This was posted 4 years 5 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Panamax 500mg 100 Tablets $0.69 (Was $2.49) @ Chemist Warehouse / My Chemist


Greetings everyone, these tablets haven't been this price nationwide in ages, so great to see it back again.


For the temporary relief of pain and discomfort in
arthritis, headache, muscular and neuralgic
conditions. Reduces fever.

As always, enjoy!

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Chemist Warehouse
Chemist Warehouse
My Chemist
My Chemist

closed Comments

  • +2

    Thanks again, always have one of this in my bag pack at uni.

    • Bag pack? Backpack?

    • And you keep going through them?…
      Maybe you should see a doctor..

      • +1

        No, they are mine! The doctor can get their own!!

  • +2

    These are great for symptoms of covid-19.

    • Yes but.. your body temp rising helps kill the virus.

    • Agreed, can confirm from first hand experience!


  • +13

    Perfect timing. Novak’s fans will need lots.

    • and place a blister pack on the throat for protection

  • +3

    Why do Panadol costs about 5x times as much of these (rrp)?

    • I've not bought Panadol for decades… The generic painkillers at the supermarkets are identical, but a fraction of the price.

    • +18

      Advertising spend & high wholesale cost. The Panadol product is the marketeers dream - own the market then make them pay. Most smaller pharmacies actually sell Panadol branded products at a loss or at near break even. Its the product you can't afford not to keep on the shelf but actually don't really want to sell. On my first day on the job at the Pharmacy I sold a Childrens Panadol product, the POS flashed RED and altered me to the fact the sell price was below the current wholesale buy price…… The joys of selling Panadol.

      This is a great deal, I thoroughly recommend all Ozbargainers buy this item. When visiting CW use their free hand sanitiser at the door, ask the pharmacist on duty 20 questions over 15 minutes about all your issues, make your 69c purchase, pay on your amex and leave with a smile. When you see me there doing the same give me a wink.

      • +6

        And people wonder why pharmacy is a shit profession to get into….

        • All the huge brands have been replaced by owner run Franchises here in Adelaide outside chemist warehouse, even my local national pharmacy is always empty. A lot of early 20 year olds Pharmacists getting crazy rich while murdring old brands

      • +4

        But paying with Amex will not earn a point as the 0.69 is rounded down in calculating points? Use a card that doesn't round down.

        • You are the real MVP.

        • +9

          It's not about earning a point . It's about seller has to pay higher commission for sale on amex compared to visa/MasterCard. …. I am guessing that what op intended.

          • @OneIdiot: My decision making process goes like: if merchant fees/ surcharge the same and spend amount >= $1, I use Amex. If < $1, Visa, if different fees/ surcharge, then decide by worth of points.

        • Link your Amex to PayPal

        • But paying with Amex will not earn a point as the 0.69 is rounded down in calculating points?

          I'm sure you can buy a limit of 2 or 3. Three at 69c will cost you $2.07, so points on $2?

        • The points you get from a dollar aint worth the time to post imo

    • The difference is party in the filler used to make up the tablet.

      • +7

        Where can I find these party fillers?

        • Lol. *partly

  • +18

    I’m a doctor and can confirm that these are, in fact, the same brand stocked in most Melbourne metropolitan hospitals. You’d have to have rocks in your head to pay $4-6 for a 12-24 box of GSK Branded Panadol!

    • +4

      but the placebo effect is so good though

    • +3

      Don't know whats what doc , but from my personal experience a couple of times whenever I tried this generic to save money, i experienced acidic stomach/heartburn but with Panadol it never happens.

      Thought it was placebo effect initially but it has happened couple of times for me to consider the fillers used in tablets are not complimenting my mucus lining.

      With Panadol it's easier for me and doesn't feel acidic or slightly heating after taking.

      I personally think with many branded meds , compared to generic of course the salts are same but there is some differences in the tablet fillers /accompanying compounds used which help in easy assimilation and lessen some side effects.

      Just my thoughts..

      • +2

        I agree - while the active ingredients are the same, the other ingredients e.g. binders used to make the compressed tablet may be slightly different. One thing to consider is if you can tolerate the capsules better than the tablets (capsules are also available generically, but are more expensive than the tablets).

    • +2

      I get these for myself, but a family member has trouble swallowing pills and finds the Panadol mini caps easier to take.

      I just wish someone else made paracetamol mini capsules or coated caplets because of the extortionate pricing of the Panadol brand ones.

  • +6

    Still haven't finished my pack from the previous previous previous previous bargain, will buy anyway and eat faster

    • Must be expired by now.

      • +1

        Just're right!

        • +5

          Haha, just be careful popping them like tic tacs to use them all, they're a lot more dangerous than people give them credit for.

  • +2

    What do people use it for?

    Our family including two young kids has never taken Panadol or generics. I never stocked up on baby Panadol despite being told to otherwise after birth, etc - arguing that I could just pop out and buy it if necessary.

    • +4

      Really? Paracetamol is a common painkiller used to treat aches and pains.

    • Yeah I agree, don't think I ever had Panadol outside of a hospital

    • +5

      Headaches, cramps, period pains, etc?

    • +1

      You are blessed with a healthy family.

    • I never stocked up on baby Panadol despite being told to otherwise after birth

      Why was this left up to you and not your parents? Surely this is negligence, sending your newborn down to the chemist to buy baby panadol for themselves?

    • Dealing with the public gives me headaches

    • Headaches from bad sleep

  • "Invalid Request
    Unfortunately we were unable to process this request"

    Is anyone else getting this error message when they try and check out?

    • Ok for me, maybe try a different browser?

      Good deal

    • got that error too trying to checkout via paypal,
      try credit card, no issues.

  • +11

    I’m a simple man. I see 69 in the price, I upvote

    • +3

      Found Bill & Ted

  • Would buy a pack but need to spend $50 for free delivery and don’t know what else to buy. Can’t really go in store because lockdown

  • +2

    I remember the days when I could go into a chemist and buy a box of codeine without any problems. Now paracetamol is the best I can get without lying and begging…

    • Welcome to the low-trust society.

  • +1

    Seems to be a limit of 1 pack.

  • -5

    Ahh, Australias intentional reliance on drugs - just like the .99c stuff at the checkout next to the lollies at Aldi
    United States of Australia strikes again - there is a documentary about it, just can't think of the name

    • +4

      Maybe if you wernt so drugged up, you would remember the name.

  • What is the limit you can purchase in store at once?

    We have two young kids and get through a lot of these!!

    • +1

      should be one

      • +1

        Got 2 packs, pain free

      • I bought 2 packs in store this afternoon in one transaction at Indooroopilly (Qld). There was no issue.

  • Big tablets. Break in half to swallow more easily.
    Alternatively, break in half anyway to make the pack 200 tablets with 250mg active ingredient:)

    • Pah, I do two at once with no problem, little swig of water afterwards you're good.

      Never choked to death once.

      • +13

        Never choked to death once.

        can you choke to death more than once?

        • +5

          Let us know 👍

    • Or just man up and chew them… having said that, I'm used to the taste so it's not so bad

  • -1


  • Thanks OP

  • -4

    Paracetamol consists of a benzene ring core. Paracetamol is derived from coal tar. The generic medicines are not tested on poor humans from developing countries. Brand name drug makers invest substantial amounts of money to research, test, acquire approval, manufacture, and develop a market for specific prescription drugs. Generic drug competitors have none of those research and development (R&D) expenses. hence the difference in price……

    • +2

      Paracetamol was first made in 1877 and Panadol has been around since 1955 so I hardly think they're still trying to recoup R&D costs it's simply marketing hype, I remember a guy who was a shampoo manufacturer telling me about the cheapest thing was the shampoo inside the bottle the marketing was the biggest cost.

    • +4

      Wow, those links…. is tin foil also on sale?

    • The generic medicines are not tested on poor humans from developing countries.

      This is a good thing though, right?

    • Geddouttahere

  • Lol paracetamol may as well be free

  • -7

    I think it should be put into regulating policy that purchasing these Panadol or Paracetamol like pills also need prescription as it can be used to temporarily reduce fever which may be used to mask a real Covid symptom.

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