I want to get a decent subwoofer for my home theatre setup, needs to be powered. My local Facebook marketplace and gumtree have pretty much nothing. I'm aiming for around 200 dollars hopefully.
Good bang for buck subwoofer?

Thanks mate, just ordered one!
I see a few velodynes on ebay
You're not going to get anything decent for that money, might get close if you build it yourself but even then it's a stretch.
Tell me more about this 'build it yourself' thingy?
Are there powered SW kits out there?Would definitely have a go at something like that if I didn't have to cut all the cabinet bits and pieces as I don't have the equipment for that and I'm not limited to a $200 budget either.
Currently have one of these. https://www.cnet.com/products/yamaha-yst-sw320-subwoofer/
Have a look at theloudspeakerkit.com although I noticed they only have an 8 inch kit at the moment. I know there's plenty of OS suppliers that have kits but I don't like your luck in the next 12 months.
Those Yamaha subs are pretty asthmatic hey.
@Mechz: I thought it might be something like that but it's actually not too bad IMO. Mind you it's the only one we've had so it's not like I've compared it or anything. :)
$200 won't get you anything except a passive sub. If you want a decent powered one you are looking at $800 up for starters.
I really don't know what happened to the market, 10 years ago I got a new Magnat 12" sub from VideoPro for (I am sure) less than $350-400 and it still pumps hard now. Everything else is cheaper by comparison. Receivers are much better for the same or less money.
Look for a second hand SVS.
Yep can vouch for that, I run two sb4000, and bang for buck, they are the best subs I have ever heard. The kind of bass you feel in your guts. However, $200 probably wouldn't even buy the steel grill on the front of them.
And it's a woofer, not a sub woofer…….
Please kindly explain this frequency response from the specs: 23Hz-150Hz +/-3dB
Looking forward to your lesson on what makes a subwoofer.
Same. Best I’ve seen here is that Q one for $1000 but reviews were middling and it’s quite a lot for a bass box. I think they’re just spendy. I’ve got “subwoofer” subscribed to, so I hope someone can come up with an affordable wired one to complete my setup too.