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HUAWEI Wi-Fi AX3 Pro Quad-Core Wi-Fi 6+ Wireless Router 3000Mbps US$69.99 (~A$96.51) Delivered @ Banggood AU

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Seems to be a good price for an ax router!
Can create a Mesh Network with multiple routers!


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            • +2

              @dealhunter52: I know, the difference is our democratic strategic partner is forcing the hostile suppressive communist regime to buy barleys from them, while we can't.

              • +1

                @random-guy: Except US doesn't even export barley to China, Their biggest export to China is Soybean along with pork, poultry and dairy etc etc. Stupid conspiracy theories.

            • @dealhunter52: yes. non-believers in our system must be purged.

            • @dealhunter52: You mean values such as having the CIA secretly undermine Australian politicians because of being threatened by their policies?

              Also it's pretty hard to label China as a communist country when they don't actual actively partake in communist ideals.

    • +1

      no need to play the victim australia banned huawei first

    • +2

      you mean how our blood bros USA forced china to buy their barley and not ours? and we do dump pretty trashy penfolds there …

      • Except US doesn't even export barley to China. They export Soybean along with pork, poultry and dairy etc etc. Do some research before posting.

    • -1

      actually that's because of what ameristralia banned first - and the 77th brigade need to make up some new tactics.

  • How does the mesh work? If I have one primary router connected to a modem, I can place another one of these somewhere else with just power and set it up to provide an extended mesh of the same network? Does it have dedicated backhaul etc? Sounds too good to be true for the price lol.

    • +1

      yes that is correct, you can have the second router connected via Ethernet or WiFi and it works like a range extender and/or load balancer

    • cant figure out how to delete comment

    • https://www.kogan.com/au/buy/kogan-wifi-ac1200-whole-home-me…

      ive bought 2 of these packs for family members and highly recommend them. super easy to install. just plug one box into your original router/modem then the other 2 around the house, they all talk to each other and pass/relay on the data so it cuts out any dead spots that are too far away.

      the price has a weird oscilating pattern - https://pricehipster.com/?q=kogan%20mesh%20wifi so wait till it is cheaper.

  • +19

    The way the media is presenting the cancellation of Australian farm produce is a bit misleading .It's a case of rob Peter to pay Paul .Because of the trade war with the US the Chinese are now required to purchase $50 billion worth of US farm products to meet the terms of the trade agreement .So they have canceled orders with Australia farmers and placed them with US farmers instead .


    • +7

      and we are paying the price for being Trump's chess, courtesy of Scomo's admin.

    • +3

      Great USA first policy, sounds like it had the exact effect a USA citizen would want.

      We need more Aus first policy's here instead of relying on the "big boys" to play nice with us.

      • +2

        exactly, but, USA and China are not our only bet here, look at developing countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc they are definitely our big partners in near future, it is time to enhance and extend our relationship with them, it's a hundreds of millions customers for us.

        • +18

          Let's look at these countries.

          China bought $87.7 billion of imports and we bought $57.7 billion of imports from China in 2018, so, roughly $145 billion.

          Vietnam has a GDP of $245 billion, so, the trade volume we have with China is more than 50% of their whole economy. Vietnam also has a single party socialist government - if China is being seen as an undesirable trade partner because of their government, this should also mean that Vietnam is excluded - if we are going to be consistent.

          Indonesia's GDP is just over $1 trillion. Right now, Australia doesn't trade with Indonesia to any appreciable degree. This could be that they don't have what we want, and we don't have what they want (or can afford), so, setting up a trade relationship to replace China (noting that China is also Indonesia's biggest trade partner) is not so simple. The GDP per capita of Indonesia (~$3,900) is less than half of China (~$9,800), demonstrating a significant disparity in purchasing power. Moreover, geographically and strategically, Indonesia may represent a bigger military threat for Australia than any other country (certainly worth Australia using what meager intelligence resources we have on). They are a strategic defensive partner, for now. Australia has the dominant position relative to Indonesia when it comes to wealth, but when this approaches parity and they are able to assert their influence, who knows what will happen.

          Malaysia's GDP is slightly higher than Vietnam at $360 billion, and the trade volume between Malaysia and Australia is around $13 Billion. So, the trade volume we have with China is 11 times more than the current trade volume we have with Malaysia. Again, China is a top trade partner with Malaysia, so this must also mean that they would likely have to trade less with China just to trade more with Australia - and why would they do that? The good news is that Malaysians can afford our goods, with a higher GDP per capita than China (~$12,000).

          The Economies of China + US represent around 40% of the Global Economy. You can't realistically escape from both of them. You can't even realistically escape from one of them. India, which the West have been cosying up to, have an economy currently 1/5th the size of China though they are expected to be in a growth phrase. However, they have their own human rights issues that the West is willing to over look because they are not the enemy of the moment. So if we are choosing trading partners by ethical/political criteria, they should also not be considered.

          There might be some increase in trade with UK given they left the EU, but what we have to export currently (primary produce and raw material) is far more useful in high production countries like China than high service countries like UK who prefer to import completed goods, so, not only do we need to find trading partners, we have to have things to trade. Given the high labour cost in Australia, production of large quantities of completed goods is likely to be highly uncompetitive in the world market unless they are of exceptional quality. It would require a complete restructure of our economy and work force and a long term view by our leaders, who have to be reelected every 4 years.

          TL;DR - You can't realistically hope to replace your largest trade partner who happens to be the second largest economy in the world and the largest trade partner in our immediate geographical region with a wave of a newspaper article.

          • +4

            @Fiximol: Wow, seems forever since I last found someone really used their brain and ran the numbers on this topic.

          • +1

            @Fiximol: No you can't replace it overnight. They didn't become a country with all those things to trade overnight either. You mentioned Indonesia, they have lots of potential - lots of natural resources, lots of people with relatively cheap labor. There's Thailand, India, Phillipines, etc. All of them added up can definitely replace China in the long term.

            It is insane that the developed nations all went to China, a totalitarian country, to invest and build out all their offshore capability and help grow their economy to where it is today. There are lots of other countries where they can do distribute that.

            If not just we're putting all our eggs in one basket, its that the basket owner is a totalitarian nut with expansion dreams. China's hardline expansionist ideals is really what we should be concerned about. They call it Pacifying. Its like handing over your baby and bank account to Charles Manson.

            • +3


              It is insane that the developed nations all went to China

              its not insane, it's a carefully calculated move by capitalists, china had the best infrastructure and educated workforce which gives greatest chance for profit, there was no competition

              a totalitarian nut with expansion dreams

              2 points:

              saudi arabia is a totalitarian state that the west gets most of its oil from
              china has no history of being expansionist, this is a media narrative not backed by facts to make war more palatable

            • +2

              @arislan: to be perfectly fair, western leaders thought they could convert China across to Western ideals. It is my personal view that it is somewhat presumptuous even as far as I would describe arrogant to believe everyone want the same things. It is abundantly clear that poppy Bush era policies have largely failed.

              The discussion on the topic has largely evolved around loses in the interim, or feasibility of diversifying.

              One interest question would be, what would the principled thing to do. Say Nazi Germany was our largest trading partner, and having the benefit of hindsight we know the atrocities against the Jews, would we be talking about feasibility?

              History is very much different when read vs lived. People often have an inflated view of how they themselves or their peers would act when given the circumstance in the past, but 99.9% would act the exact same way as our forefathers. When growing up, I always didn't understand how the rest of the world would allow the holocaust to occur.

              Looking at China in recent history, one of the earliest indicators how plan to bring democracy in China has failed is the student sitting / hunger strike protest of Tiananmen Square for democracy, and the massacre that followed, thousands of university students were killed as 250,000 troops entered Beijing. The west said a few nice words, and then it was forgotten. They continued to pour money into China, as they reaped the rewards of a wage depressed labour force which has suffered through the "great leap forward" and the "cultural revolution", with long forgotten understand of human rights, nor would ever strike for better conditions.

              Now coming to the present, we know 1M Uighur Muslims are in "re-training camps". Insiders claim there are organ harvesting which has been long claimed for Falun Gong followers as well as China prison systems. In order to breed out the Uighur people, the CCP have created large incentives and pushed Han Chinese to move into the region, creating incentives for local Uighurs to inter-marry in order to "de-radicalise" extremists.

              China has moved into several Nepal territories, leveraging their rail infrastructure investment as part of their belt & road policy. This is a strategic move against India given recent tensions. Not to mention the artificial island building in order to gain influence in the South China sea in order to secure submarine exit route. Breaking the Sino-British Joint Declaration after a mere 23 years.

              It very much echos (although I realise to a lesser extent) what the Germans did with the take over of Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland.

              • +1

                @yannyrjl: usual fake facts - and india is a very toxic country currently.

                no-one knows how many uighur moslems are in retraining camps, and of course the uighur terrorist attacks that caused the problems are never mentioned by the yank controlled media.

                falun gong are dedicated to the destruction of communism, and say anything, which is about right for a pretty toxic fascist group

                for example 'Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong says that homosexuality is not good, it is incestuous, immoral and guilty. The queers lost their senses, are psychologically dirty and abnormal. They are bad people, thus will be eradicated by the God first.'

                And any country near india should be worried because their fascist government is way out of control. look at kashmir since August 2019,” when New Delhi stripped the region of its statehood and the semi-autonomy that gave its natives special rights in land ownership and jobs….

                Many however, view the move as the beginning of settler colonialism aimed at engineering a demographic change in India’s only Muslim-majority region,

                The move, which set off widespread anger, was accompanied by a security clampdown and communications blackout in the region that left hundreds of thousands jobless, impaired the already feeble healthcare system and paused the school and college education of millions.'

                • +1

                  @petry: China knows how many Uighurs Muslims are in concentration camps, the Uighurs knows too, so your very first point is invalid

                  Falun Gong was very much doing their thing until they were persecuted in China once they've gained followers and influence. CCP persecuted homosexuals as well, so what are you talking about on that point?

                  I don't know what your definitions are if you think India is more fascistic than China. You talk about Kashmir? China never had a claim to Xinjiang right from the start, the People Liberation army simply marched in to "supposedly" eliminate radicals and then just decided to take over.

                  So you mention engineering of demographic change, what's your take on the incentives in Xinjang?

                  Do you know much about the Tiananmen Square Massacre which you conveniently left out. Find me a modern government that shoots down it's own students with their own miliary?

                  • @yannyrjl: India - try reading the news.

                    and your assertions make no sense.

            • @arislan: what do you call committing to trumps america instead sane?

              america is a racist country - and we are surrounded by non white nations. do you really think our neighbours don't see our blatant racism?

              • +2

                @petry: which one do you think in more racist, America or China?

                I think you know very little Chinese history, if you think China treats minorities better than America

                • +1

                  @yannyrjl: Maybe you should look at the different minorities that make up china…

              • +1

                @petry: @petry I've actually lived in the US. Yes there are racists here and there but not the entire nation. I've lived in 2 other countries in Asia as well, not China, and there are racist people there too. There's racists all over. One thing is for sure though, China is a totalitarian country - racist or not. I definitely will pick any country, US included over totalitarian China.

                Looking at your other posts, you seem to be a "blind" Chinese supporter - you seem to be rationalizing their crime and pointing to other countries with "what-about-ism" logic. Other countries can be shite like the US, but it doesn't remove the fact that China is a lot worse.

                • +1

                  @arislan: really?

                  Your assertions are based on what?

                  You state you haven't lived in china yet its worse than everywhere else. Why is that exactly - well clearly because that's what you have chosen to believe, or paid to say.

                  You have also chosen to assert that i am blind - well I can read very well. Maybe you should read exactly what America has done since 9/11.

                  Aside from a list of war crimes a mile long, massive enviromental destruction on a global scale , and the overthrow of dozens of democratic countires, its a racist country defined by an endless list of racist crimes unpunished by its dysfunctional legal system.

                  Apparently you see China as worse even though it hasn't been at war with anyone, and readily accuse anyone who bothers to read the real facts of why things happen as both blind and associated with a country other than their own.

                  I'm an Australian, and my country is fast dissapearing down the shitter because of bloody american interference and self-centred chancers aka politicians.

                  China is a bloody star compared to 21st century America, and thats based on facts.

                  • +1

                    @petry: @petry, you just proved my point. It is not either or. Both US and China have their own issues. Your actions prove my claims. You seem to keep defending China for whatever reasons.

                    I'm not disagreeing at all with your claims on the US, but I am disagreeing with your bullshit on China. You keep pointing to all the crimes the US did, which again I am not disagreeing, but seem to be completely blind to the ones China is doing, look at the uighur situation, look at nepal, look at what they're doing here in Australia buying politicians, they've been doing that for decades across Asia.

                    I'm not the one looking through bias lens here - and no China is not a bloody star compare to the US. You do understand what a totalitarian government is right?

                    • +1

                      @arislan: You keep regurgitating fake news - try looking at the entire South American continent, which essentially is sinking into stinking mess caused almost entirely by American regime change.

                      There's a reason why they want a border wall because they have made enemies in South America for life.

                      America has owned politicians here since brian burke, and after Obama threw a tanty has blatantly interefered with every election.

                      Scomo just bought votes to win through a standard yank election tactic and surprise surprise zero investigation into our clearly broken allegedly democratic system which features

                      legal immunity to lie at elections,
                      undeclared preferences before voting
                      buying votes through paying grants of numerous kinds
                      redrawing electoral areas to fix electorates
                      compulsory voting
                      undisclosed overseas funding of both parties and indviduals

                      You assert i'm biased because the truth is unpalatable to the myth.

                      Australia has in reality a fake electoral process these days, meaning it is no longer really democratic.

          • +1

            @Fiximol: I don't think the point is to find a replacement, we know we can't it's our biggest exporter. However, if your business model is having one large customer buying 1/3 of your stuff, eventually you going find yourself weaker and weaker at the table as China has in recent years flexing their dominance in the region / world.

            The question is for long term benefit, should we diversify and have less reliance on our Chinese exports. While, we often pride ourselves on our agricultural exports, these can be easily substituted for comparable goods. Our true strength lies in our mining export, China can go buy inferior Brazilian Iron Ore if they want but this is the area we can strengthen our hand (just take some short / medium term loses). Realistically, our population is just too small, some regional centres need to be expanded if we want to have any influence on the world stage (currently very much by association)

            As you have pointed out also, the problem is the terms of government are too short for anyone to bear any medium term pain for longer term gains. Xi is Emperor for life, so he can play the long game.

            Personally, I think this one is going end on China's terms, anti-Australia sentiment is at all time high (as far as my old man can remember so that's over last 70 years), so we might be forced to divest whether we want to or not.

            • +1

              @yannyrjl: china has no emperor.

              • +1

                @petry: don't think Chairman / President Xi is an emperor? I've got a bridge here for sale

                what country in recent years blatantly changes their constitution to suit the longevity of it's ruler?

                • +1

                  @yannyrjl: About a dozen other countries in the last 20 years…

          • @Fiximol: We don't need to Replace China.. we just need to diversify. Relying too much on expansionist CCP regime would be huge risk for Australia in coming years.

      • +1

        Strongly agree! Aus first! One Nation but without the racist stuff. Want to be able to trade with anyone we want without upsetting the USA. We can still maintain our way of life. Once we're super wealthy we don't need to rely on anyone for security against any foreign adversary. Besides, what's the USA gonna do for us in a nuclear war? (Except maybe make us a target).

        • +2

          If you think in an event of war US will help you, you are wrong. They will only help you if you have oil. Otherwise, they will not even give a flying rat's backside.

          We will fight Americas economy war - china will stop buying from us and will buy from the US!


          • +1

            @Seni0r El Cheapo: and we will all be far worse off as a result, the descent began long before covid and now we are an island adrift of our neighbours, committed to racism.

            • +2

              @petry: you looking for Social Credit boosts?

              • +1

                @yannyrjl: you seem to be attacking every comment i make , you a member of the 77th?

        • +2

          I used to think One Nation was racist growing up (I'm Chinese), but reflecting back, if does feel the media didn't report objectively and took things out of context "Click Bait" before it was ever known. Sensational headlines sell, and Hansen isn't your usual lawyer / union leader / politician secretary background.

          When I see my white friends too afraid to express their opinion in public, and I can do it with vigour often against the mainstream views because of my race, I know there is a racism problem in Australia, just not what people generally think.

          The way I see it, there are jerks everywhere, you find the "racists" treat people of their own-race just as badly, they just don't use racial insults to get their point across, they simply use other forms of insults or tactics.

          • @yannyrjl: yeah i can see that lol

            • @petry: another 50c for the post, do you get paid in AUD or RMB, lol

      • +1

        Yeah, if some Australian politicians don't follow Trump and his stupid administration like dogs.

    • It's not about cancelled orders, it's about raising trade disputes against classes of Australian commodities with false assertions of subsidies and dumping and subsequently locking those products out of trade with China.

      • They should just do like the US did and just do away with pretense.

        • +1

          yeah fire missiles at an airport to kill people they don't like because they knew 2 much

          • @petry: Stop conflating unrelated issues, unless that is a deliberate strategy on your part.

            • +1

              @Punkboy: american foreign policy is an unrelated issue to its economic war on china ?

              Seriously, thats your belief?

              • @petry: Stop mixing a grab bag of items together and picking whatever suits you.

                • @Punkboy: @Punkboy: american foreign policy is an unrelated issue to its economic war on china ?

                  Seriously, thats your belief?

  • Wow. This is a great price for an AX router.

    I wonder how it reviews. I wouldnt mind an upgrade from my AC router.

    • +1

      You need to have AX tech in your receiving device in order to see any benefit, so considering you probably don't have any AX hardware to get the benefit, there's really no need to rush. You'd be better off waiting a bit..

      • +1

        Not true, if you have a lot of devices connecting to one router you'd likely still see benefits due to the improvements in how an ax router handles multiple connections, even with pre wifi6 devices.

  • thanks Op, ordered…finally time to upgrade my dodo router lol

    • Your dodo router isn't a modem as well is it?

  • A deal on router and cows. An odd mix.

  • -1

    Amazing price if it really is a WiFi6 capable router that can be meshed - subsidised by the CCP…

    • Subsidized by stealing IPs from others, just like buying other "subsidised" stolen goods.

    • Don't worry as long as you stay out of China or any country that is pacified by them you'll be fine. Your social credit ranking is only useful or hurtful if you're within their boundaries… which is ever growing of course. Half the south china sea is theirs now with their man made atolls.

      At some point they'll cash in on all the debt other developing nations in Asia owes them and start ruling from the shadows - so maybe avoid those countries in the near future as well. No worries, it'll never reach our shores, our really smart politicians and crazy arse racists ones like Pauline Hanson will protect us! For sure!

      • +1

        the world bank did that for years - controlled by america of course - long before the chinese started fundings things the world bank wouldn't.

        its a capaitalist world and lending money to poorer countries to improve themselves is actually a good thing. america of course doesn't like it because the world banks control of other countries is weakened, causing this aspect of fake reporting by the yank media as part of their economic war on china.

        the 77th brigade are very big in australia these days courtesy of scomo trotting out yank bullshit economics.

        since people cant travel anymore they cant see the truth, making them easier to control.

    • Any links to reviews that say its hot and slow? Everything I've found has been pretty positive so far

    • +1

      I found some comments that refer to the AX3 having thermal issues, but the one in the deal is the AX3 Pro:

      "Huawei AX3 does not seem to have a good name because of reported thermal issues (AX3 Pro is fine for me running 24/7 now). Not so sure if it still have thermal issues running as a Mesh node (or AP mode). So better to get two AX3 Pro now.""

      "Do not buy the non-Pro AX3 as the reviews are pretty negative because of thermal issues."

      "Do not buy the non Pro AX3 dual core version. The reviews are mostly negative due to thermal issues. It is said Huawei uses lower quality heat sink for the non Pro version."

    • AX3600 is great, with 160Mhz enabled, my laptop with an ax200 gets a pretty stable 1.9Gbps connection in my living room (behind a wall but pretty close).
      But definitely need to take caution on those excessive dns request on api.miwifi.com from the router, so I just blocked them all together on my pihole.
      Heard they are working on third-party openwrt firmware, but still having some issue with the driver.

      • Can a PiHole be put between the router and the NBN modem?

        • nah, just connect your pihole to the router's lan port, and set your router's dns to your pihole's ip address. That will direct all dns request from your local network to the pihole.

          • @radiochaos: If they truly are doing some spy shit I doub't they're gonna be respecting DNS settings ;) Looks like openwrt support is coming along nicely though, seems to be a few people working on it. Will probably get one once it's available!

            • @dealord: they are more interested in selling your data than spy on you thou. But yeh I agree with you on that, they might don't want to respect that setting if they are actually doing some dodgy business.
              Regarding the openwrt, there are actually firmware already for Chinese version. But due to the driver issue, the npu still doesn't work, so the NAT performance is pretty bad compare to the stock one, according to the test (but still good enough for good ol' NBN), don't know that's good news or bad news thou XD

              • @radiochaos: Where can I find information about openwrt for AX3 Pro?

                • @Sathish9: not a chance, huawei developed their own chip, and the drivers are most likely compiled binary file, which made them extremely hard for reverse engineering.

  • Is this in English ?

    If I get three, can have wifi 6 mesh for <$300 …

    • Apparently the user interface is Chinese, but can be easily translated with Google Chrome. Alternatively people have mentioned the setup app is in English, but has less functionality

  • those with racist slur and comments please be a better version of yourselves. the Australian values we have shared with multi-national people in this country is what that makes us proud to be Aussies, just remember that.

    • +16

      Can you please point to these terribly racist comments?

      • +4

        We're at nearly 5 hours and still no evidence! It's a shame people feel the need to make claims without backing them up.

        • +1

          Unfortunately that's the motive with a lot of people with these ideas…

          You know the old saying about throw enough shit at the wall and some of it will stick.

          You just need to make a generic comment like, Aussies are racist, Aussies are racist, Aussies are racist enough times and people start to believe it. No actual evidence needed.

    • +2

      Are you referring to us being a country that cares so much about multiculturalism it doesn't look after its own citizens first?

      • Am here for such comments. Can't find any. Please point?

    • +1

      username checks out

    • +6

      What's with the race baiting? Is it beyond your capability to entertain the idea that the CCP is harmful to the ideas of freedom and democracy without somehow conflating that with total discrimination against all Chinese people? "Australian values" are incompatible with the CCP. Chinese immigrant know this, it's why they're here.

      • i see the 77th brigade is out in force again.

        i wonder what values u are talking about?

        secret trials - yes we have those

        secret government - tick

        right to protest - not anymore….

      • Exactly.. CCP regime is the issue.. not the Chinese people.. many of whom are actually victims of the injustice done to them.

        • just like australian war veterans then

          • @petry: Nope.. but continue with your unrelated and biased rant supporting expansionist regime.

            • @RogerSyd: explain the difference - why are kokoda trail veterans not allowed to protest in australia against mining, besides the accepted view that both parties are now in the hands of american mining and energy interests?

  • +2

    This would be awesome if I had any devices that supported the ax standard.

  • Can anyone suggest a good router with voip?

  • +2

    Who is here for China comments?

    • +2

      me me me me

    • Not when they start becoming dissertations.

    • Good that we have these comments on most of the chinese deals posted.. means people are understanding the Chinese threat to Australia. Economic pushback against Chinese regime is much needed.. already started in number of other countries too.

  • Good price, would get one if I didn't order the AX3600

  • +1

    Thoughts on 3 of these vs a mesh wifi system like Linksys WHW0103 Velop? I realise there's a price difference, but would the quality of the mesh network be equivalent / better with the Hauwei?

    • How will you troubleshoot when the entire interface is in mandarin?

  • +6

    I get turned on when I'm being spied! It's a buy for me!

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