Slight increase from the VERY brief and expired price a few days ago.
As always, just cancel the subscribe and save….
Coke No Sugar - Thanks adamshere…
Slight increase from the VERY brief and expired price a few days ago.
As always, just cancel the subscribe and save….
Coke No Sugar - Thanks adamshere…
Thanks, added :)
Not bad. That's only 60¢ a can with Sub & Save. Just order at least two cartons and you'll get free delivery with Prime as well.
Pretty goood!
If you order 3 cartons you get free delivery too
50c with a refund in SA, it's nice enjoying Australia Wide prices with Amazon as opposed to hiked prices for those with deposits.
Should also apply in QLD and NSW, too, since they both have container deposit schemes as well.
Yeah comes down to about 49 cents a can in Qld with the deposit scheme.
You mean free delivery without Prime, right? Because i certainly get free delivery with Prime for one case. Heck, i likely wouldn't bother paying for Prime if i didn't get free delivery on orders under $39.
Good price for cans. Doesn't beat 2L bottles, if you can handle the lack of convenience. Real junkes wait till they're on special.
2L bottles go flat unless youre really dedicated to ruining your teeth.
You don't appreciate the extra special tons of flowing bubbles vs flat jack crap :)
I give up on Coke if only in 2l bottles lol
@popsiee: I prefer cans too. Especially if you have guest over, you can give them cans rather than pouring out flat coke … We don't drink that much.
How long for a can to go flat?
@Yamun121: If you google the shelf life of soft drink it says 6-9 months for my top hit. I'd say anything over 6 months is pushing it
If you're limiting yourself to a can a week, 1 box will last longer than that.
if you don't have a soft drink habit, avoid developing one. It's expensive and terrible for your health. If you don't have that habit you probably don't need this deal.
Holy crap. You people will downvote just about anything. Get a life.
A bargain site where telling people how to get better value gets you downvoted. Utter madness.
@syousef: The void between bottle junkies and 1 can a week is huge mate and covers heaps of consumers (like myself, none for 1 week, several the next etc). Not that those easily triggered necessarily need much of a reason. :)
@sidoz: Keep downvoting boys. I can do this all day, and am not running for office, so don't care about popularity. This board has lost the plot.
Bottom line:
If you buy perishables in bulk, but don't consume in bulk, you're wasting money,.
If you purchase smaller packages for convenience but don't need that convenience, you're wasting money.
Is this a bargain site or a bullying site?
@syousef: You'd be super hard pressed to find anyone buying a case of coke that would not consume it within 6 months. This is all a muff over nothing :D
@sidoz: If you'd consume a case over 6 months that's 13.5 L.
So round up to 14L for 7 x 2L bottles (regular price $2.85 @ Woolies), and you could have the same for $19.95, which is slightly cheaper.than your $21.47, with 500mL extra. If you can get the 2L bottles on special (or 1.25L bottles, if they're cheaper per L) you'd be doing even better.
But oh no, one person's saying no one who drinks coke drinks it so slowly that it'll go flat in 6 months, and another is saying if you open a bottle you have to be an IV cola junkie to consume the bottle before it goes flat. (Sorry slight dramatic exaggeration there. What was actually said was "unless youre really dedicated to ruining your teeth" which is only slightly less ridiculous). What a freaking circus! All because I said 2L bottles are cheaper than this deal if you don't mind the inconvenience. Which is just a fact.
So yes, it's "muff over nothing". So WTF was it downvoted? Whose poor widdle feelings did I hurt that they had to fight the nasty man telling truths they don't like? People just have too much time on their hands. Half the time I comment on this stinking board it goes down the same way. Massive downvote for no good reason and me explaining myself for pages because someone said something very misleading. Why? I've never seen anything stupider to have a p***ing contest over in my life.
Really good deal on cans! Ta
Thanks OP !
Anyone know how do you un-subscribe if you need to?
It's in your Amazon account settings.
It took a minute or so for me to do it. Didn't appear straight away for me
Or you can go an pick it up from Coles for $18.50 for a 30 pack, (61c a can) -…, which is cheaper if you cannot sub and save.
Your link show $22.75 for me… different state have different offer I guess. Come down to 0.758c per can.
mines showing $23 for 30 which works out to be ≈ 77c a can.
Costco n Aldi $19
But you have to go to Costco n Aldi to get them. This is delivered to your front door.
Costco and Aldi have 36 cans for $19!? I didn't know that…
Aldi was only 30 pack this week.
Costco $25 for 36 pack and that has a discount
Ordered this at a slightly higher price on the 11th and for some reason tracking info's been stuck at "Package has shipped" without location info for a few days now.
My Amazon Coke deliveries appear to be shipped from Perth to Melbourne, so they take 10 days or so to deliver. Seems a fairly expensive way to ship the product.
I'm based in Melbourne too, thanks a lot for the info! Guess I'll have to wait a bit more. Definitely doesn't feel very economical to ship it all the way from Perth
Slightly cheaper at Woolworths VIC 24 pack at $14.10, that’s 58.75c per can or further reductions if you pay with 5% off gift cards.
I think without a deposit scheme we do a little better than other states to start, but I was just working out that this is slightly more expensive than what I bought at the last shop at the supermarket. It's always worth looking at the various size cartons as there is usually one on special.
Also, I've noted lately that the 1.25L bottles are often more expensive per than cans on special. Right now at $14.10 / 24 cans work out to be $1.57/L where 1.25L is currently $2 (on special) or $1.60/L… But yes the 2L is currently $2.75 or $1.38/L so slightly cheaper great for parties but less good on a daily basis as having a second glass is easy where having a second can is more of a mental barrier, even watching my kids they don't tend to down can after can but a bottle would disappear.
Reading all the comments just to find per liter, which of course is the golden standard. Disappointed 😒
I guess it's up to me!
S&s 1.59/l
Colesworth regularly sells it for the same price per liter, prefer to buy it from there to hit minimum spend for bonus points. Thanks though op
It's useful for that, but there's a sense of satisfaction of some poor courier rocking up with the box of cans for you….
I think that's bottles tho not cans? I find two things with cans, they don't go flat like bottles do and I drink slightly less
Nah cans too! Normally on special for around 1.67/l but every few months 1.57 or 1.59/l
Edit: currently 1.64/l at coles for 30pack and 1.57/l at woolies for 24pack
Coke No Sugar has dropped to $22.20 ($19.98 after S&S)
Yeah, got for it for $19.98 too. And $3.60 coming back after "return and earn" in NSW. Less than 50c a can is good.
Still showing 21.47 for me 🤔😕
Great price if you can get if for $20
Yep has gone back up. The prices of Coke fluctuates on Amazon AU a few times a day.…
Coke Zero the same as well..