What’s Your Favourite Coffee Roaster?

Hey OzB,

So I’ve been trying out a few different roasters and their variety of blends/single origins over the last couple of months, and wanted to know what everyone’s thoughts were.

While I don’t consider myself a coffee snob and I agree many of the coffee rituals and workflow can be quite wankerish, I do enjoy a good cup and have always lamented the lousy cafe coffees or beans that I get sometimes (for reference, where I work, all the cafes, including the swanky looking ones, use Vittoria beans).

Feel free to share your set up at home too :)

I use a Rocket Mozzafiato Cronometro machine and have a Eureka Silenzio grinder to pair with it.

I’ll start with my current favourite blend:

Five senses crompton road

I got this from their recent 20% off with free shipping in vic offer. The coffee was delivered within 24 hours from dispatch from WA. The espresso itself was incredibly smooth and bold. It smelled of cocoa and had notes of toffee. Admittedly, I always cringe a little when I see that literally every hipster and mainstream blend that says “tastes like toffee chocolate” - but this one actually had a flavour profile of it! It was surprisingly easy to dial in the grind, and using the temperature and volume setting they provide on their website, I was very pleased with the result. With milk, the coffee is creamy and blends beautifully. The same goes for soy and almond. Despite coffee often lending itself to acidity (not necessarily a bad thing), and god forbid, sourness (a horrible thing), especially with alternative milk sources, this was not the case with crompton road. In fact even with almond milk, the acidity was subdued, adding only as a complement to the creamy and chocolatey texture - almost like it was subtly spiced.

Now to my not so favourite:

Inglewood Spirit of the Peace Single origin

Sour. This coffee was sour. Very likely this was operator dependent. But I had tried a wide spectrum of grind fineness (for completeness, also some coarser grinds but that quickly ended) and temperature differences. The obvious combinations yielded unpleasant sour tastes and the finer grind higher temperature revealed some flavour subtleties but still sour. They cry lychee and black cherry liqueur. I too, cried. And the only flavours I got at the better end of the grinding and temperature profile was ever only sour cherry liqueur. And no, not the good kind (is there even a good kind?). The espresso was a frightening experience of fresh rancidity - confusing I know. Don’t get me wrong, this coffee was no Nescafé blend 43, but it tasted like a freshly ground and refined version of it - not a compliment. Cow’s milk toned it down, but then I felt like I was drinking a hot mess. It wasn’t pleasant or unpleasant - it was just a means to an end for caffeine intake. And don’t even get me started on soy. This coffee was untouchable with it. Granted, I only tried Bonsoy with it, and others may have had better experience with other soy milk. But this was horrid. I had more than half a cup of foamy tofu. The rest was brown water - such was the extent of curdling and separation.

I never had the chance to try their SO as a filter/pour over. Maybe it would have tasted better? I don’t know. I’m not well tuned with filter and I’m still learning espresso. But they did market it as their espresso counterpart, so there’s that.

I have a few more blends to try and am trying to find one that I love but also relatively reasonably priced. Would love to hear others’ thoughts and share their experiences too!

Disclaimer: Inb4 username does not check out. I am aware :P


  • My personal favs for a few years now are Black Bag Roasters: https://www.blackbagroasters.com.au/. Love the taste and their availability in stores is second to none.

  • +2

    Five Senses has been winning all my votes lately. Great Coffee - Drinking the Tightrope now with my V60 and Timemore C2 grinder.

    Coffee is "Roasted for Espresso" but still works for pour over.

    Also "Dont consider myself a Coffee snob" - but have a $4000 coffee machine. I need further clarification on the term coffee snob I think haha.

    • That's great to know! I have a few more blends I've ordered from them, so keen to try out the difference.

      Haha! Only a few months ago I had been using my trusty Breville barista express and Aldi beans and very occasionally spoiling myself with different blends. I suppose I don't consider myself a coffeesnob in the sense that I wouldn't scoff at anyone else's use of the breville + aldi combination because I believe it ranks highly value-for-money wise. Even just the machine itself provides a lot of value for the money - It certainly pulls an excellent shot AND makes a beautiful cup at its price-point!

      And full disclosure, my machine is more for its looks, over-engineering and self satisfaction, rather than its function (which it also ticks all the boxes for :P).

    • whats your setup?

  • +2

    Industry Beans

  • +1

    There are so many different parts to consider to arrive at a perfect cup
    - Beans: source, processing, grade, etc
    - Roasting: machine, roast category, packaging, date
    And then you move onto the grind and the extraction method / machines.

    On top of that, most people have slightly different palates and will enjoy / prefer different tastes.

    • Oh I completely agree. Thus my question being your favourite roaster as opposed to who is the best roaster. While I haven't enjoyed inglewood, I am open to hearing others' opinions and suggestions. It's all about sharing ideas over your favourite cuppa! :)

      • +1

        I keep trying new beans; have a look at:

        From India
        Flavour: Caramel, orange zest, and milk chocolate
        Aroma: Marmalade and peanut
        Acidity: Low
        Roast degree: Medium

        Preparation Instructions
        Temp: 94 °C
        Dose: 20g VST = 21g of coffee
        Time: 30-33 seconds
        Volume: 20-25 ml with crema

        I usually avoid anything that includes 'nuts' or similar in the tasting profile, but this one works.

        • They’re the same roaster that’s had a recent sale and are also sold in Coles yea? I’m always wary of coffee that is also sold in the supermarket (obviously not the rule of thumb given campos also sell in supermarkets). But how do you rate this against other known roasters?

          • +1

            @Jaystea: You won't get monsoon beans in a supermarket.

  • Five senses, went back to them after using them many years ago. Have not had any bad batches so far. Best shipping experience as well.

    I am buying filter for v60

  • Bun Coffee, Byron Bay. Yemen highly recommended.

  • Market Lane Coffee has been my go to for the last 12 months. A lot more expensive than others and probably not for everyone. Though their baristas in their stores pre-Covid were very good.

    • Direct coffee have some of their blends on sale sometimes. Although I haven't found it on their website per se. Interested to know if there was a difference.

      • +1

        A lot of the Market Lane range is seasonal and can't be found all year round. I'd take a guess and say if Direct Coffee are stocking something Market Lane themselves aren't stocking then it's likely older stock.

  • Little Gecko (https://www.littlegeckocoffee.com/) is my regular. I'm a fan of the Don Diego blend.
    Drop in and collect if you are passing through the inner West of Melbourne.

  • I have been enjoying the deals from Airjo. I think my favourite that I tried was Dukes but its a bit out of my price range to do on the regular.

    If anyone has any Sydney recommendations where I can pick up that would be great.

    • I think my favourite that I tried was Dukes

      Dukes is great.

  • Been liking the Go Nuts blend from The Wood Roaster. Decently priced and tastes great.

  • +2

    Pablo and Rusty Porter St blend was my favourite when it was on 50% off for a subscription. But to be honest, now I am quite happy with Aldi dark roast for $12 a kg. They have high turnover so the beans are pretty fresh and the coffee tastes good, both as espresso and milk based coffees.

  • Bondi sands coffee, grown and roasted in Bondi.

  • Agreed that the Inglewood is very very sour, particularly the Colombian one. The espresso blend one I do taste the rancid in it but the crema told me it's not 2 month old roast lol. Of all my limited tasting variety, the one that stand out is the single origin Columbian one from Aldi I got about a month ago, which was divine, Aldi hasn't stocked them for a while too, only the Brazillian and Peru up until last month.

    • I must keep an eye out for it!

  • +1



    these two are my go to local roasters / beans

    honourable mention to these guys as well

    i would consider you a coffee snob

    i consider myself one now
    - rocket giotto, mazzer mini, acaia lunar, ocd etc.

  • I had Pablo and Rusty for about a year (would go through 1kg every 5 weeks) usually with deals on here,
    but recently changed to SingleO and it is excellent.
    Tried Norm coffee and my wife reckoned it was her favourite, but since they don't do click and collect anymore not on the list.

  • know of any subscription deals out there? getting ready to replace my batch and thinking of moving go 250g every 2 weeks

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