

      • +2

        China produce Pasteurised Milk ?

        • +8

          I never said that.

          But under NZ labelling laws, it could be and you would never know.

        • -1

          Yes, from bats

      • +13

        You really think with the massive dairy industry in NZ which is a net exporter (Fonterra is one of the largest dairy conglomerates in the world) that they would be getting stuff from China - you've lost the plot (or never had the plot in the first place)

        • -8

          You really think with the massive dairy industry in NZ which is a net exporter


        • +11

          The plot is, they will get stuff from wherever it is cheaper. Plenty of examples of companies doing wrong things. Sometimes they are cought, sometimes not. If Coles can get dough from UK, why can't NZ get cheese from China.



          It's not like there are no ingredients to make it here so they have to import.

          • +7

            @bargainparker: Yes, I'm sure New Zealand, the world's largest dairy exporter, is importing milk from China only to export cheese to Australia… Give me a break 🤣

            • @Polt: Idk where the logic is coming from, do you think cheese is made in China, labelled as made in NZ and sent to here. I thought that under $4 you may get tasty cheese, not cheddar cheese, correct me if I am wrong.

            • +7

              @Polt: Trade agreements don't always make sense. In WA, everywhere you look are lemon trees with lemons the size of large grapefruit. People pick them and give them away. Meanwhile, Cole's & Woolies routinely sell lemons the size of golfballs for $17 per kilo. From the USA, no less.

            • @Polt: Ireland was the world's largest banana exporter.
              Anything is possible.

        • +2

          NZ may be a massive exporter by their own standards, but that doesn't mean they're massive on a global scale. They could just be fulfilling a portion of the demand from wealthy Chinese families, a market probably as large as the whole of NZ, and one which is typically prepared to spend more for safe, quality food.

          So they send the good stuff to china, and then China sends bottom-barrel stuff to the rest of the world, using NZ as a backdoor.

          • +5

            @outlander: New Zealand is the worlds largest exporter of butter, fourth largest of milk, second of cheese behind the whole of the EU as one nation etc


            So yeah pretty big by any standards

            • +1

              @Birdseye: Hey yeah you're right. It seems milk is one thing that China doesn't produce in spades.

              In that case its pretty unlikely to find chinese cheese in any large amount. But given that you can get 1kg blocks of Australian sourced cheese for $8 from Aldi or Coles, I wouldn't risk it.

              • -1

                @outlander: Who said it comes from cows? Hundreds of millions of single men was a problem that needed a solution.

          • +1

            @outlander: Yep. Remember visiting NZ in the 80s. Buying rubbish lamb but NZ lamb in Australia was great.

            • @DarwinBoy: Budget Beef and Lamb in NZ are significantly better than Australia. Guessing it’s probably down to diet raises on grass vs dust and grain.

              The meat is just softer in NZ.

        • Y ou really think with the massive dairy industry in NZ which is a net exporter (Fonterra is one of the largest dairy conglomerates in the world) that they would be getting stuff from China

          Well, Australia is the biggest exporter of LNG. But yet we import the stuff too. Goes to show funny things can happen.

      • Just curious about this, if it’s a product from China doesn’t it need to be ‘Made in New Zealand from local and imported ingredients’. Surely they can’t just use made in New Zealand

        • +1

          if it’s a product from China doesn’t it need to be ‘Made in New Zealand from local and imported ingredients’

          Not in NZ apparently.

          It can say Made in NZ and nothing else, even if products are imported, as long as it is manufactured there.
          It is very misleading and way worse than what we have here.

          • @jv: That’s really bad, That is so wrong on so many levels, :(. I’ll. Have to think twice for made in NZ items now.

  • +2

    I usually go for the cheap imported pommy stuff from Aldi, made by some crew called Wyke Farms. Then again, if you're into cheddar

    • +3

      Who are the largest independent cheese manufacturer in the UK, based in Somerset which is pretty much cheese-central over there.

      • +2

        They're also the one's who came eighth in a Guardian poll of the ten best Cheddars in England during a period when Right Price,St. Marys (R.I.P.) were selling their vintage and matured for $2.50 for 250 gms.

        It's been there 6 weeks but disappeared the next day as people realised that "crunchy cheddar" was a feature, not a bug.

        • +2

          ooof! I tried some in a morrissons once, never had as good in my life.
          Some strange-but-amazing crunchy crystals within, of the perfect size & consistency. I never knew of it before, but was instantly in love.

    • +1

      "Emporium Selection" is the only UK cheddar stocked at local (SA) Aldi's but it is good. Aldi is great for cheese addicts who like to spend less per Kg. Currently into marinated Feta and Dutch "smoked cheese".

      • +1

        It's just labelled "English Cheddar" in 200gm packs, with "aged for fourteen months" on the front to let you know it still has a few years left if you want to wax it.

  • Made in NZ… Interesting, I wonder if this is rebranded Mainland, in which case it would be worth a try

    • +2

      If it's not repackaged Chinese or US cheddar then it must be.

      Mainland is owned by the Fonterra cooperative, and Fonterra controls 94.8% of dairy production in New Zealand.

  • +3

    Good price, but it's fairly bland and tasteless even compared to other cheese at similar price point (when on special).

  • +2

    Got Red Leicester Vintage Red on clearance for $3.20 (normally $8.50) for a small portion, went back the next day, back to full price. One of the best cheeses (basically cheddar cheese) I've ever had, unbelievably good.

  • +1

    Nah i'm good, i prefer my cheese unnatural.

    • Goes well with unnatural Cashews.

  • +6

    Made in NZ = who knows where it's from.

    The last cheese deal posted had "made in NZ" and people found out it was actually made in USA then shipped to NZ then shipped again to Australia and sold as "made in NZ".

  • +1

    There's a grated cheese woolworths sells, it's cheaper than the woolworths brand. It doesn't melt like normal cheese, it sits there like melted plastic. That is also from NewZealand, unless it's really from China and contains Melamine like their baby food exports

    • +2

      All grated cheese has a caking mix on it to stop it sticking. It best to grate your own

      • -1

        The woolworths brand melts the way grated cheese should melt, the nz brand doesn't melt it keeps it's form but gets soft and sticky and turns orange. It's really creepy. the cheese on the Papa Giuseppi's Panini Tomato & Cheese pizza subs use the same fake shreded cheese

  • It states 'Made in New Zealand from imported ingredients Packed in Australia"

    So I presume its made in NZ from non-NZ milk but packed in Oz???

  • +4

    Change the title to online only because I wasted my time in a store and it wasn't available.

  • I'm willing to try, competitive markets is good for consumers like us.

  • Didn’t have half price tag but scanned at half price, I didn’t like the taste though

  • +1

    You know when you skim too fast sometimes and things don't make sense? I read "real nasty cheddar cheese block"

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