Been looking for a body compisition scale and the market price for this scale is around $60 for this scale.
Shipping is around $9 for me, you can use the Kogan First trial to make it free, if you want.
Been looking for a body compisition scale and the market price for this scale is around $60 for this scale.
Shipping is around $9 for me, you can use the Kogan First trial to make it free, if you want.
How does this compare to the Renpho scales that gets posted here frequently?
These are bigger, better built. Functionality-wise are pretty much the same.
Cheers, do you know if this will link to the Fitbit app or Myfitnesspal?
Not directly. But you can use Google Fit (or something similar from apple) to transfer the data from mifit to whatever you want.
Can't check tho. The only reason I bought Renpho is that xiaomi scales have stopped connecting to my phone.
I believe that you can sync most of these scales with either Google Fit or Samsung Health on Android devices - and then you can link either of those to MyFitnessPal.
Good price! Paid almost twice as much for mine and still no regrets.
hahah same here, I almost bought it yesterday for $39 + shipping
same here, shall we buy another to average down the price?
everytime i get a weighting scale there is regret for me
Reality can be motivating :)
how long have you been using this for?
Do you feel like it is providing you with a degree of accurate information or just a RNG?
(random number generator)
I just randomly use it. My wife uses it every day. It is her first thing to do when she gets up. All the records were saved on her phone, so she could always check her weight changes. If you have many people use the scale, it can allocate the record to different people(presuming everyone has a bit different weight). It's the smartest scale I have used. You can use the application Mi fit or Zepp to connect with the scale.
I wouldn't say its completely random but the stats it gives, hydration, muscle mass etc. all seem to go up and down with weight. Feels like its all just directly related to weight and not much else.
There's no other way to do it really. You can't measure muscle mass or fat content simply by standing on something. BMI is a bit more complicated than that. Records of weight sound good it's just a digital scale…thats it.
Yep same. Very happy with it though.
Damn it! I just bought the normal Smart scale 2 at this price last week.. Might as well sell it and buy a PS5!
Does this work with Google Fit app?
I don't think so, I have the Mi Band, pretty sure it's the same app but no option to link to Google Fit.
Ignore me! Yes you can sync with Google Fit! You will need the Mi Fit app though.
Anyone can comment on quailty and accuracy (weight measurement mostly) of the scale.
Thank you!
I bought Renpho a couple of days ago. Mostly cause xiaomi stopped connecting to my phone.
And Renpho are showing the same numbers as xiaomi (just about 100g more).
I can't say if these numbers are correct, but they are definitely not just some random values so good enough for history/progress (which I think is more important than weight in this particular moment)
Other metrics are just for marketing in my opinion as they are showing different values all the time. Like I'm pretty sure my body fat can't drop from 21% to 19% in just 1 day.
did you try resetting the xiaomi scales to see if it can connect again?
I have no idea how to do that. Leaving it without batteries didn't help and I could not find any reset button/switch. Quick google search didn't help either.
@jellical: what??
can you post screenshot of your mifit app?
so you have never added the scales to the app?
@pinkybrain: I added them on my old phone, then I stopped using scales for a while. And recently when I decided to use them again - I couldn't do that as freshly installed mifit could not find them anymore, tried another phone as well with no luck.
@jellical: hmmm
I think that is cos the scale is still binded to the old phone's older version of the mifit app..
did you delete the app on the old phone and then reinstalled the app again and then you add the scale and that is when it won't find it?
If you still have access to your old phone check the app for the scale.
Another thing you can try is login from the browser
then go to the account permission and delete the mi fit app and the mi home app
then login to the app again and try to bind the scale again.
Cheers finally ordered one of these
I've tracked my weight loss since Christmas almost daily, it has been encouraging to see the numbers go down.
I have lost 15kg.
Do you have something against people being healthy or living healthier?
Well the weigh didn't help you lose weight did it?
Nothing against people being healthy or living healthy.
Well the weigh didn't help you lose weight did it?
Well yes, it did
@diddy50: You exercised
You ate better
You ate maybe less
The weigh just showed you the outcomes. It didn't make you go exercise, choose your food and reduced your intake.
Don't get confused.
@netjock: Nah I get what you mean.
It encouraged me to keep going. It measured and interpreted the results I was achieving into numbers. I used the numbers to maintain healthy eating and increase exercising.
If I didn't see a drop in weight from restricting my food consumption or increased exercise I would not have kept going.
So this tool helps.
It provides feedback on how you are going with your diet & exercise.
Thought you had fewer net calories by 'eating healthy' this week/month? BLAM NO YOU DIDN'T AS YOU DIDN'T LOSE ANY WEIGHT BUT GAINED SOME. RE-EVALUATE YOUR DIET FATTY.
Let me guess…you also think men can be women?
Facts are facts. Don't like what you weight, don't weight yourself!
It's a tool. Simply as that. Cars kill people…but I bet you use one of them right?!
Let me guess…you also think men can be women?
Facts are facts.
Which fact have you stated that is true
Don't like what you weight, don't weight yourself!
I weigh myself, I've just had people who are so concerned about their weight and composition. Putting 2 feet onto a piece of $29 equipment and interpreting the data as gospel is dangerous.
It's a tool. Simply as that. Cars kill people…but I bet you use one of them right?!
Why the allergic reaction? Bathroom scale vs Car is two different ends of the spectrum. For starters you can't drive you bathroom scale into a crowd of people and it is a different type of tool.
I suspect you need to reevaluation how you consider magnitude of a problem
Imagine blaming a device that literally does nothing but tell you the truth for making you feel fat
Truth? LOL
You know these aren't calibrated to same standard as say your super market scales and even super market scales screw up.
Bro just admit you're fat
@picklewizard: Agreed. Had to pack it on for the lock down. Skinny people might starve to death. My fat stores are in addition to stock pile of toilet paper and food.
how does this meassure body fat % and metabolism? and how accurate is it?
Other than your weight I wouldn't take the rest as gospel. When I was at the gym even the body measure where you take your socks off, stand on two contacts and hold two paddles with hands so it can run a current through you takes a few minutes to come up with results.
I don't think jumping on this for a minute or two is going to be perfect. It is probably measuring resistance because a current would run up one leg and down the other then against so programmed chart.
Some people have serious allergic reactions when you imply it isn't dependable.
I have the garmin version. It is mostly bollocks. Sends an electric charge up one leg n down the other. If you are someone who stores weight on your legs it may measure that otherwise it's just a fun gadget.
I did a 6 hour bike ride, came back totally depleted and suffering from dehydration. Lost 3 kg on ride (due to poor planning and stupidity), scales told me I had increased water content and lost bone and muscle mass!!
You got it.
Some people see it as an easy fix. But it is probably worse than a placebo.
They aren't accurate for BF %. I'd only rely on them for weight. I've had mine for about 6 months and tried them on a multitude of people of differing sizes.
$13 shipping
Free for me using Kogan First trial for 14 days.
dumb question - does it have a display to see my kgs?
yes it does, found a video hahaha
Yeah it's really well hidden (when not in use), I saw these scales in a friends house and didn't use them because I assumed the same as you did!
RFM - relative Fat Mass
Simple to do and more accurate than standing on a scale.
That is for real OzB, no $29 outlay.
Have one, don't take the body fate rate too serious, once it gave me 25% different number in 10 sec.
Maybe need to buy 2 so the second can validate the first?
use it as a progress indicator rather than actual number which maybe change depending on what you ate or wearing when measuring etc.
Thanks, got one.
Damn it. I've bought 2 sets of these in the past 3 weeks. Could've bought 3 with the savings.
I'd value Xiaomi a bit higher than the Kmart random picks. Both made in China if anyone is worried about that.
I’d buy the $9 one and pocket the $20 for something useful.
damn this is a good price.
have one at home and I have no complaints. all these type of scales are a bit gimmicky but like others have said, it's more about tracking long term progress rather than accuracy.
The scale itself looks sleek and nice, easy to use and connects immediately to phone (mi fit app)
bit gimmicky but like others have said, it's more about tracking long term progress rather than accuracy
When don't you use the free pinch test then?
not entirely sure what you mean, like pinching belly fat and measuring the thickness..?
It's nice to see numbers organised in an app for you, whilst also advising what 'healthy' levels are so you can see at a glance how you compare etc
Do these sync with garmin connect?
Do you have to have the app open to register the 'weigh in'? Currently have the first Xiaomi smart scale and this is a pain. I just want to weigh myself and have it sync in the background.
sold out - can't add to cart anymore
Hi there - Do I need my phone with my every time I weight in? Or will it save all previous data and sync all data next time I have my phone connected?
Just tested now and nope it didn't log the results when app was closed. Agree with the above comment that it's a bit of a pain and not so intuitive, but I guess it's something I can live with since phone will generally be close by
Anyone recieved it…mine is showing Aus Post has it and hasnt moved since the 10th….
I received it on Wednesday.
Well thats good to know!
By the time i recieve mine, I would have added the extra 10kg
Im legit still waiting for this to get to me from Kogan. First time ever buying something from them and they are useless with customer service. Not to mention the garbage excuses by Aust Post.
Good price
wonder if Amazon will drop price or price match on Prime day or before