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The Adventures of Tintin Boxset Paperback (Released 1 December 2018) $201.95 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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This boxset contains is the normal (large size) paper format books. (this is not the hard cover set)

Not the cheapest is has been but should be right now the best deal available.

Own all 23* stories in The Adventures of Tintin series in this boxed set.

Stories included in the set:
Tintin in the Land of the Soviets
Tintin in America Cigars of the Pharaoh
The Blue Lotus
The Broken Ear
The Black Island
King Ottokar's Sceptre
The Crab with the Golden Claws
The Shooting Star
The Secret of the Unicorn
Red Rackham's Treasure
The Seven Crystal Balls
Prisoners of the Sun
Land of Black Gold
Destination Moon
Explorers on the Moon
The Calculus Affair
The Red Sea Sharks
Tintin in Tibet
The Castafiore Emerald
Flight 714 to Sydney
Tintin and the Picaros
Tintin and Alph-Art

*NOTE: This set does not include Tintin in the Congo

(shamelessly copied text from @gengar's last deal)

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    $9 a story.

  • +1


    179 free delivery here

    edit: revoking neg vote as these are not larger size

    • +17

      Have owned the smaller volumes before. They are criminally small and doesn't do the original illustrations justice. Would really only recommend as a travel edition as they're easy to carry around.

      • +1


        I would buy in a heartbeat if It was the authentic full-sized collection.

    • +1

      be very careful about which one you order as that item you linked is not the same. I have only heard bad things about the other versions on offer out there.

      • +1

        Disagree. I had the hard back set and i read it almost everyday for the last 3 months. No problem so far. I love TinTin

        Most liked: Red Rackham's Treasure
        Least liked: Broken Ear

        • +2

          why do you disagree? The version linked is different? one is paperback large format and the other hardcover small format.

        • +1

          I’ve done a direct comparison of both and the small hardcover version is inferior quality IMO.

    • +1

      You can get the hardcover box set here for A$168.64 delivery included.


      • Is that the full size comics or smaller sized?

        • +3

          Looks small to me.

  • +22

    I remember in 1990's these TinTin books were so expensive in India and only rich kids in the school have luxury to buy them, while rest of us were buying Archie comics books and pleasing the rich kids to loan the books :)

    • Amazed to know this

    • +14

      Not too different in Australia, most of us had to borrow them from the school library whenever one was available.

      • +4

        That was me! And they'd be covered in the most crinkled contact and have marks on all the pages. But you were always happy when you got them!

    • Buying Archie at the train stations.. used to be finished before the train even started moving lol… Always late

      Was late 80s for me actually, not 90s

      • lol…same same

    • +1

      Only owned one Tintin book as a kid. Borrowed the rest of the books from the library. Books in 90’s were of better quality.

    • -1

      What sort of "pleasing" are we talking about?

    • Nothing wrong with Archie comics mate.

      • +1

        i love Archie comics, but u know "grass on the other side is always greener"

  • Special offers and product promotions
    Get $10 off when you spend $39 or more on eligible items through the Amazon Shopping mobile app only. T&Cs apply. Redeem here then sign in to Amazon Shopping app to apply your discount. Enter code APPONLY10 at checkout. Offered by Amazon AU. Here's how (terms and conditions apply)

    Also there is this as well for $10 off if no one has done it. I saw that on the same page.

    • I wonder if that codes a one off use or you can use it again on a different order? Anyone tried?

      • +1

        I think its once only per account, so if you have done it before it wont work but havent tried.

  • +1

    Looks like Amazon are matching: Angus & Robertson https://www.angusrobertson.com.au/books/tintin-paperback-box…

  • +1

    hmmm, maybe when it's $99

  • Lowest price is $160

  • +1

    I am still after original A4 hardpaper book that was published in 80's .. Cant seem to find the whole complete set in Australia.. or ebay International… everyone has few bits and pieces or bit badly damaged book ;-)

    • +1

      Book Depository is your best option. I bought all 24 in A4 hardcover at the start of the year. I just checked my order history and they have 22 in stock (Blue Lotus and Red Rackam's Treasure out of stock). The books are still in print so I expect they should come back in stock.

      • I didnt know they were A4 in size, trying to remember back in my relative's house reading those comics felt like it was a much bigger than A4.

        • Yes, the versions I would check out from the school library (when I was child); I remember being quite big. Bigger than A4. & I remember a mix of hardback & softback.

          • @Pilotwings77: Agreed. Borrowed from neighbours when I was in my teens. Think they were A3. Def taller than our standard A4.

            • +1

              @lestat87: Yehh, A3! & I just remember them always being big floppy books.

  • +5

    The no. of Tintin and Asterix & Obelix comics that i had the full size off that got "borrowed" by friends of mine and never returned and eventually i would ask for it back and they would have lost it or misplaced it… GRRRR

    • +1

      "friends" - fixed

      • haha yeah i thought about doing the same thing. Pretty frustrating when i look back now and realise how much i lost as they may even have been worth more being older / more closer to the originals as i had gotten them about 30 years ago or so and were still in very good nick when people took them off me.

        • +1

          That's why I don't let anyone touch my things. Learnt my lesson a LONG time ago.

          • @RocketSwitch: Yeah same, too late but i started to keep a record of who took what but even that didnt help all the time as they would still lose it or forget or insist they returned it. Now I generally just dont like to loan stuff out but still feel compelled to at times as people are like why wont you just let me borrow it for a bit, i would tell them you can buy it here or get it there etc and some people still feel its weird i wont loan it out so i inevitably end up doing so…..

            • @lonewolf: Ah, I see what you mean.

              When I get asked, I say, no sorry, I like my collection to be untouched and in mint condition, I spent a lot of money on it. If they then go, "come on", I say, you can buy it if you really want it. If they keep carrying on, I will kick them out of the house (if people are allowed back in) and say, not my problem.

              • @RocketSwitch: Yeah the problem i had was some of them who had borrowed in the past and returned, would say, look i am not like the others I do return stuff etc etc..till the day that they lose it or misplace it, as theres always a first time…. Then others would take offence because they are good friends etc and feel they are reliable.

                There was one person who seemed reliable and looks after books etc, a Lawyer who was very studious, she took a book of mine and then for months i kept asking are you done yet, she kept telling me sorry not yet or i forgot to bringit etc etc, and then about a year later or so she gave me a replacement book and said sorry I had actually spilt some soup on it and was looking for the same replacement but couldnt find it so this was the best i could do. The book i got back was the same story as such but a newer and smaller version of the book i had loaned to her which was basically the initial release and larger size. Back then we didnt have online bookstores or even the internet so i think she couldnt find the same book that she had taken off me.

  • SnSn

  • +1

    Hardcover is cheaper by $2? Need to choose Amazon US to be sure with the seller. https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/aw/d/1405278455/ref=tmm_hrd_tit…

    • +5

      I believe the hardcover is for the compact size versions not the full-size paperbacks

      • Yeah these ones are really small. More or less readable, but definitely not as good.

  • +3

    I wish the asterix books were this price! That box set looks great too

    • I've always been astounded that they've never offered an Asterix set for a reasonable price. They've done a range of omnibuses but you'd think they'd get real and provide a full collectors edition for a non-stupid rate. Last time I checked the full box was over 400 bucks, which is outrageous.

      • Over $400 today. It is 36 books or so, so per book it's not completely outrageous, but $200ish world be do much nicer!

    • Bought 12 omnibuses (36 books) from booktopia for around $350 (inc shipping), which was a good price. Full size and good quality too.

  • +1

    I have read all of these and can confirm that these are great fun!

    • +2

      I don't think it includes Tintin in the Congo.

      • +4

        yeah , i have the original one.

        Assume it's banned these days , further explanation of hypocrisy and over correctness will bring me 1000 negs i guess!

        • +4

          It's not banned but it's always been a real headache to get in English IIRC, because libraries even when we were kids considered it way too racist to have on shelves, and I'm talking 80s and 90s here. It's also (in comparison to the rest of the series) a sucky story with a violent and immature characterisation of Tintin. Definitely one of the worst, if not the worst Herge publication and no great loss to literature in the context of the whole it if's not over-available.

          • +3

            @IPYF: Yeah, even me as a decidedly un-woke eight-year old found it a pretty disconcerting read, and that's before you layer on how Belgium behaved in the Congo. As you say, no great loss to literature unless you are after edgelord points.

        • what about coke in stock (or whatever the english name is), the modern ones also have some changes in them as far as uniforms and a few expressions - if i remember the golden crab or the pharoahs cigars.

          I read some of the first albums published in the 60s as a kid and i must admit it was pretty beyond me about being racist and so on

      • +7

        Did someone say my name?

  • +15

    Blistering barnacles!

    • +9

      Thundering typhoons!

      • +6

        Great snakes!

        • +3


  • +3

    I love Tintin comics.

    I was so fascinated with the unicorn that I searched for long to find it's plans to be able to make a model. My search was fruitful last year but still haven't started building the ship. Will do one day. In the meantime I'll read the comics

  • +4

    I had all the 24 (A4 Size) Original Tintin series including "Tintin in Congo". A mate borrowed when I was in HSC and never returned it. GRRR. Anyways a bit of Trivia: Titin books were strictly limited to 62 pages. The first book to publish in colour was "The Shooting Star" in 1942 in 62 colour page format. (Basically there are 64 pages, but 2 pages were kept for Cover and Copyright)

  • +7

    Great set at a very good price. I think I paid more when I got mine. Egmont have kept the print quality very high, and these are as nice as they've always been.

    For Tintin fans to note (not associated with this deal, or me) there's now a Tintin shop in Melbourne with a range of collectables and merch. I got some stuff from there for my birthday and their service was top-notch. Highest possible recommend.

    • Thanks for the information.

    • +2

      Is it this one? (Copied from Google maps):

      The Tintin Shop Australia
      91 Victoria St, Melbourne VIC 3000
      0406 475 581

      • +1

        It is.

    • Hey IPYF, is this the same shop that was at Brunswick St around 5 years ago? Did they move now to Victoria street?I did purchase few collectables and merch from the Brunswick shop.A year later when I revisited the place,it was closed, so I wasn't sure if they moved or they closed for good.

      • Couldn't tell you because I only just discovered that they existed. Fantastic stuff and great service too.

  • +1

    Amazing that these stand the test of time. I remember my first set was hand me down from my pops. Should introduce this to the kids

    • Yes I had the same experience. Recall my early childhood reading these when Mum handed me her collection of Tintin, Asterix & Obelix, Lucky Luke and other Belgian comics. The quality of these illustrations truly transcended generations and times.

  • +1

    If only there was an equivalent of this in Asterix books at this price… hmmmm

    • Agreed. Soooo expensive for the set. I'm currently buying them 10 at a time for my son. He has to wait a bit bewtween sets!

    • $1,300 for a little toy statue? I mean, it's nice, but…

      • And Tintin is not even in the statue 😂

  • +8

    Now, where is Tintin movie 2?

  • Wow, thanks for posting, that seems like an expensive set of books, I'm not much of a book collector. I was a fan of TinTin when I was younger, but wouldn't fork out this much for a boxset.

  • +1

    I love Tintin by Herge!! It is such a timeless adventure and still is exciting to read today. I have my favourite titles in the original large format and back then, I was paying ~$25-30 each.

    Also have some figurines but a little bit upset I passed on one back when visiting France many years ago, when they still used Francs.

    • +1

      pogichinoy, I have nearly all figurines including Bianca Castafiore & Rastapopoulos.
      The first thing I did when I landed in Brussels is to visit Musée Hergé and La Boutique Tintin. It a must for any Tintin Fan. It's awesome and spectacular.

      • Did they sell the full size comics as well?

        • Yes they do at La Boutique Tintin. I got my Alph-Art from there. I was like a kid in a candy shop.It is really hard to resist when you are in shop filled with Tintin merch, books & figurines.

      • WOW!! <3 <3 <3

    • +1

      If we can ever travel again, the Tintin shop in Brugge, Belgium is worth a visit. They have some great merch but it's not cheap. There's one in Singapore (Chinatown) that's pretty good too.

  • oh crap, another thing I didn't think I needed, but now I definitely want!! Welp my wallet.
    Might wait for it to drop to around $160 again though, since not in a rush to purchase and just want it for collection's sake.
    <3 Snowy

    • I've been waiting for it to drop too but bugger it, soon as it went ot $200 ish I nabbed it.

  • I loved Tin Tin. Fond memories watching SBS after school. Why is this book set so expensive?

    • +3

      If you do the math its not really. Try working out if you were to buy all the books individually…

  • +2

    Got this for 165/- in Dec and remember there was I think a $25 or so cash back for using Afterpay. Best investment to revisit childhood memories. Money well spent irrespective of current price! 👍.

    • -2

      i .like .the .collection .because .can .take .it .to .overseas .etc .smalle .nough

    • +1

      That's the smaller version. It's already been posted above for cheaper.

  • En français 🥰🥰🥰

    • Oui j'adore l'original

  • +1

    Man gotta love Snowy.

    After reading Tin tin books, dream dog I've wanted was Snowy

  • I grew up reading tintin. I read it in French and would say that some translations do a good to fair job at the writing.

    I would also recommend other comics from Franco Belgian authors. Blueberry and buck Danny. I don't think the latter is in English but if you like tintin, buck Danny is very recommended. Anyway my two thoughts 😊

  • +4

    Did anyone else notice that you can read them all for free on the Tintin fan shop website? Just the thing to save on your tablet for future reading.

  • For any old-school Tintin purists, be aware that these books feature a computerised italic typeface, rather than the original hand-written Hyslop typeface that you may fondly remember.

  • +2

    This Herge masterpiece never goes out of fashion. Had the complete series in Persian back from the good old days before the madness of Islamism turned my homeland into a pariah state.

    • +1

      My partner and I visited a few years ago; the locals were the friendliest people we've encountered anywhere… shame about the folks in charge. I hope any family or friends you may still have over there are staying safe.

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