Check this intersection.. It's more a merge than a turn. Map here, from Porters left into Mona Vale Rd. Would you use your right blinker to inform cars on the main road or would you use your left blinker to let anyone behind you know the obvious?
Which Blinker at This Intersection?

Left, because you are turning from one road into the next, it's like a slip lane where you would be merging.
BMW drivers don't need to use indicators.
If your on the Gold Coast indicating is optional.
I'd say left also, as you're turning from one road to another, like a t I guess, basing off the lines on the road.
I’d tend towards using right to indicate a ‘merge’. Don’t know if it’s correct or not. The main road is curving right, porters lane is pretty much going straight. It’s more like a merge lane onto a freeway than a slip lane.
Have a similar one near home and tend to use right (if anything).
Depends on the situation.
If it's not busy, I would probably just go left into the slip lane then get out of it.
If it's busy and there's a lot of cars, and I end up sitting in the slip lane, I'll go left into the slip lane then sit there waiting for traffic to ease but put my right blinker on.
The fact that there is a Give Way sign, and you are joining a lane to your right, I'd say indicate right. If you are lazy and do not indicate will also be fine as there is only way you can go.
You should cover both bases and use your hazards.
I know the intersection, and there's a similar one I use most days that's similar. I indicate right because of how slight the angle is to the main road.
As others have pointed out, rules for this exist. I don't think anyone will be confused whichever way you indicate.
(If there's no one around and you indicate, can it be said you indicated at all? I choose to be precise with my indicator usage around others, but if it's 3am and I'm cruising the PH, I'll be…flexible.)
It's always the one that you don't see that causes the problems.
No indicators needed if you turn into and stay in the left lane in Mona Vale Rd. If you have some reason to need to be in one of the other lanes (other than just being a "right-lane-hugger"), then indicate right.
As you are technically turning left, you should be indicating left.
Though in my opinion, I think indicating right (as you are merging right into the lane) is more useful as no one that's concerned with the lane merge (the traffic pre-existing in the left-most lane) can see your left blinker..
I would indicate left prior to getting into the image, but prior to merging, I would switch my right blinker on (and of course slow down and check for traffic/safe to merge)
Technically it is use Left Indicator. Common sense says use the R Indicator.
Perhaps Road Rules need updating with merging style turn/entry as this and slip lanes etc being the new norm. R Indicators are more beneficial to other drivers, although it is blatantly obvious as the left lane is either ending and a vehicle wants/needs to come to the right, but most folk have stopped indicating 'properly' anyhow.
The correct answer is left. Porters is an actual lane and not just a part of a turn. You are indeed turning left into Mona Vale Road from Porters Lane.
(Personally, I just wouldn't signal and save myself some fluid.)