• expired

Liquorland 25% Upsized Cashback ($30 Cap, Was <2.5%) @ Cashrewards


Greetings everyone, just got the notification on chrome, looks like a great offer :)

Starts at 12pm today and ends at 11:59pm.

Some Good Buys (Prices Before Cashback):

  • Roku Gin 700mL $55
  • Glenlivet 12 Year Old $65
  • Kahlua 700ml $28
  • Smirnoff Red Vodka 700ml $38
  • Malibu 1L $38
  • Johnnie Walker Red 700ml $38
  • XXXX Gold $43/24 carton or x2 for $82
  • Absolut Vodka 700ml $42
  • Disaronno 700ml $43
  • Bundaberg UP Rum 700ml $38

List updated thanks to webtherapist.

Cashback capped at $30 in total per member account.

Liquorland online orders paid partially or in full with any gift cards will be ineligible for cashback.

Cashback is ineligible for purchases made via the Liquorland app.

This store reports sales ex GST. Cashback is calculated on reported value.

As always, enjoy!

Referral Links

Referral: random (3715)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • +6
    • +2

      Stomp stomp clap.

    • Love that Gin

  • +17

    Nice, but I've spent too much on booze lately thanks to cashrewards and shopback

    • +14

      Same; I got asked if I was opening a bar because I have so much now …

      • +13

        Easy fix, you've just got to drink it faster to keep up with your purchases.

        • Might need a new liver.

          • +4

            @Scythic: Deal on that starts next week.

          • @Scythic: Everyone knows that the liver is evil and must be punished…..

      • lol love it!

    • +1

      mate if you sober up, you might see the covid-19 still around better stock up.

  • +2

    Glenfidditch 12 at $64 and JW Double Black at $55 before cashback

  • thanks for this. Do you think it includes champagne? Want to get some xmas gifts.

  • what is best for $40 before cash back guys?

    • +2

      What are you looking for? Try Loch Lomond if you like whisky

      • thanks, basically just wanna meet minimum spending for 10,000 flybuys pts (x3 weeks of $40 or more)

      • over chivas at $45?

        • thanks

          • @webtherapist: Mount gay rum.

            Chivas stinks. I'm trying to force my way through a gifted bottle. It's awful.

    • +1

      am planning to try famous grouse scotch…."First produced in 1860 (when it was just 'The Grouse'), The Famous Grouse has been the No. 1 whisky in Scotland since 1980. "-WhiskyExchange

      • cool

      • +1

        Personally love it. Worth a try at a good price.

      • How is it compared to Dimple 12yo (If you have tried it)? Like Dimple over Chivas any day.

  • So is it fair to assume that this includes Spirits? (e.g. Southern Comfort)

    • +7

      Hey, the other guy who drinks SoCo! What's up!?

  • Any good reds?

    • +1

      Pepperjack Barossa Shiraz/Cab Sav ($18 = $13.50 with CR) and St Hallett Faith Shiraz ($16 = $12 with CR) are some decent value Reds in my book :-)

  • what's the max you can spend before cashback to get the full $30 cashback. I assume GST isn't included.

    • +10

      $30 / 25 x 100 = $120 before GST, or $132 inc GST.

      • Good math.

      • +1

        thanks, almost overdid it…..again…

  • +2
    • Apparently these are really bad now?

      • +11

        Bottles were always bad.

        • +6

          Agree.. Bottles taste bad like metalic

          • +6

            @Danger: Need to go with the Asahi cans - made in Japan

            • @mightyhawks23: correct, most dont realise the bottles are brewed here and unfortunately are below average

              • +1

                @LSGH: I thought the bottles were brewed/made in China - has that changed?

                • @Proteus: carton I bought in June was Australian. Much more similar to the Chinese than the Japanese but I liked it slightly more than the Chinese.

                • +2

                  @Proteus: the ones I have tried here were brewed in Aus (although last one I tried was a year ago)… but I noticed on recent trip to Manila in December, they were brewed in China, am guessing for the South East Asian markets, they are from China

  • +12

    Previous BWS 25% Cashback didn't get tracked from CR.. So, ended up submitting manual claim

    • +3

      Yes I was in the same situation unfortunately, but that came down to an error on the side of BWS I believe as both CR and SB were affected as confirmed here by the rep..

    • +3

      Same, still to receive any cashback - now wary of buying based on a discount that may not be applied

      • +2

        It's better not to make a purchase decision based on cash back amount.
        Works best to find something you're already happy with the price, so any cash back comes as the icing on the cake.

    • -1

      Username checks out

    • Yep, I am STILL waiting for my reward for a Liqourland purchase made in April. Just make sure you keep your invoice safe as any problems you will need to provide that as proof.

    • How do you do manual claim?

    • +1

      same. … Is it just me but neither SB or CR instantly track purchases anymore.

      I seem to have to set a reminder for a few days, then check, then submit a manual request…

  • +3

    Kahlua 700ml still on special for $28, OP can add it on recommended list too :)
    Smirnoff Red Vodka 700ml $38, Malibu 1L $38, Johnnie Walker Red 700ml $38, Xxxx Gold $43/24 carton or x2 for $82, Absolut Vodka 700ml $42, Disaronno 700ml $43, Bundaberg UP Rum 700ml $38,

    • +1

      Thank you for the list, have updated :)

    • For Kahlua IIRC I've been in the $20-21 range often with these cashbacks (stacked with flybuys bonus)

      $21.63 here

  • Absolut Vodka 700ml $42 before cashback

    • Really poor selection of Absolut on the site.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Was going to go to DM today to stock up on some cheap reds. Checked on LL and found that they are selling at the same low price. Thanks for the $30!

  • HI all
    Im looking to enhance my cocktail cupboard, just wondering what people top 15 or so items are?
    Ive already got Gin, Vodka, Whiskey, Spice Rum,. White Rum, Brandy (possibly a few others but thats all i can think of now).
    Anything that is on special already at Liquorland?

    • +1


    • Only small but I'm planning on grabbing some bitters and save a few dollars compared to Woolies/Dan Murphys.


    • Ginger ale mixes well with whisky

    • +1

      It depends on what you want to make. The "base" of most cocktails include vodka, gin, bourbon and scotch whisk(e)y, tequila, white and dark rum, brandy (or cognac). Then things sweetened liqueurs such as triple sec (Cointreau), dry/sweet vermouth and at least aromatic bitters. Figure out a few cocktails you want to make regularly and search what goes them. I'd recommend Diffords guide to help out with specs.

      • Thanks all, hadnt really considered Bourbon, might look at getting a cheap one. The vermouth seems good only only used for a couple of cocktails maybe? Will grab some Tequila and maybe something sweet like a liquor also…

        • +2

          From your list you have most of the base spirits for cocktails. As one other said start looking into different Liqueurs, digestives etc etc. I have things like Mr Blacks Coffee Liqueur for my espresso martinis (vodka, coffee liqueur, espresso shot, sugar syrup), sweet vermouth for things like a negroni (gin, sweet vermouth, campari) etc etc, bitters, Amaretto, cointreau and so many others.

          Also digestives like Aperol and Campari. An Aperol spritz on a warm Melbourne Spring day is awesome! (Aperol, prosecco, mineral water)

    • Great timing!

    • +3

      Check out some cocktail channels on youtube. I recommend stevethebartender, common man cocktails and how to drink.
      Steve the bartender has this app which lets you put in the ingredients you have offers suggestions for cocktails and what to buy next.



    • Tequila

  • +2

    Havana Club (white rum) $35 - $48 at Dan Murphy’s!

    • Mojito time in Melbourne! WOOHOO!

      • You seem to know your poison. May I ask what sort of rum do you put in your Mojito? Internet searches revealed that Bacardi Rum is the most extensively used rum for this cocktail.

        • +3

          Havana is an alternative to Bacardi which is arguably the same.

        • Havana or Bacardi are great, no preference over either. I sometimes use Mt.Gay Eclipse Barbados Rum as well.

  • Thanks grabbed some Bitters fpr ~$16 :)

  • good price to buy penfolds bin 8

  • +5

    Makers Mark 46 at $60 pre cashback is a great price ($78 at Dans).


    • Only downside is it definitely looks like a 700ml bottle, compared to the old 750ml. Was happily surprised when this started popping up at $60 lately only to realise it had shrunk a bit.

      At least they haven't dropped the alcohol like they did a few years back with the standard.

  • Thank you! Just got my champers :)

  • Question with regards to the referral - can i refer someone else in my house and still get the bonus?

  • +1

    Some good rums as well. Thanks OP

  • wynns coonawarra shiraz 2 for $30 , Sister Run Cab Sav 2 for @30 , Saltram Shiraz 2 for $30

  • +1

    Singleton Malt Masters at $56 is cheap and a nice smooth scotch

    Furphy Cans at $52 and the Becks bottles are imported from Germany, not locally brewed

    • that's $50 in amazonau

  • Henschke Keyneton Euphonium 750mL 2 x $108 delivered. ~$24 CB

  • How fast are they delivering in melbourne these days?

    • i received an order yesterday , placed 28th Aug ! no stock within 5kms of what I wanted so had to do it

    • Orders in Melb are delayed significantly, last I hear they were backed up some 3-4 weeks

      • wonder if I can call to change it from delivery to pickup without affecting the CB

  • Thanks OP picked up some Shiraz gin

  • +7

    ordered. now to freak out for a couple of days while i worry if the cashback tracked or not.

    • Click and collect and call the store to cancel if it doesn't track?

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