This was posted 4 years 5 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

IKEA Knorva Hat $3.50


Summer is coming, so to look your best make sure you grab one of these bad boys. Not only will it be fashionable and trendy; it will keep the harmful UV rays whilst out and about.

For only $1 more, Why not combo it with the FRAKTA Bag and make it a fashion statement of 2020!

Mod note: Description on Ikea website makes no claims about protection from UV rays specifically, just states "Provides protection from the sun and rain"

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closed Comments

  • +76

    Oh deary me

    • +62

      Ikea had leftover bag material?

      • +32

        Probably the ones that John West rejected…

      • +6

        And they are selling it for a lot more $$ than the large bag

        Imagine the number of hats one can make with 3.5 bags of material :D profit

        • +24

          you could just wear the bag over your head and save $2.50. That's pretty "australian"

          • +2

            @KnifeEnthusiastBoi: You could cut a slit out and do a Ned Kelly for this Halloween! Protection against the sun and all…

            But ghastly, who'd want to be caught in that? You'd be twice as screwed as Paris in One Night.

    • +4

      It's got an Australia day vibe to it. Or bogan vibe.

      • +2

        Maybe the glorious Swedish social security system is making them the bogans of the artic circle.

      • Festival vibe for sure.

    • +7

      IKEA Knorva Hat
      Oh deary me

      As used by the Swedish Cricket Team.

    • +9

      Thanks to IKEA for this single use rubbish that’ll end up in waterways and oceans, good thinking there.

      They should charge $23.50 for it and give back $20 upon returning it for recycling within 12 months. That’s probably what they’re doing in Sweden.

      • +4

        That’s probably what they’re doing in Sweden.

        Nope. According to this is not a product they stock. Guess we really are the ikea garbage dump.

      • +2

        Could even be dangerous… if I wore that as a teenager I would 100% get bashed, and I'm sure people will throw stuff at you from passing cars now at any age.

        • people will throw stuff at you from passing cars

          More like "go out of their way to run you over."

      • so bad. "ikea is swedish for design" my ass, whose bright design/manufacture idea was this - should be sacked or at least taken back to school - a moron.

        • Tell us what you really think. Don't hold back now.

    • I doubt it'd be too comfortable for any1
      w/ very thin to no hair on top, esp'ly in
      Summer, unless / until it gets an insu-
      lating layer & may a soft cotton one,
      below that one

  • +33

    put "off-white" on that hat and people goes kuku and willing to pay 350$.

    • -7

      Lol no one pays retail for Off-White. 99% of the shit you see in the wild is fake.

      • +5

        If people could pay retail for off-white they would. Most of the time it would be at resale price.

        • +1

          LOL the only thing from Off-White that you'd have to buy off the resale market are their Nike collabs. Literally everything else can be found in the sales section of various online streetwear boutiques.

          We have an Off-White store in Melbourne, it's almost always completely empty and I've only seen a line there once and it was only about 20 people deep of the dorkiest kids you've seen.

          • +26

            @Cheaplikethebird: Lol thanks for the downvotes guys Id be pissed too if I spent $1k+ to look like I get dressed by Alibaba

            • +2

              @Cheaplikethebird: Gonna go against the grain and upvote you here, the stuff looks like absolute trash.

          • +3

            @Cheaplikethebird: You basically described how it is for every luxury brand store. We are not talking about Uniqlo here. Their stuff rarely goes on special because the people who buy it doesn’t care. If you go in, there probably only 3 pieces of each item. I don’t own any pieces, but I don’t hate it like you do. It appeals to a certain demographic. Each to their own like how people are can’t wait to get the nvidea 3xxx series cards.

            Just relax man and stop caring what people think of you.

            • +5

              @Zacard: Have you ever seen the store? It's always fully stocked and empty of customers. I go past regularly.

              I'm relaxed bro, what have I said that makes you think I care what people think? You tried to claim that off-white is a hard to obtain exclusive brand and I'm informing you that it's not. The only stuff that sells out are their collabs, everything else ends up in the bargain bins.

              And yes 99% of the Off-White you see is fake.

          • @Cheaplikethebird: That's because they only let in 3 people at a time and they make you register as a customer before you go in.

            The retail world is based around turnover $ per hour and yet they're paying Swanston st. rent and keeping customers waiting outside when they have more staff than customers inside.

            The only way it could be profitable is if their product margins are sky high.

            • @marklar: Do you understand what a flagship store is mate? Of course it's not profitable, it's there purely for branding purposes.

              • -1

                @Cheaplikethebird: You gotta email president trump and if he says you can buy some try-hard uber-fasion at 1000% mark up, then you get the privilege of entering the store and submitting to the ultimate act of conformist 'non conformity' by purchasing some wacky t shirts or something.

    • I prefer the bone, the beige or the ivory myself

    • +1

      I have never heard of Off-White till now. I'm not sure if I'm better or worse off for it.

  • +2


  • +37

    oh my. ozbargain summit secret society recognised wear

    • +4

      Gotta get the full oz-getup my dude. Already got the shirt from a Meetup - what would the ozbargain pants be? Or do I just go pants-less until a deal comes around?

      • +3
      • gotta be orange pants lol

      • +2

        Eneloops to go across your torso like ammo. Unsure…but i needed to let you guys visualise it also.

  • +3

    That's a stupider shade device even than a baseball cap.

    • +2

      What do you recommend for head based shade device? serious question

      • +25

        A straw hat from Bunnings should be the only considered option.

        • +4

          I hit the jackpot recently. Two Bunnings fedora style straw hats for $0.50 each from local op shop. I look so chic when I do gardening now.

        • +1

          thank you that looks really good

        • +48

          My favourite Amazon review:
          "Blocks all the sun, but also repels all the ladies"

          • @quincymac: double edged sword

          • @quincymac: it's true. I was looking at it and thought. well, he sure does look protected from the sun and he also makes me want to friend zone him super fast. heh heh heh.

          • +5

            @quincymac: Perfect for my boyfriend. Ordered 3 for him.

          • @quincymac: I'm a lady and I've got one. It doesn't noticeably repel the men.

        • +1

          I ordered a grey one and it arrived the next day then ordered a khaki one and it took a month to arrive. Fits big noggins.

      • Broad brimmed and not see-through (properly blocks all UV) is probably the safest bet. Cancer council sells some nice options in the $40-70 range but you don't need to spend that much.

      • The bush hats with the corks to keep flies away.

      • The cap with the huge neck flap. In blue so you could look like a school kid.

  • +24

    Be pullin' chicks like a neodymium magnet

  • +7

    still better compared to this

    • +3

      No it’s not.
      At least you can easily sew a patch over the lettering on the red hat. This thing is basically a piece of tarp.

      • +1

        At least it's doing something for the back and sides of your head, baseball caps are practically useless.

    • -6

      Better? No. More tasteful? Perhaps…

  • -1

    Great! surely you will not sweat with this one!

  • +25

    Does it come with an Allen Key?

    • +68

      It usually has a tool inside

      • You made my day!!

  • +10

    Where is the bargain?
    This is RRP :)

  • Great for a dress up party?

  • +1

    biggest crap

  • It's so bad it's almost amazing! Might actually get one.
    Also the frakta bag link appears to go to the same hat.

  • +21

    Equip this for

    -10 Dignity
    +8 Low Self Esteem
    100% Enemy Detection

    • People don't like it when you use this bug, but you can equip multiple items in the hat slot. Just equip in conjunction with the Imperial State Crown (+50 dignity) for a totally OP character build.

  • +2

    It's a no from me, dawg.

  • +1

    eh? dafuq

  • +3

    I need to assemble my thoughts

    • +5

      Would you like an Allen key with that?

      • nah ditch Allen and get with Phillip…

  • +9

    Comes with a matching body bag, for when you are bashed and killed…

    • +2

      It's for murderers who need to move a body on a budget.

      • and fit them into small spaces. Ah Ikea, they think of everything!

    • Looks like the tarp used by McNamara and Rogers on to dispose of Gao. They really skimped out on this one.

      Whoever dumped his body out at sea wasn't paying attention in class that day. 💯 McNamara. Can't imagine Rogerson would be that naive

  • +30

    100% polypropylene

    Plastic bag on your head.

    Because of the chemical structure of polypropylene, it has a high degradation rate when exposed to UV light like the Sun. The light causes the bonds holding the polymer together to break which weakens the plastic. This makes polypropylene unsuitable for uses that require longterm exposure to sunlight.

    Useless, won't protect. Might even be harmful if you think you're protected.

    • +10

      Perfect the harshest summer conditions

      …in Sweden

    • +3

      I don't think anyone is purchasing this for its UV protection rating regardless of what the ad states.

      • What are they purchasing this for?

        • +3

          You don't see some kind of humour in wearing an ikea bag on your head?

          • +3

            @Hinee: Yeah, I introduced this at our team meeting today … I’m now ordering 12 for our Melbourne Cup fashions on the field.

    • +1

      Hey I remember this from high school! Thanks for the heads up

  • +8

    The model has the right idea. I wouldn't want to show my face in this either…

    • +4

      He's a dentist.

  • +4

    even the guy in the product page wearing this hat is hiding his face.

  • +4

    Does it protect your head from swooping magpie?

    • +4

      Magpie sees the person wearing one of these and immediately assesses zero threat to its babies.

      • +8

        Magpie is too busy shielding the babies eyes to do any swooping…

    • +1

      You need to install the ZIPTEÏN upgrade for magpie protection.

  • +3

    They should make face masks from this stuff

  • hopefully the assembly instructions are easy to follow

  • +26

    Reported as ugly.

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