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[PC, Mac, Steam] Civilization VII Early Access - Deluxe $129.31, Founders $161.64 @ 2game

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Yes, I know the game is expensive.
Yes, I know we shouldn't pre-order.

But it's Civ. And I've been playing since Civ 1. And I can't wait. Early access starts this Friday. Base Game releases 12 Feb, 2025.

Here are the editions:

See Steam page for edition comparisons.

First post, hope I got it right.

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2Game Digital, Hong Kong
2Game Digital, Hong Kong


  • +1

    Thanks have been looking for a good price on this, will order!


  • +1

    Legend, thanks for posting.

  • +15

    2K knows their audience, releasing this 3 days before Valentines Day.
    Seriously though, can't wait.

    • -3

      Charting the Unseen

      If only I were the one who walks,
      not through jungles, nor over peaks,
      but through the hush of untried words,
      the fragile land of unmeant touch.

      Oceans rise, empires fall,
      yet hearts remain uncharted seas,
      their currents pulling, shifting, deep—
      a course set blind, no stars to read.

      A heart is harder to map than the world,
      its rivers shifting, its borders blurred.
      No treaty holds, no compass points—
      only the pull of what might be.

      Still, I sail, though night is thick,
      through waters dark and undefined,
      seeking shorelines yet unseen,
      a whispered name, a hand in mine.

      Instead, it's just me and the AI’s turn timer,
      alone in my room on Valentine's Day.

    • +3

      Gotta keep the 'Virgin achievement' eh

  • Can anyone confirm they got a genuine Steam key from this? (I've never heard of 2game before)

    • +4

      I can confirm 2Game is a legitimate storefront. I purchased Black Myth Wukong and Metaphor Refantazio from there, among some lesser known titles.

  • +15

    6 was ok but not great so these prices are not compelling, even for a life long fan

    • +1

      It'll be interesting to see what the price is in six months.

      In the meantime back to Civ IV / V / VI .

    • 6 was also dirt cheap after a few months and free in short time

    • Price is crazy, you just know they'll charge you for 2-3 more expansion packs, and 10+ little DLCs and expansion passes as they've done for Civ 5 and 6.
      I doubt you'll get access to everything released throughout Civ 7's lifetime even if you paid for Founders Ed.

  • +3

    Hum… do I reallyyy need another time sink to eat away at my soul even when trying to sleep? I just got back into factorio ffs

    • +1

      Hell yeah Yes we all need a sole sucking game now and again.

  • +4

    Hope you for some time on your hands, OP! If you’ve been playing since Civ 1, then you probably, like me, have kids now, which means lack of time for Civ. But TV sucks these days so….

    I learned how much of a time sink these are with Civ III, been meaning to try V.

  • Early reviews suggest Civ 7 is not that great

    • +3

      Firstly its sitting on 81/100 on MC for PC which is a very good score. Secondly reviews for a civ game are meaningless, they have been making this game for 30+ years and every game fans will put in 1000+ hours.

      • 81 is not good enough for a Civ game. I believe it's the lowest score in the series.

        • -2

          81 , 85 , 91 who cares when every fan of the series is going to play 1000+ hours anyway.

          • +7

            @noise36: Yeah! Who cares about how good the game? Let's just give them our money because.

          • +3

            @noise36: Is 1000+ hours what separates the "fans" from the casuals to you ? :p

            Anyway i've played Civ 4 to 6, seems like each new release is a tweak to the graphics and the gameplay. Paying that much for base game Civ 7 seems too much to me…

            • +1

              @smcdlsk: Per hour of entertainment its cheap. Been playing civ games for 30 years, the cost is largely irrelevant.

              • @noise36: that's great! let us know how good Civ 7 is after 1000+ hours :p

              • @noise36: "Per hour of entertainment its cheap. Been playing civ games for 30 years, the cost is largely irrelevant."

                Exactly this ^

                Time is the most precious currency.

                PS 3 hours until download time! Can't wait!

                • @Barry off EastEnders: That's exactly the thing, but time is what I don't have to spend (unlike my teens/20s playing the earlier Civs). Spending the upper end of $100 for something I won't get time to spend thousands of hours on isn't a great ROI. The longer I can hold out, the better the ROI becomes! hah

                  • +1

                    @aragornelessar: Ahhh, I hate to admit it, but you're right..

                    Well, having bought it and played a few hours, its very good. I watched a few long reviews last night before making my decision. No doubt the game will get better and better but the out of the box features are vast.

                    Playing on an M4 Mac Mini.

      • Civ IV is at 94.

        Civ V is at 90.

        Civ VI is 88.

        Civ VII is now at 80.

        Civ Revolution is also at 80.

  • +8

    I put so many hours into Civ 5 looking for the fun of Civ2-4 + Alpha Centauri before realizing I wasn't finding it, and the optimization was terrible, running worse than Crisis despite the game literally doing nothing while it was a player's turn. Then the expansions sort of restored features from the previous games which had been stripped, which I bought, but it felt like they were nickel and diming me just for the full game.

    Civ 6 received for free still didn't even feel worth playing for more than 5 minutes with the cartoony style.

    They're joking at this price. As a former huge fan of the franchise who played it obsessively, they lost my willingness to even pay normal full game price years ago. Almost $200 for what I assume is the full game, in an era when great games are available for $5-$25 regularly, if not free.

    • +5

      Yeah I dont understand the rush to buy a game that is feature incomplete.

  • +4

    Doesn't anyone remember cities skylines 2? Don't pay stupid prices.

  • +1

    I actually really like Civ 6, particularly post expansions. I thought I preferred Civ 5, but when I went back to give it another go it just seemed…bland?
    I'll pick this up for sure, but will wait until the price had gone down at least 80% and some expansions are out.
    Though if It was Xcom 3, I'd be shoving my money at then

  • +9

    will wait for epic games freebie in 2028

  • +2

    I can't believe the UI and font made it into the final release. When I saw the early previews I assumed that was just in beta and they hadn't focused on it, but seeing these final reviews with that top nav bar and various fonts/icons was shocking. If that's their idea of minimalist it's a pretty big step backwards and probably enough on its own to hold me back playing it.

    • None of the Steam store screenshots show the UI which is… interesting.

  • +2

    Unfortunately it’s gotten poor reviews

    It’s been dumbed down and simplified

    I’d wait till it’s cheap

    • -1

      Haven't you seen the level of thinking the world is heading towards?

  • Damn. I've been very un-ozbargain and already ordered at full price.

    My civ route was CTP, CTP2 then Civ3 onwards. Really looking forward to less micro management.

  • +6

    I wouldn't really consider a Civ game complete until the expansions are released. Worth waiting for the bundle to come out in a few years. Plenty of time to play your favourite civ and save a few bucks in the process.

    How long have people here been playing civ for? I started at Civ 3.

  • +2

    Preordering games incentivizes them to put in less effort and going by past track record.. civ 5 and 6 didnt get good until the large dlcs came out.

  • +18

    Early access is a con. It's really delayed access for people who don't spend the extra $30.

    • +2

      The price of this EA version of the game is also completely absurd.

      Nothing about this is a bargain at all.

      Also, who in their right mind in this day & age is pre-ordering a video game?

  • +1

    Civ 1 was the first game that ever kept me up all night…been playing the series off and on, not even sure which versions I enjoyed/not. Played a bit of civ6 thanks to Epic’s freebie, never brought any expansions. And that’s how much I’m willing to pay for this, $0. Understand I’ll have a bit of a wait XD

  • +5

    I'm going to wait for an expansion or two this time around.

    I ended up spending over $200 on Civ VI and its expansions/DLC. It didn't really feel satisfying until after the second expansion (after which I actually started putting some real hours in to the game). But by that time, it had dropped to a fraction of its launch price.

    At $100 for the base game, I'd expect the combined costs with expansions/DLC would be more like $300+ this time around. And then in a few years' time, you'll probably be able to get the whole thing as a "complete" bundle for $30. I'll wait for that.

  • I always just hold out and end up buying Civ games for $10-15, it's not the type of game 'you have to have' on launch day.

    But each to their own.

  • +5

    Yes, I know the game is expensive.
    Yes, I know we shouldn't pre-order.

    Bro, it's Civ, you shouldn't even play it until the first expansion comes out.
    They always withhold core gameplay features from the base game.
    Just get some mods for Civ VI or go down the rabbit hole that is Crusader Kings III while you wait.

    • +2


      Civ always plays better with the expansions

      • +3

        Why ship an entire product when you can bait your audience into buying piecemeal (absolutely not a contention that both V and VI weren't fantastic once 'complete,' but it seems a bit typical of Firaxis at this point)?

        • +1

          taking a leaf out of Paradox Games' playbook with the gazillion DLCs.

  • +2


    Definitely wait 'til expansions.

  • +1

    this is first civ imma skip at launch, i already have humankind and all its dlc.

    might five finger discount it

  • +2

    Lifelong civ fan here, 130$ for VII EA is a terrible deal. Definitely worth waiting till the price drops.
    Also, beware! PC version has Denuvo at release so performance won't be great and it'll eat up your SSD

  • +2

    page wont load for me on either phone or pc, anyone else experiencing similar issues?

    • +1

      same here, lawd pls don't tell me a preoder is ozbargained

    • +2

      Same, it has been broken for a few days. Ended up just getting it on fanatical lol

  • +1

    2game website is shot, can't even get to the buy page. They've also adusted the price up, so this deal is done.
    I bought from Fanatical for $175.95AUD in the end. Still better than $199 on Steam.

  • +2

    FYI 2game have raised the price, bought from GreenManGaming for $169.96 using the code Feb15 and they have already sent the key.

  • +2

    I've never seen the word 'suckers' spelled 'founders' before.

  • +1

    In what will be a shock to absolutely no one, the suckers who paid for Early Access are absolutely roasting the broken, bugged and not even remotely finished game.

    Over 8,000 "Mostly Negative" and "Not Recommended" reviews already.





    Another excellent reminder of why you NEVER pre-order games.

    • +1

      Amazing that they paid extra for the chance to play the unfinished beta version. Talk about taking the suckers to the cleaners.

  • About 30 hours in and I'm enjoying it a lot.

    Not finding it buggy in any way whatsoever.

    I like the new elements, it makes it a sequel to VI.

    Looking forward to see how the game evolves with future patches.

    • +2

      Did you read the negative reviews on the steam store page for it and watch the videos on this guy's comment?


      I assume they are real issues since it's so widespread. Definitely a game to watch the evolution, the last few civ games weren't great until an expansion or two had released.

      • -1

        This is normal negative consumer behaviour, yeah there is a few UI issues but its still a great game. Every single launch there's been the negative feedback, I remember all those complaining about hexagonal, but would you really go back to squares? The ages have a few people offside, but its a good mechanic and changes the game up.

        I'm 25 hours in and love it. I used to play Civ 6 until I knew I could win then start a new game. I hated the micromanagement in modern age.This game doesn't do that so for me that's a huge positive.

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