Cheapest deal on the C64 Mini that I've seen in a while. They did not have C&C at my local store unfortunately, so I had to pay $14.95 postage. Bugger.
Says "Clearance", so you probably need to be quick. Limit 2 per Customer.
Cheapest deal on the C64 Mini that I've seen in a while. They did not have C&C at my local store unfortunately, so I had to pay $14.95 postage. Bugger.
Says "Clearance", so you probably need to be quick. Limit 2 per Customer.
Ignoring the TVM this is about the same as the pricing in 1985 :)
Yes, try getting one for that price now.
You have a point!
Yeah I got one at this price to use as an ornament :)
Is this backward compatible with a VIC-20?
I think that's in the full size, not the Mini. EDIT: I am actually pinged off because the whole reason I wanted a C64 Mini was that I heard it had a VIC-20 Mode. Sadly, I was mistaken :)
Meh… if this was the C64 "maxi" I'd be jumping on it!
Why wopuld they not include a listing of the included games?
In 2004 I was clearing out a storage room of old IT equipment and tucked up the back was a C64 still in its original box.
I threw it in the skip bin with the rest of the old gear.
'Twas a beautiful piece of machinery for it's day.
If you had enough spare fuses and a StarCursor 2000 joystick to prevent joystick burnout…
Only had a budget for a Quickshot here :(
The original joystick that came with the C64 was absolutely horrible.
Nothing surer.
If I had a dollar for every time Decathalon or xxx Games saw me snap a metal hinge off my Trusty Quickshot II army, I'd have at least ten dollars…
@UncleRico: Oh the days of the white noise cheers, the long jump looking like you were flipping through the air, using a vcr case to stick the quickshot suckers to, for the sideways thumb and index finger smash, the frustration of the shot put.
I hope we're talking activision decathalon not the Daly Thompson decathalon
After a day of playing Elite with an original joystick, my brother came home to find me with a rag tied around my thumb to stop the blisters.
We had a joystick that I think my cousin built. Seemed to last well.
Great machine, not a great price.
It is at the moment - when it was newly released it was going for a lot less. If you have a better deal, by all means post it here !
your attitude sucks. here's a cheaper deal -…
Hey, thanks, you saved me 21 cents and all I had to do was wait for it to come all the way from England. You rock !!!
Snap up this powerhouse
I don't believe that it's got 64kb of ram.
Where can I buy the full-sized "The 64" at a good price in Australia?
I actually threw away my old one last year. I barely play my old snes and master system so no point keeping it. Probably could have sold it for a half decent amount with the games I had lol. Be pretty rare to find one I think?
I've still got 2 of these boxed and the one I opened and fiddled with.. the FPGA version was the bomb as it has connections on the circuit board to plug in a real C64 keyboard, second joystick and 1541 if you do some hacking.. I never did get around to it though -…
I thought you were talking about the original C64, so this latest Full sized with working keyboard and HDMI out has ever been sold in Australia, I'd be interested too buy one i didnt know they existed?
I don't think anyone has them in stock anymore :(…
EDIT - nevermind, I saw you found it already and linked it further down… if you manage to find these anywhere, let me know :)
Actually didn't realise it was out if stock till you mentioned it,.. i think I'm in la la land wanting one of these, though I know me ill use it for few days then it gets stored gather dust like a lot of my wanted gadgets
I know the mini is small but im sure they couldve made a smaller one i don't have much desk space,.. too much junk lol
Price a bit high too i don't have a job to justify one but yeah I want one, maybe back too emulating it on the PC
Edit: yes I'm looking for a store with good priced one
Oh, the good old C64. The kids these days will never understand what it took just to start a game.
I've got a full kit of it in the cupboard. It's like 6 different boxes (C64, tape unit, monitor, printer?).
It is beyond effort for me to even pull it all out.
It is beyond effort for me to even pull it all out.
Ahem, I know the feeling
search FB C64 groups - people are aching for original kit to buy (if ya wanna get rid of it that is)
I don't use Facey, but yeah I have a rough idea of its value since I bought it myself, its just a big effort mentally and physically.
wow, you had the printer. Nice!
I had two tape drives, the waiting for a game to load only to have it fail over and over, then having to come to terms with this game will never work.
LOAD "$",8,1
Load "$" ,8,1
I have a full size commodore 64 I just picked up from my parents house when the moved. How do I see if it works, can you plug it into modern TV'S?
Yeah, shouldn't be an issue at all. Just plug it in to from HDMI out to your TV HDMI.
HDMI didn't exist in the 70s 80s lol
was RF on analog tv or composite video back then …
if on a budget you’d hack your TV, bypass the RF and add a composite input.
@garage sale: Someone posted here the c64 actually had composite out too through a din connection or hang on component out there was actually two types,.. honestly couldn't be bothered googling but one was better then the other, I think one reached too 1080i resolution (I could be wrong😃)
Agh yes analog TVs did have video/audio composit/component out for things like VHS video players
Not your generation.
Actually unless you have the full size modern version of the C64 with functioning keyboard which has hdmi out
I want one badly lolz
@Italkdigital: Amazon US are taking pre orders (I just placed mine). They deliver to Au, though it's quite pricey.
@Italkdigital: My comment with the link got unpublished for some reason.
You can find it by googling THEC64computer and going to their facebook page.
God if remember that far back,.. I think you can as I think it connects through the TV antenna (I think) though you need too manually tune a station for it and definitely only works on the Analog tuner side of your TV not Digital TV tuner side of your TV,..
wow just realised I have use for my Aldi Bhuan TV its got an Analog tuner built into it with a Digital tuner also
Lolz 👍😃
That’s right it would be VHF channel 3 or 4 I think.
It has its own C64 branded monitor with a special connector. I can't be arsed to pull it all out but yeah.
The cable had separated chroma and luma, which is basically s-video. I have a Commodore 1702 monitor that accepts this and it looks amazing.
The 1084S Amiga monitor also accepts separate chroma and luma as well as RGB
Via the antenna socket?
The C64 broadcasts its own Analog channel, i can't remember if they had the option of video audio out maybe i should google
Yeah, all the consoles at the time such as NES, Megadrive, Atari too. Then the AV ( yellow, white, red cable?) and other analog connections, now HDMI.
Old C64 has composite or S-video from a non-standard DIN plug.
Modern TVs still have composite inputs, but picture will be awful, almost as bad as using RF.
It depends what cable you have. If you have RF then probably not as you'd need an analog tuner. If you have composite then probably. You can also get s-video cables and something that converts the signal to HDMI like a RetroTink 2x, but you wouldn't be doing that just to test if it works :)
Wasnt that or there is cable called component the video had 3x separate cables blue, red and green i think and then the usual seperate red and white cable for audio and i remember it reached upto 1080i resolutions (I think)
Edit: yups found it its called an analog component video cable, even your old PC VGA connector is a form of component connector/cable
Ok didnt realise,.. DVI and HDMI is actually Digital component video
Yep, but the c64 won't output that, only composite, RF or s-video
You'll probably find the PSU will be shot.
They didnt age well - people are rebuilding them with new parts so it doesnt blow up the C64.
Search for some C64 FB groups.
Here is photo of back of C64,..
The port with RF label (short for Radio Frequency,. technically is Video/Audio out option for your TV)…
So transmits RF on a particular channel either on VHF or UHF,.. and of course needs to be PAL resolution for Australian TVs, note has special shielding over the C64 RF transmitter as your neighbour could pickup the signal through there antenna
Yes you young ones are thinking bla bla bla what is he talking about, amazing how the HDMI connection has made it so easy for yous too connect a TV or monitor to a computer device,.. which is so funny 😂🤪🤑
Here is a tear down of the genuine original C64 (Commodore 64)…
yep the new generation of kids are also missing out on working in coal mines, selling newspapers after school ….etc.
If they are not working as chimney sweeps and walking 10km in the snow to go to school. They got it easy.
And school was uphill - both ways!
The modern Full size C64 @ EB games but you won't like the price,..…
Wow has few builtin I use to love,..
Impossible Mission
Boulder Dash
Not listed Fort Apocalypse was another great C64 game
There was a game I could never find online/google search,.. you got too fly a spaceship from planet too planet, I surely cant remember the name of it 😂
Describe the game a bit more - did it scroll horizontally or vertically? Any distinctive features?
Elite game seems too be the closet I could find though I dont think its the one as the 3D graphics im sure was more colorful, honestly cant remember if one could land on the planets, like Elite there was no ending too the game basically you could travel endlessly from planet too planet
Sorry I think mid late 80s I played it so the brain is very vague on the details
Edit: I think Elite actually might be the space flight game i played, seems too be the only one available with 3D graphics
(How do you shorten links?)
YouTube video of it though im sure the plsnets had color though my older brain could be expecting too much
Yes i loved Gyruss, the music was awesome 😃👍
@skid: A big list of space type games for PC'S and consoles,…
@skid: Here's another one,.. Space Rogue,.. A little more colorful 😃👍
I think I would stick too,.. Impossible Mission,
Boulder Dash and Fort Apocalypse as my favourites
That price if it was in stock was very reasonable Seeing as there is now no stock in Aus and it appears no one else is planning to bring them in.
You can pre-order from @ approx $280 landed. Amazon UK also has them on ore-order for less but sadly they wont ship to Aus at the moment which i just dont get, considering will ship from global store to Aus. Thats how i got the Turbo Grafix 16 .
I looked into why this is the case :
"Due to Australian and New Zealand GST law, we are currently unable to ship physical items from to New Zealand or Australian shipping addresses. Please check if or sells the item you would like to purchase, or choose a delivery address that is not in New Zealand or Australia to proceed with placing an order."
Its been 2 years now and they still are holding out? Seriously? GST on overseas purchases isnt going away for peets sakes. If could implement it(though not shipping to Aus atm also) surelt amazon uk could do the same.
Some items are now shipping from - more recent development. I know, as I've got something arriving in the next week from there :)
@fookos: Definately not the c64 Maxi alas. Oddly it states : "We are unable to ship non-digital items from to Australian shipping addresses". So i would assume nothing physical is being sent by them, Was what you purchased actually sold by Amazon or a 3rd party?
I picked up one of these last year for ~$60 from Amazon - i still haven't opened it!
One day I'll have a space to display all my mini-consoles and devices :)
I still have a working Commodore SX 64 (the "luggable" C64 computer). Must be gaining in value quite a bit these days!
If this deal was the C64 Maxi I would have jumped on it for the games room though.
Oh Gyruss, I still have that music in my head :)
Same here and the dudes voice from Impossible Mission
Ha! From memory: "Another visitor, stay a while…. stay forever muahahahaha" :)
Got sick of googling around and preordered the Maxi from the USA. Out in November. Good for a graphics comparison with the PS5 :)
@Dingo Damn those SX 64s are worth a fortune these days. I remember playing on them in Kmart when I was a kid in the 80s.
I've got several C64s, including a German C64G, but I'll never own an SX 64 :(
I just checked again and didn't realise they have appreciated in value so much @chromium. Last time I checked they were still just a few hundred bucks.
Funny thing is that the SX64 was atrociously expensive when it first came out. That's probably why they're so rare. I got lucky and bought a very good condition specimen in the mid nineties for $95 at cash converters. Back then they were just a very old useless thing, but I thought it was cool to play Wizball and International Soccer on the little TV screen. I'll hand it over to the kids one day.
Lol, if they're anything like my kid they'll be like "why would I want this old piece of junk?" :)
People are aching to buy old kit on the FB C64 groups - put out some feelers if ya feeling lucky.
Still can find the genuine original c64 on gumtree, has original packaging and people are still selling the original disk/tape games
don't know if I could wait and handle for games too take minutes to load up, I think at my late age ive become very impatient, no time to waste as they say,….
You can get devices that take SD cards to load things almost instantly
Expensive bees knees
Or cheaper ones that you can buy in many places, including eBay
If they are using the 1541 disk interface they will still take minutes to load, the slow part wasnt the drive but the woeful interface. Pretty much everything else (inc the PET) was vastly faster.
You can use things to speed it up, like software implementations of jiffy dos. Also the 1541 Ultimate uses the cartridge port in conjunction with the disk interface so you can actually load things instantly
That's no fun - ya have ta wait the 35 mins for it to load then crash!
Pretty sure this version doesn’t even have a functional keyboard
That's right, you need the C64 Maxi model for that.
good thing used be the gun based games, you actually had a plastic pistol to shoot with rather than move a joy stick.
I have my original Amiga 500, orig monitor, orig side mounted HDD and boxes of floppies. Do you think it's worth selling? I wonder what it would go for?
$400+ without the monitor.
If the monitor is 1084S they go for quite a lot. The downside is they are due to die at any minute as they are so old.
I had a couple repaired because the flyback always ends up dying and needs to be replaced. Mine should be good for another 20 years now, probably more because I don't turn them on that often :)
This stuff is going up in value all the time. A few years ago it could be had quite cheaply, but now retro is in vogue.
6 years ago I got 2 Amiga 500s, with 2 monitors, side mounted hdd, 2 external floppy drives, mice, joysticks, loads of original software for $260. That sort of thing would go for way more than that now. Check eBay sold listings
Can you connect a tape drive?