This was posted 4 years 5 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tricare Instant Hand Sanitiser 975ml, $8.99 @ ALDI


Spotted this during the grocery run in Victoria. I have an Oomph Bunnings one anyway (no I don't mind the smell lol) that will last a while, but I missed out on the Aldi deal last time and Exp date on this says 01/23 so 'eh bought one anyway for the long run.

Australian made.
Label says 72% w/w Ethyl Alcohol.

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closed Comments

  • Which Aldi?

    • Altona, the Millers Junction one.

      Don't recall seeing it in the catalogue deal posts here or on the website so not sure about availability elsewhere.

  • Not a bad deal considering C19 times.

    Having said that.. last time I purchased some it was like $3 but pre C19.

    • +1

      It was $3 for 250ml

      • I got mine early 2019 I think and left it in the garage. Pretty sure it was very cheap by today's standards.

        • +1

          I got a number of them in January when they were on sale at $2.50 for 250ml, but this one is 925ml so even better value.

          • @mapax: Yeah that's 2020.. I got mine in 2019 early which is why the price is very different.

            Mine is 1L or near that.

          • +2

            @mapax: Pretty sure this is pre covid pricing, if not it's close, within a dollar or two at most

  • Two of my local ALDI stores within Melbourne Metro are stocking these now.
    Does not seem to be a special buy item.

    • this is a regularly stocked item that just disappeared when covid hit

      • +4

        They are placed on the Special Buys aisle in both stores, making people think they are getting a bargain when they clearly are not. LOL!
        Likewise, for all the non-ALDI brand toilet rolls (which are more expensive compared to the same ALDI brand/spec).

        • they are actually $1 cheaper to buy, but rolls are half as long

  • I saw this at my local in NSW today, there was 20 of them. Is this a special or regular stock? I assumed it was a regular price, myself and others all walked past it without buying one. Though I understand in Vic it would be in higher demand.

    • If we're talking about NSW there's regularly available stock - $10 for 1.5L of 75% alcohol sanitiser. Not at Aldi, but at the shops nonetheless.

      • Where do you find the 1.5L ones? Does it feel tacky or smell terrible? & what is the alcohol content?
        Looking to buy some and am in NSW.

        • Tell me too pennyPincher

        • It's 3*500ml bottles (1 for $4 or 3 for $10) and this is at the wholesale shop near Coles at Castle Towers.
          Alcohol content is 75% and smells fine (or I've gotten used to it). Feels okay. Good enough for local businesses to repurchase for their customers.
          Note: it's not Australian made.

          Also they have a 50pk of masks for $15 but not sure on the quality there.

          • @pennypincher98: Thanks but don't think I can justify the drive there for the discount - Aldi seems to be the better option for me

  • +5

    I hope hand sanitiser stays cheap and in stock forever, an every day commodity we take for granted. People should be using it every day anyway. Too many people don't wash their hands and just take cold/flu for granted. If cold or flu knocks you out a few days every year of your life, then you should be unhappy with these people too because they aren't helping the situation.

  • +3

    $9.22perL Aussiemade pretty great for a supermarket, sure worth it than the O/seas stuff from ColesWorth chain.
    Been waiting for their pump bottles to come back, I missed out earlier this year too never found any til now.🤞

    What's the limit btw, Bit blurry, presume 2 per customer?

    • +1

      Yep limit 2 per customer.
      Even one feels like plenty to ride out the tail end of the virus (well… 🤞 ).

      I missed out earlier this year too never found any til now.

      Yeah everytime there was Aussie made deal posted I could never get any. I didn't want to buy too much of the Bunnings stuff lol.

  • +4

    Australian made and cheaper than China made? Sign me up.

  • +1

    Anyone know if they have the grapefruit variety? That stuff is amazing!

  • +1

    Could someone please comment if this smells similar to the Scott branded one (which smells like a dried up turd mixed with a headache inducing fragrance oil)?

    • I wanna know too, basically will buy one if no answer, two if answered well lol

      • sitting at home sniffing my hands nonstop rn 🤔🤭

    • +1

      See thread- I'll just grab one as a tester for now

      • The comment below that one says it smells like shit. I'm going to give this one a wide berth.

        • +1

          It smells fine and only goes slimy if you have wet hands.
          Unless you’re sweaty palmed, nasally sensitive or opposed to purchasing Aus made you’ll be ok.

        • +1

          I've just bought it and used. SMELL is super pleasant!
          Sitting here at home sniffing my hands nonstop atm lol🤭

          • @capslock janitor: Which scent/colour did you get? The grapefruit smells even more pleasant than the clear.

            • @mapax: I got the big Clear pump like in OP.
              Could not see any 'grapefruit' ones :/don't even know it

          • @capslock janitor: Thank you very much, I'll get as well. :-)

        • Also they were probably talking about this bottle; not sure if the make-up was different or not.

    • +2

      I've tried the one from a few months ago (same mix, diff bottle shape). No bad smells, etc. Can smell the alcohol, but enough "fragrances". Not sticky.

  • +3

    Great news - you beat me to it. Saw it yesterday, bought 2. Note: this is not just Aust Made and $1 less than the Special Buy a few months ago, but it is 72%w/w, which is about 80% v/v. Most sanitisers quote the v/v, so a "70%" v/v is really 62.5% w/w. Tastes much better! (Aqium is the only other one I know is Aust made and 72% w/w…)

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