This was posted 4 years 5 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, XB1, PC] Cyberpunk 2077 Day One Edition - $29 When Trading 2 Selected Games @ EB Games


Received an email for this one today. No idea on the list of "selected" games but they claim it to be over 1000 with a game requiring a minimum trade value of $10.


EB Trade Policy applies. Eligible trades require minimum trade value of $10 per game. Must be in resalable condition. Not to be combined with any other offers. Limited time only. While stocks last. Offer expires 01/12/2020. See staff for details.

And of course for those like me hanging out for next gen to play this, there will be free upgrades at a later date.

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +2

    If anyone could share more details or an image of the list of games that are eligible it will be greatly appreciated.

    • +9

      Don't have the list, but I traded in Spider-Man + SotTR and they accepted that. Of the games I asked about over the phone Days Gone was also acceptable.

      • Not bad

      • +6

        I also traded in Spider-Man and Shadow of the Tomb Raider yesterday (22/09) and they were still eligible. Only paid $9 for Tomb Raider and $18 for Spider-Man so essentially got Cyberpunk for $56.

      • Hi, Im in Melbourne under lockdown. I assume you are elsewhere. Does this mean you have to trade in the games BEFORE it comes out? I have had mine on preorder since before this deal

        • +1

          expires December

  • -1

    can you trade in pc games?

    i have a doom eternal disc lying around

    • I don't think so.

    • +35

      of course you can't - any recent PC games (you know, within the last 10 years) will be key activated and then generally you don't need the disk at all.

      • But I didn't activate it, I promisessss

    • You got an actual physical disc with DOOM Eternal for PC? I bought the standard edition from Amazon at launch and they sent a physical case which only contained a disc-shaped piece of cardboard with a digital Bethesda launcher code and a few pieces of paper with the default controls & promotional/legal stuff.

      • yeah an actual disc for doom eternal

  • Wonder how the next gen upgrade will work. Can you trade in the game after 'upgrading'?

    • +12

      Very likely that the disc will need to be in the drive to play.

    • Well obviously it's just a update patch online for the graphics and relevant upgrades if it's played on the PS5.

    • +3

      You'll use the CD in the next gen console.

      If you are going to buy a digital next gen console with no cd drive, then you should prob buy it digitally.

  • I have:

    Dishonered and No man sky, would these 2 work?

    • +22

      Call up and ask.

    • 99% chance to work (from official announcement)

  • +3

    How can I do the trade now? Call? Physical store is closed in victoria. How long will this promotion run?

    • +2

      Valid till 1 Dec.

      • Can we trade online on the website

        • +2

          name checks out

    • -5

      Only Metro stores are closed. Regional are still business as usual. Maybe call one of the Geelong stores and see if they can do something?

      • +10

        But you can’t travel more than 5km from home and probably can’t travel from metro to regional.

        • -2

          Yeah but if you're desperate you could offer to post them. Doesn't hurt to ask.

          • +1

            @ashanrath: True. It’s a $50 saving so could still be worth it. I’d just wait until the end of October.

  • +2

    Does anyone know if it’s possible to trade in PS4 games and get the PC version?

    • +3

      yeah seems to have the offfer on the PC page…

    • +8

      If you use a russian vpn you can buy it on pc straight from GOG for about $35 (1999 rubles)

      • Will doing this result in a slightly different version of the game?

        • +3

          Nah. I VPN a lot for cheap prices but I wouldn't shaft CDPR like that though

          • +12

            @captaincabinets: Australian IP is $89.95 AUD
            Russian IP is $36 AUD
            Who's shafting who?

            • -8

              @NuttyGoodness: As the game will have no drm you can just get it for free on release if you are thinking like that

              • +4

                @botchie: So you think that saving money equates to stealing? Do you think that all the time or just when it suits you?
                If they're happy for someone to play their game in exchange for $36 why does it matter what country they come from?

                • +3

                  @NuttyGoodness: You make a fair point about being selectively moral. I don't lose any sleep over getting cheap stuff from huge companies like Youtube/Amazon/Spotify. CDPR are so pro-consumer though I feel they deserve to be rewarded with my cash

                  • @captaincabinets: I honestly think it's a good thing that you will vote with your wallet to support the things you like and that you would like to see more of. I do the same with buying Australian when I can even if it costs more and I'm buying copies of this game on 2 platforms because I'm confident it will be good (not so confident if I'll want to put up with a controller or stick with keyboard and mouse).
                    I'm not a fan of people telling me how I should spend money or how morally corrupt they think I am after reading a handful of word I've written

            • +9


              Who's shafting who?

              RU: RUB49844/mo =~ RUB12461/wk
              AU: AUD1304.70/wk

              Game is, given your post, RUB1999 in RU and AUD79 (JB HiFi, AUD89.95 @ GOG) in AU. So this would mean…

              RUB1999 = 16.0% of weekly RU wage
              AUD89.95 = 6.9% of weekly AU wage
              AUD79 = 6.1% of weekly AU wage

              The Russians, it would appear, are the ones getting shafted.

              CDPR charges according to what the people in the region can afford in the context of it needing to make a profit. This means that, even with the region discount, Russians get shafted cos the need to make a profit interferes with making the game similarly affordable.

              Now this IS a simple take. One can try and work buying power, etc into it to make it more close to exact but I do believe it is reasonably indicative.

              • @the discombobulated panda: But if I earn much less than average am I free of criticism?
                My other copy is a pre order from Amazon that's $63. Should I cancel that and pay more somewhere else?
                I get that you're just justifying your position but I disagree with judging someone's morals on a website that is here for people who don't want to pay full price. If you want to buy 4 copies just because you like them so much that's fine, do what you want with your money like I will with mine.

                • @NuttyGoodness: No company cares about you personally. They care about the market as a whole. If you want to plead your personal case to CDPR, go for it but as far as pricing goes, you are one amongst many that comprise a whole that they deal with.

              • @the discombobulated panda:

                AUD89.95 = 6.9% of weekly AU wage

                Joises! Obviously CEO salaries are included for the AU average weekly wage to be $1300 - even if that is pre-tax. post tax the disposable income percentage is then more than the 6.9% you mention. I know I certainly can't ''throw away'' $90 a week.

                • @gizmomelb: Average weekly wage never takes into account average weekly spend, and realistic cost of living.. Fair enough that a LOT goes into development before any money can be made, but there are both rich and poor people in ALL countries and given that once development is finished the aim is to the recoup cost of time (plus make some reasonable profit for all involved) a reasonable amount should be charged… The fact that we just pay for data, and the permission to use that data for personal use, and so many similar things are 'disposable' in the same way, a demand for reasonable/fair cost is justified… As a non gamer I assume that games are marketed towards a particular age group in society - primarily those from early teens to 30+? - Average income/life cost ratio is very much skewed towards just statistically average income - $90 is likely more than disposable income in most cases… Regardless of it all I'd be happy to pay a nominal charge based as a percentage of my wealth/personal salary but as it's not a reasonable/possible calculation, going with a cheaper alternative like a VPN into a cheaper place in the world to buy is a reasonable exception….

      • any coupons to use as well?

      • Whats a good Russian vpn ?

        • My friend just used Hola and it worked

    • I see you have ascended. Welcome to the PCMR

  • +4

    Gonna purchase from this deal, but probably won't play it till i get my hands on the XSX.

  • +4

    Do they take 360 games?

    • +124

      You only need to trade 2 games so you would get to keep the other 358 games. #Winning

      • +1

        You win the internet today Good Sir.

  • -3

    I got dishonored 2 and wolfenstein (somthing blood) for PC and key unused. Will it work?

    • +3

      If it has a key they don't touch it.

    • Call. Prob not

    • Don't think they accept PC for well over a decade…..

    • +1

      They were like $5ea at HN.. Lol

      • I know lol thats when i got it

  • -3

    This game is going to be like Fallout 4 (or a little like GTA V) when it released: heaps of things to do and replayability. Then later on it'll have huge DLC to play as well. The community will have some of the best MODs too. That also means quite immersive VR gameplay. And eventually they will release a new game based on it for Online Multiplayer exclusively (eg Fallout 76) and hopefully it won't have Gambling Loot Boxes and Pay-to-Win mechanics.

    ….kinda makes me think it's a title worth spending time on.
    And worth picking up the PC version and building a Gaming Rig.
    (just hope it isn't held back by the last-gen consoles, but it probably will be due to bad launch window)

    • +2

      I was initially going for PC since I already have the rig for it but then when I secured PS5, I decided anything casual games and SP Games I'd play it on PS5 while my PC is dedicated to anything FPS and Multiplayer intensive. I will get cyberpunk on pc when it goes on sale down the line.

      • Just remember that you'll be playing the PS4 Pro version as the devs has said the next gen patch might take a year

        • Not too bothered by it

          • @Nullefied:

            Not too bothered by it.

            Someone is, based on the negs on my previous comment. Maybe I'm displacing JV's role? : )

            • @Kangal: That's impossible…. He can't be displaced

    • +2

      I was so hyped for Fallout 4. Had a poster from the pre-order and everything.

      It was only after 60 hours that I realised how disappointing it was. Kind of like Phantom Menace…

      Not to mention the goddamn bugs.

      Let's hope Cyberpunk is going to be different.

      • +10

        Lol 60 hours of enjoyment. I wouldn't call thay a dissapointment.

        • +5

          I replayed it so I could see all the different endings. Must have been around 150 hours of gameplay. Then a little later I replayed it again because I wanted a different character build and to max out all the NPC friendships.

          It was only after about 250 hours that I realised how disappointing it was. Kind of like Phantom Menace…

        • Eh, more like 6/10 levels of enjoyment.

          Barely above average.

  • +1

    i'll trade you solitaire and minesweeper ;)

  • +6

    We need the list of games

    • You need to call them up

  • -3

    Pre ordering is a sin

    • +1

      Ok Kotaku

    • +1

      I mean, nah it definitely isn't..

      Come on now, don't be silly! That'll be a $10 deposit thank you.

  • +2

    Anyone thinks this will be good? Having my doubts.

    • +2

      I think it's doing to be great, just not this incredible game that all the hype is making it out to be

    • -6

      been frothing for it for so long i hope so, but tbh i'm having doubts the closer it gets and the more of the game's latest graphics are shown… its looking less "hardcore" than i was expecting, and suspiciously like the devs might be pushing this "woke" femmeboy utopia where women don't have chests kinda stuff. but hope to be proven wrong.

    • Everyone grabs pre-order in case of FOMO… Plenty of other games have been hyped and shown to be garbage. Best to wait a week or 2 for reviews before considering a purchase…

      • +1

        Me too. Just hate how all these YouTubers who are probably getting paid to market this are ruining it. Every detail they mention is like wow, amazing, best game ever (over hypes the game for me), can't wait to find honest reviews and gameplay vids as you said.

  • I'm wondering if God Of War 4 and The Last of Us Remastered are acceptable.

    • Ring and find out. Update us if you can :)

  • +7

    As stated, the games included need a trade in value of minimum $10. As a general rule EBgames buy games for 1/4 of their pre-owned price. If you want to check if a game is eligible, and don't want to call, see if the pre-owned game is worth more than $40. There are exceptions to the rule, but I have found that holds true for 90% of cases

  • -1

    xbox users can always hit a mate up who has the cyberpunk console for a free code…

  • +17

    Just called them

    These game qualify
    Devil May Cry 5 ($17 trade in credit)
    Shadow of The Tomb Raider
    Resident Evil 2 ($16 trade in credit)

    These games don't qualify
    God of War
    Horizon Zero Dawn
    Valkyria Chronicles 4
    Resident Evil 7

    • +2

      Nice. Just as an FYI for folks, SotTR can be picked up for $9 from JB so you could in essence get CP2077 for $47.

      • Do you think I can trade in 2 of these?

        • +4

          I've seen in past deals you can but as always, it comes down to individual staff, stores, day of the week and/or what the employee had for lunch that day. Best off ringing and asking your local store.

    • +4

      I've just called them up as well. Adding more to the list if that's alright.

      Games that qualify:
      Beyond Two Souls/Heavy Rain Collection

      Games that don't qualify
      Kingdom Hearts 3
      NBA 2K20
      Final Fantasy XV
      Any Playstation Hits games (the person I've got on the phone said this)

  • +7

    Not a bad deal.

    Or you can get the GOTY digital edition, with all the DLC, on the PS5 for $17.95, in 4 years time.

    If you can wait. I might have finished The Witcher 3 DLC by then.

  • +6

    Just traded in Arkham Knight and Last Guardian for the deal.

    Fifa 20, NBA 20, God of War, Uncharted Collection, GTA, FF15 didn't work.

    • Wait.. they didn’t accept GOW or GTAV??

      • Sorry, that should. Be GT:S (Gran Turismo: Sport)

        Gow wasn't accepted, it's pretty cheap to grab now anyway.

      • To be honest I wouldn't expect any of the titles revealed in the PSPlus lineup to be worth much anymore.

        • +1

          My intention for trading in exactly haha. Glad to get some good value at least from the two trade ins.

          • @KnowingNothing: Did they tell you how much it was worth anyway? Along with bringing in my PS4Pro for the PS5 trade in deal in November, I was considering cashing in all my loose games also, no matter how little they are worth :P

  • What happened to the exclusive steelbook they were spruiking with this? Seems to have vanished, no mention of it on the listings.

  • +2

    Called up Northland and apparently Victorians can't trade in until retail opens (Oct 26).

    I checked a few of my games - Far Cry 5, Lego Movie 1 and Lego Marvel Superheroes 1 were valid, but Monster Hunter World was not. Also they said that these games were valid for the moment but might change once stores open. Can kind of validate that the trade in value is 1/3rd of the preowned price on the website, so they need to be above $30 generally.

  • +3

    Called my local Eb Games at Stanhope asking for some trade in values :

    Lost Sphear PS4 $11.xx
    Shadow of The Tomb Raider PS4 $11.xx
    Unravel: Yarny Bundle $14.xx
    The Lost Child PS4 $11.xx

    So the above are qualified to the offer.

    I got Lost Sphear and The Lost Child for $10 at EB games when they were on sale, Shadow of The Tomb Raider for $9 and Unravel Yarny Bundle for $10 at JB hifi so gonna try trading those for games + $58 towards Cyberpunk 2077 day one edition and Hyrule Warriors 2.

    Sweet Deal.

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