Hi All-
Recently moved from DCSI ( Local Internet Vendor in South-East Melbourne) to Aussie Broadband in an Opticomm Fibre setup. While using DCSI I had purchased DLink DSL-3890 modem router which servred the purpose well. Speaking with AB Tech support came to know that this router does not support their connection type (ipoe) where as DCSI supports ppoe.
Looking around for help if there are anyways to configure this router on the Aussie Broadband.
Cheers !!
You can log into the router by entering the Gateway Ip address (just look at the sticker at the back of the router, it looks like or similar)
then in the configuration page look for WAN Service Type -> there are four options, DHCP, PPPoE / IP Over Ethernet (POE) and Bridging.
IPoE is also sometimes referred to as “DHCP”, so if you are missing IPOE option just pick DHCP and it'll work