Hawaiian Sundays
$3.95 each pick up only
Quote code to receive this offer: 16879
Sundays only. Classic crust only. Cannot be used for internet orders.
Valid until 07/09/08
Hawaiian Sundays
$3.95 each pick up only
Quote code to receive this offer: 16879
Sundays only. Classic crust only. Cannot be used for internet orders.
Valid until 07/09/08
You just quote the code when you call up the stooges.
Wouldn't you need a voucher/code for $4.95 online/pickup PowerDude?
I looked online y'day & the price was $6.95…
Thanks for this one. We enjoyed pizzas for Sunday lunch when the last Dominos' $3.95 Week-End Special vouchers were posted a few weeks ago. Did you get this one in an e-mail?, voucher in the letter box?? Wouldn't I need a printed voucher (or facsimile) to redeem the offer in-store (I needed one last time!)?.
Live Long and Prosper.
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