• expired

$5 Referral on Spaceship Voyager ($5 Minimum Deposit) (until Oct 30 2020)


Spaceship Voyager referral bonus for $5.

Previous post https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/556126 expired therefore this post was made.

The $5 referral codes are valid up to 30 days until the referral system is expired on ozbargain.

Spaceship Voyager $5 referral bonus for both referrer and referee once a minimum $5 has been deposited by the referee within 14 days of signing up.

I am a Spaceship Voyager user and has no association with Spaceship Voyager.

Two portfolio to choose from: Spaceship Universe Portfolio and Spaceship Origin Portfolio.

The referral codes can be entered once you signed up.

Instruction to enter code after you signed up:

In mobile app:

Go to Account -> Referrals -> Enter Referral Code

On Website:

Go to Account (bottom left) -> Referrals -> Click on "Click Here"

Referral Links

Referral: random (168)

$10 referral bonus for both referrer and referee

Referee must add a referral code and deposit a minimum of $5 within 14 days of sign up.

(Referrer must have already deposited a minimum of $5 to qualify.)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Umm.. It's October now. Title says it ends sep 30?

  • +1

    I have an account each to diversify in both the origin and universe account. Universe up over 50% since January, loving dollar cost averaging. Careful put too much in and you get fees, but they are very low.

    • What’s the threshold when they charge fees? How much?

      • +7

        Above $5k - 0.1% and 0.05% p.a. for Universe and Origin, respectively. Really cheap but good performance compared to others.

    • Which one performed best for you? I used universe account.

    • +1

      How many accounts can you have in your name?

    • I’m up no where near that with the other portfolio. But I don’t think I can switch from one to the other…

    • Are you intending to keep your portfolio at $5k forever? Carefully to not putting too much defeats the whole purpose of staying invested. You should put as much as you can afford, if the net return is better than staying in cash then just put the money in.

      • -3

        When I get mine to 5k I will pull it out and out it vanguard index share funds.

        • +3

          You can do that. But you’ll be up for capital gains tax liability

        • +2

          Why would you do that? Index fund also has management fees, plus tax liability whenever you sells for gain… Also these micro managements you thought you save money on actually costs you money. Plus this fund is not a saving account that you use to park money until you have enough money to buy your etfs.

          Pick a fund, doesn't matter index or spaceship, and stick with it, you pay fees one way or another.

          • @od810: So they can pay fees on the full 5k

            • @netjock: Doesn't matter, if you want to stay invested, you have to pay the fees one way or another. If you only want your investment stay at 5k, then sure move it out and avoid fee.

              Edit: I just read again, you only pay fee on the balance above $5K, so it even makes less sense to move it in and out.

              • @od810: I thought Skinner is a funny guy. Take out no fees up to 5k to pay fees. You get my point :)

          • @od810: Maybe they meant Vanguard ETFs for lower fees?

            • @Diji: I haven't actually done it yet, was reading on reddit finance Australia that that's the thing to do. I have some more reading to do.

            • +1

              @Diji: Spaceship charged 0.1% which is pretty low on my book, only VTS VEU and VAS are lower. My point is that micro manage your investment tend to make it worse. OP could have shift the fund out before the distribution is paid, investment is not just about looking at short term performance. I like spaceship because the fees is low and their portfolio matches my risk profile.

              • @od810: Ah ok, I didn't know spaceship was that low. Personally don't have the money for investment so I haven't looked into it. Might be worth a mention to family members who are looking for something better than cash while being low maintenance though. Thanks.

  • +2

    I've been with them for a month or two and everything seems good.

    • +2

      One month and I’m almost at the 🌙

  • +3

    Thanks OP and ozbargin communityNot sure who Rick is but it’s your lucky day. I think fair is fair I never understood the referral code thing on these posts but used one and now added mine. All the best to everyone. Happy investing

    • +6

      That maybe me or maybe not.

  • I think I will wait until the double referral happens again

    • interesting…

    • +5

      Do you reckon the difference in your investment returns by investing earlier is less than $5? I wouldn’t sit and wait just to get an extra $5 in referral bonus.

      • +1

        Even if you wait 12 months it is a 100% return!

        You are highlighting a problem between nominal Vs percentages.

        You could have paid in say $5 per week over 12 months and made 5% average ($10) or wait for 12 months and make 100%

  • a lot. better than banks. my interest rate is like 1% now…

  • +4

    Not really bargain, its been going on for ages

    • I think it may have been motivated a little by the fact that their referral code had expired on the OzBargain system, and OP checked and saw there was no active deal referring to the referral so they posted, as without an active deal referring to spaceship their referral has a 0% chance of gaining them the sweet $5 reward.

      I was prompted yesterday to update my referral too and saw there wasn’t a deal posted but didn’t post the ‘deal’ as I think the $5 referral is a bit meh to be fair and feared I’d get downvoted!

      • +2

        Don't let fear stop you.

        Sometimes I see 5c on the ground and I just have to push through the idea people might see my butt crack, or worse split my trousers bending over.

  • +1

    I use Raiz, Spaceship (Universe) and invest directly into the NDQ and VDHG etfs via Commsec Pocket and Open Trader.

    • Which one is better mate

      • +6

        VDHG gets my vote. I should add that NDQ and VDHG are stocks so you need an online stock account like Selfwealth which there is a referral code around here for 5 free trades. If you can't find it here I can provide one. Cost per trade is $9.50 after that the fee (MER) is .27% annually. Which is $27 for every $10,000 invested which is very cheap.

        • +2

          You can buy NDQ for $2 using Commsec Pocket

          you can also use Open Trader to buy stocks for $5 (less than $2500).

          • @ruskiromka: Pocket is good to start but watch the fees.

            "But CommSec Pocket is not a realistic long-term way to build a share portfolio. Over time the fees can’t be justified.

            For example, I can use CommSec to buy 1,000 units (shares) in an ETF for $19.95.

            Using Pocket to buy two units at a time for $2 each trade could conceivably cost me up to $1,000 for the same result – 1,000 shares.

            The spokesman from Commonwealth Bank confirmed that yes, we could pay more in brokerage fees in the long run using Pocket when compared with CommSec."


            • +1

              @scratchy: Agreed, I usually buy more than $1000 at a time so the overall cost is still low. I can do that 3 times before it costs me more than buying $2500 worth with Open Trader or I can do it 4-5 times and it only costs me as much as much as Think Trader/ Selfwealth.

              • +1

                @ruskiromka: If dodging fees is the aim then to confuse people even more Vanguard Managed Funds have dropped their fees so bring them in line with their ETFs of the same products

                IE: Top 300 Aust. shares: ETF=VAS same as Managed fund VAN0010AU

                No brockerage fee on the Managed fund. You simply bpay into it at no cost you could even set up a automated monthly deposit from your bank account.

                Fees: .1 vs .16% (or for $10,000 invested it is $10 vs $16)

                Would beat CommSec Pocket for fees (as long as they had the funds you wanted).

                • +1

                  @scratchy: Great point re. Vanguard managed funds. Easier to DCA using bpay and no brokerage.

                • @scratchy: How does it work with the managed fund when you want to sell? I mean with the ETF you just sell on the market at the market price, settle, pay brokerage and then you get the money in your account. What is the process with the managed fund?

                  • +1

                    @Mad Max: From memory you just sell. About as hard as withdrawing money from the bank. It takes a couple of days from memory to be transferred back into your bank account. It's over a decade since I last did it so I can't remember and now they have ETFs it's just easier to buy them on the stock market for me. The number nerds will point out that ETFs are slightly more tax efficient and the fees on the managed funds are slightly high (mainly due to regulatory obligations I'm told). The biggest hurdle was that the Retail fee used to be significantly higher than the wholesale fund so people starting with 10k but thinking they were going to have more than 100k in a couple of years moving forward were in a situation where they would end up being charged higher fees than similar people with the same amount but had been able to start inside the wholesale fund structure. You couldn't swap it over either without triggering a tax event. Regardless it's a moot point now as the retail fee has been lowered to the wholesale fee so setting up a monthly Bpay into the managed fund and then forgetting about it for the next 30 years (or until you're close to retiring) is an incredibly easy way to invest.

    • +1

      I can’t remember and I’m not that educated in investing. But when I was looking at raiz I noticed that they use etfs in there portfolio which means ur getting charged double fees. Fees for raiz and fees from etf.

      • likely the case, but I'm currently sitting on 11.69% gain over 2 years with it, so it performs pretty well. Outpacing any savings accounts by far

      • Raiz is for those people who struggle to save because they can't control their spending. There is a fee to pay for that.

  • Opinions on this or the Westpac 3% savings account? What sort of annual returns are people expecting on spaceship?

    • 52.77% over the last 12 months

      • +31

        Don't compare the two products. They have different risk profiles. Saving account is 0 risk, spaceship would have substantial risk associated especially their portfolio is overweight on growth stocks. Having said that if you don't retire in the next 5 years and intend to stay invested, it is a good product.

        Disclaimer: i do use spaceship.

        • Very close. A savings account is 0% risk of losing the capital at any given point upto $250K (deposit guarantee from RBA).

          However it's a 100% risk of losing (approx) 2% a year if you account for effectively 0% interest and 2% (longer term is 3%?) CPI loss of purchasing power.

          If you need to park something for 6 months (e.g. 100K) then you lose perhaps $1K. But for anything longer this is why you want to think about ETFs and why this thread is really useful/interesting and thanks to everyone posting the various ways to do this.

          This is why I really really hate the idea of parents opening a 'savings' account for their kids over the next 10-20 years.. as it's a great way to lock in losing 3% every year for.. 10-20 years..

        • Thanks for the info. Ive been wondering this whole thread, what the underlying holdings are. Growth has been preforming obviously it reflects on the current 12month returns. Im not convinced Growth stocks will continue this trend 🤷‍♀️ think ill have to go suss out the investment strategy :)

    • Depends how much you care about capital preservation. Stocks are inherently risky, that's why they can generate a return.

  • Thanks. Keen to look into this more after UP are cutting their interest rates again.

  • +1

    I signed up last week just put $1100 in let's see how we go. Also setup $50 weekly deposit
    I picked the spaceship universe portfolio

    • How long did it take for deposits to show up?

      • +1

        Mine are sitting pending estimated 5th October so they do take a while

      • +1

        About 2 business days on your weekly schedule and a 3-5 business days for normal deposit.

  • I'm using from past 2 month. One account is up $16 another -$4 😂😂

    • +2

      What's your balance ?

      • $500 each. Universe one is on profit and the other one is at loss.

        • +1

          It's all long term really, can't really say what the outcome is after 2 months maybe in 2yrs if you wanted to cash out hopefully after a good return

          • @Gomo: I have set weekly $70 deposit. I'll leave it until it goes up to $10000. Hopefully I'll get good return.

            • +1

              @Xtreamdoze: You'd be better served by opeing two accounts (if you have a partner for example..) and keep both your investments under 5k to minimise their fees 🙂

              Edit: my bad - you seem to be already doing that

              • @pwrusr-com: Yeah one's on my partner's id/name

              • @pwrusr-com: Put everything on the one with lower tax bracket, that would save you more in long run.

  • Might be worth noting everyone just missed the fund distribution


    • Probably better to get in after the distribution so that more of your profit is capital gains anyway. Doesn't really make a huge difference.

    • Based on the size of the distribution it's barely worth noting. I had about $1k-1.2k invested on June 30th, got about $2. They mostly invest in Growth stocks (in the Universe portfolio anyway), so dividends are barely there.

  • +1

    I believe this is the best option for investing anything under $10,000 in a higher risk longer term position otherwise for over $10,000 just buy some VDHG.

    • +1

      Sorry, new to investing here
      can you please explain what’s VDHG?

      • VDHG - one of the best funds for a passive, long term investment.

        • +1

          VDHG is a very new fund (actually a fund of funds), so i don't know about it being the best fund. Even in term of diversification, it's not that great with over 30% allocation on Australian Shares, management fees is 0.27%. If i were to pick, IVV (maybe IHVV if you don't like currency fluctuation), VTS, VEU, NDQ and maybe VAS would be my choice. All of these funds have management fees < 0.1% with the exception of NDQ.

          • @od810: Being overweight in AUS helps due to franking credits. The 0.27% is the convenience of having all the funds rebalancing appropriately, rather then doing it yourself. VDHG may be a relatively new ETF but it has existed as a managed fund for years and years. If you want less AUS exposure then IWLD gives you all world all cap exposure for 0.9% MER.

      • +3

        Vanguard Diversified High Growth index ETF

        provides low-cost access to a range of sector funds, offering broad diversification across multiple asset classes. The High Growth ETF invests mainly into growth assets, and is designed for investors with a high tolerance for risk who are seeking long-term capital growth.

        P.S. Imagine answering a question about what an initialism is without expanding on the initialism … SMH …

  • -4

    I love how a $5 referral for a stonk market app gets more likes and support than for a decent crypto app that is in the best interests or their clients. I made 70% gains on my savings last week. But people think it's dodgy. Or a Ponzi. Or risky.
    What's risky is this massive stock market bubble with printed money.

    • +2

      @ph81 I am happy to learn more on what you are using. Have been seeking a trusted crypto trade platform.

      • You don't even have to trade mate. Just have a look at platforms like Celsius Networks that give you proper returns on savings.
        Sick of people just getting screwed over by banks and not knowing there's other options. Send me a message if you want to know more.


          • @Mrgreenz: Ok mate. You read some fine print. Gold stamp for you. Keep your money in a bank and believe that just because they are in bed with the government, that's the only way to make money.

            • @ph81: I just have issue with you refering to funds in that platform as "savings". The quote I provided from there website explicitly states thats funds in the account are not to be thought as anything such.

              By all means if you think it suits your circumstances go for it, but please don't push it in a deceptive manner on a public forum.

              • @Mrgreenz: It wasn't deceptive. Just giving awareness that's there's alternative options in this messed up world. I did notice you're using some pretty heavy words there. You must be a bank shareholder. Relax a little. Or, are you over leveraged?

                • +1

                  @ph81: I'm more than happy to see the traditional banking players die a slow death.

                • @ph81: Yea well give awareness of the whole picture, like the fact that it isn't what the vast majority of people would consider "savings" if you took a look at what you are putting your money in.

                  Why are you so negative? Whats so messed up with with the world we are living in? Could you point me to a period of time better than what we have now?

                  Yes I hold shares in CBA and ANZ, but only minimum parcels in the hopes of a SPP in the near future.

                  • @Mrgreenz:

                    Yes I hold shares in CBA and ANZ,

                    No Westpac?

                  • @Mrgreenz: I'm not negative. The blunt reality is that banks are a pack of thieves and budget for their criminal activities. Its disgusting. If we get into talking ethics, I can't believe you're trying to call me out on something you know little about all whilst supporting criminals by being a shareholder.
                    I'd rather deal with a company that doesn't have shareholders and give 80% of their profits back to their clients and acts in their best interests.

                    • @ph81: Because the crypto scene has such a rosy past and present.

                      Pretty much every Australian is supporting the big banks, now way around it unless you live in a cave.

                      Its pretty clear you are pumping for 5 dollar referals, so have at it.

                      Enjoy your 70% returns while they last

                      • @Mrgreenz: Lol I haven't even pushed anyone for them. But you paint the picture you want. Have a good night and thanks for the banter.

      • If you want to stay relatively low risk and just beat the interest in your savings account, Celsius are currently paying ~12% on stablecoins (crypto pegged nearly 1:1 with fiat currencies) earning in kind, or 15% earning in their own token (which has gone up over 200% in the last month). Compounding daily, set and forget.

        Alternatively, the crypto.com app lets you easily put coins in flexible, one- or three-month term deposits for slightly lower interest rates. They also have crypto debit cards, e.g. I got one where I locked about ~$250 away (redeemable after six months) that gets me 2% cashback on all purchases and free Spotify, there are better card tiers too.

        There are other, riskier platforms with significantly higher rates, but this should be enough to get started.

        PM if you want referral codes for either, $50USD for crypto.com if you get a card or stake enough money, or $20USD worth of bitcoin from Celsius if you deposit at least $200USD.

        • How does crypto make a return?

          Don't tell me the price of coins goes up simply because there is limited coins and price inflate as more people buy it.

          You are getting interest on an asset that doesn't produce income.

          It is like buying gold. It doesn't produce income, you are waiting for the next person who sees more value to buy it.

          • @netjock: Won't get into the trading side of things, but for the savings/term deposit style crypto things, these platforms often loan out your money to others and make money off the repayments. Others will convert your money into other cryptocurrencies and do leveraged trading with it behind the scenes for higher returns, but carrying much more risk.

            • @whapkaplit: I let people decide. But I can tell you. Usually higher guaranteed interest rate returns means funds are lent out at even higher rates. Rates that sound like unsecured lending.

              When things go wrong you will get cents in the dollars. Been there seen it.

          • @netjock: There is leverage trading, derivatives, futures, perpetual swaps, options and even leveraged ETF. Some of these can be traded on the CME while others are available on CEX and DEX.

            • @whooah1979: Remember The Big Short? Simply put just because you can trade derivatives doesn't mean it is safe. Remember when Lehman's went down and who was going to pay out on all the derivatives?

              I let people decide but crypto doesn't earn any money like a business therefore how can any company pay you a steady income stream.

              Keep on dancing until the music stops I guess.

              • @netjock: The income comes from lending, borrowing and transaction fees.

                • @whooah1979: Does your bank make 13% on lending, borrowing and transaction fees?

                  OO Mortgages at 2.7%
                  Investment mortgage 3.1%
                  Car loans 7% - 10%
                  Credit card interest 23%

                  For them to pay 12% month in month out they would have to earn credit card % returns to have a buffer (for when things go wrong).

                  So basically lending your capital to a firm to lend out unsecured at high interest rates.

                  There is no magic money tree and numbers don't lie.

                  If anyone wants to take a trip down memory lane read up on Long Term Capital Management (run my noble prize winners but didn't last too long) and Bernie Madoff.

                  • @netjock:

                    So basically lending your capital to a firm to lend out unsecured at high interest rates.

                    The borrowers take out a CDP at a ratio of 1:2 to 2:3. They then have to maintain a CV at 1:2 or run the risk of being liquidated.

                    Does your bank make 13% on lending, borrowing

                    A 13% APR on lending is a >30.50% APR on borrowing depending on the asset that is being borrowed. The APR change constantly depending on the available LP. The difference between the lending and borrowing APR is somewhere between 2x to 8x. The more volatile the asset is the higher the multiplier

                    The formula use to used for the APR is y = mx + b.

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