Palm 3.3" 32GB Handset (Titanium) $199
Good cheap, small phone.
Processor Qualcomm® 435 processor
RAM (GB) 3
Make sure for compatible bands, looks like no B28 or anything other Telstra 4G band.
Palm 3.3" 32GB Handset (Titanium) $199
Good cheap, small phone.
Processor Qualcomm® 435 processor
RAM (GB) 3
Make sure for compatible bands, looks like no B28 or anything other Telstra 4G band.
It's terrible value unless you specifically want a tiny phone.
Some people want small phones, for everyone else there are better deals.
But this is good if you want compact.
Yeah true, read all the reviews…
I'm tired of the 6.6inch, i'd like a small phone.
I'm tired of the 6.6inch
That's what she said.
and thats what he said too
Honestly same. I used to think I needed a huge phone because I've got big hands but I got tired of the S8+'s frustrating curved edge which picked up inputs like crazy.
Sometimes you just want a modest lil' phone… and this doesn't look bad unless you need heaps of performance or have big thumbs.
agree 100%
I got the over the curved edge thing really fast. Big hands, needed a big phone but goddamn those edges.
I got big hands and i find the S10e great, no curved screen and the fingerprint scanner is in the side so its quick and super easy to drop the menu bar down.
the reminiscence of PalmOS devices
Their PalmOS devices were just the greatest, miles ahead of anything else on the market at the time. They simply couldn't make the jump to smartphones, it's such a shame that WebOS never took off and Palm died a quick, quiet death.
The disappointment was PalmOS 6 Cobalt not getting out of the gate. Would have finally brought UMTS to the Palm platform and given it a chance (though it probably still would have died).
I liked my Treo 750v for the form-factor, but Windows Mobile on a small 240x240 screen was not great, especially when the Treo 650 had a 320x320 display years earlier.
I had one of those, too. Awesome phone that was nearly bulletproof, and I loved the keyboard on it. I was excited when the Prē was released and kept eagerly checking the tech news each day to see when it was going to be released in Australia, but by that point it was already too late. Then came the announcement that HP had bought Palm and it was all over.
WebOS could have been what iOS is today had HP invested in to Palm instead of ditching Palm to curb….
I worked for Palm from 2001-2008 (contractor and FT). Good times!
Fun fact, WebOS still runs on LG TVs. And I personally find it much faster and nicer than AndroidTV
How many tv apps are there?
unless u absolutely need a small phone, i don't see any reason not spending 199 on this.
6.59" screen. This is the complete opposite.
Note no headphone jack on this bad boy.
This deal appearing right on the top of Huawei Y9 128GB also at the same price $199 under 'Mobile' deals here on OzB.
Oh dear.
Wow, 800 mah battery.
3.3" screen and ultra low power cpu.
Still crap. Various reviews point to poor battery life.
Compared to Pixel 4 it ain't too bad.
@Bobsyur Uncle: My pixel cost $1000 more too! Although even my work iPhone 11 pro gets about 3-4 hrs sot.
Specs are here for those interested.
Prepare to be underwhelmed by everything except the dimensions.
50.6 x 96.6 x 7.4mm
That's what he said.
Looks about the same as the Fischer price “my first phone” I bought for my kids last week.
Double the battery and will be a good phone. I would like one of these.
I was after a smaller phone, and the reviews and feed back on the palm were terrible.
Ended up backing the Jelly 2 on Kickstarter, should have it by December…
Let us know how it is in 2026 when the kickstarter ships
or in 2030, when he's fighting for the refund…
I bought the Jelly 1 a few years back. I was so disappointed that I sold it on ebay - for a profit. :)
I remember this back when it was like $700, it's depreciated more than LG… Impressive. Almost a viable option at this price point (if you want that style of phone).
I dont like the huge 6.5 inch ones that are the norm now but i also think this is too small, i think i have a 4.5 inch redmi and thats about perfect, not sure if they still make new phones in that size or if they are all giant bricks now??
Have a look at Find out what bands you need and specify the must haves and it should give you some options of what's out there.
nice form factor, but 3 hour battery life?! is that on standby? so if going out for only 3 hours can carry this little phone
3 hours talking time, not battery life.
Has android 8. 7/11 app wont work.
Is it upgradeable to Android 10?
Don't look that way.
Just doing my research seems like it had no Telstra 4G bands at all, so probably won't woke on 4g at all.
Product website says it has 4G
Tried ordering for delivery or click and collect in Melbourne - but neither of the options were available :(
Yeah it has no Telstra 4g bands, it might have Voda or Optus bands, you have to check, but definitely not Telstra ones
Has anyone else in Victoria tried ordering this phone? I tried via the call centre and also e-mail contact (on the website) but no one has been able to help me so far
Kinda cool at $200, was hilarious at the launch $700.