Star Citizen is currently running a 2 week free fly event to celebrate thier ship showdown event.
You will be able to fly their top 16 ships for the next two weeks for free.
This will be a good chance to try out the game for free and see what it is about.
Free Fly Event Ships:
Aegis Avenger Titan
Aegis Eclipse
Aegis Gladius
Aegis Hammerhead
Aegis Reclaimer
Anvil Carrack
Anvil Valkyrie
Banu Defender
Drake Caterpillar
Drake Cutlass Black
Esperia Prowler
MISC Prospector
MISC Razor
MISC Reliant Kore
Origin 890 Jump
RSI Constellation Andromeda
What is the download size for this game these days? must be pretty big.