• expired
  • targeted

100x Free Deliveries ($15 Min. Order) @ Uber Eats


Just received the above promo code for Uber Eats; 100 free deliveries for orders above $15 to October 29.

I'm eligible for once, and hope someone else is too!

Referral Links

Referral: random (1447)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +4


    • Is there a way to add targeted in the submission? I can't seem to see anything on my phone

      • +1

        Once created, "Report" your own post and a mod will modify pretty quickly.

        You can also put [Targeted], but will still need to report to get a mod to change it to the blue font.

        • +1

          Good to know, thanks

  • Not eligible. Sigh. Thanks anyway OP

  • +1

    Ahhh the good old rick roll - Never works for me, but always trying and hoping it does.

  • Not eligible :(


  • So Uber wants you to order breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next 30 days, pretty much. With some free deliveries left for the snacks.

    • Yeah, pretty much. It's an insane number of orders

  • i dont even use uber eats because everything is overpriced.

  • Not eligible

  • If you can, it's probably good to see if the place you want to eat at has its own delivery. Uber eats usually take quite a cut. Help support local businesses where you can, you know if you want.

  • It might just be my area but ever since “contactless” delivery I’ve had a 50/50 success rate with the food ending up at the right house. It’s an excuse for them to dump it anywhere and run.

  • Worked for me, thanks

  • I got the recent 6 free deliveries but with a $30 minimum spend, it wasn't always easy to hit especially if I wanted something simple like a HSP!

  • Wrong comment

  • Thanks OP!!! it's awesome ~~~
    I'm going to be on ubereats for a while ~~

  • Got a notification with the same promo code for 100x free deliveries but $10min order, not complaining

  • Just received this it says min $15 min order but on the t&c it says $10 min order. Confused

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