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[PS4] The Last of Us Part II $55 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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The lowest price yet on Amazon, a further $5 price drop from the previous cheapest $60 deal.

The Limited Edition Steelbook is also available for $75 (down from $95).

Sold and fulfilled by Amazon AU. Delivery is for free for all (over $39), no prime required.

Last of Us Part II (2)
Sony Interactive Entertainment
Release Date: Jun 19, 2020

Five years after their dangerous journey across the post-pandemic United States, Ellie and Joel have settled down in Jackson, Wyoming. Living amongst a thriving community of survivors has allowed them peace and stability, despite the constant threat of the infected and other, more desperate survivors. When a violent event disrupts that peace, Ellie embarks on a relentless journey to carry out justice and find closure. As she hunts those responsible one by one, she is confronted with the devastating physical and emotional repercussions of her actions.

$45 Delivered if you are eligible for the $10 off for first time App users deal.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Must… wait… till semester break

  • +23

    I loved my time with this game, GOTY for me. Really enjoyed the first one and went in just wanting to see more of the world and Ellie, got both of those.

    • +1

      Between this and Ghost of Tsushima - and probably Cyberpunk - I have a hard time choosing my GOTY.

      • +1

        Agree! I got a bit fatigued by Ghost of Tsushima, but I think it was because I grinded out too many of the side missions (which I don't think hold a candle to their main storyline/side quests in The Witcher 3).

  • +9

    Will this comment section devolve into a cesspool like every other last of us 2 deal comment section>?

    • +23

      absolutely it will, guy below you is at -2 for saying he thought it was a 10/10 and saying it should be played lmao. the TLOU2 haters are the worst part of the internet right now.

      • +3

        because tlou2 fanboys are so good and definitely not toxic at all

        • +30

          imagine finding others' enjoyment to be toxic, damn what it must be like to be a capital-g Gamer

          • -1

            @[Deactivated]: yeah thats totally it when they try to force that onto others

            • +6

              @Freestyle: What are you even talking about? No-one that likes the Last of Us has or will ever try to FORCE it on to anyone. Toxic is the wrong way to describe people who quite enjoy something as its intended. We are just people that like games and games that actually have stories that don't resemble B or C grade movies, which is actually hard to find in games outside of Telltale, Naughty Dog and things like Detroit: Become Human. I like TLoU2 but I recognise its flaws and think its a good 8/10 game. For me it loses a whole point for just being too grimdark and violent, like the Red Wedding episode of GoT on repeat. But there's no denying its one HELL of a game.

              • -1

                @carlscott1982: what are YOU even talking about? Wrote an essay to fanboy over a game just because not everyone likes it

                Move on already

                • +2

                  @Freestyle: no, see, when people enjoy things it's nice to share that with others. you came into this thread just to cry about a game you probably haven't even played. dude explained that in 100 words and it's an essay? how do you actually survive day to day being so utterly useless?

              • @carlscott1982: And way too many flashbacks. Like seriously, at one point it was a cliffhanger, flashback, cliffhanger and ANOTHER flashback. Some real inception type shit.

                The violence changed me personally. I've gone in a real PG type direction since playing TLOU2. I loved the first, completed many times but I don't think I'll play TLOU2 again. Amazing example of the art though. Wow, but not really an enjoyable time. I guess the same could be said about the first but TLOU2 doubled down on the violence and then some. It's just a lot to take.

                • @Sxio: Dude, you aren't alone on that one. I'm actually surprised more hasn't been made of the sheer level of violence in this game. I'd say it changed me too. Been playing Steamworld Heist ever since to cleanse my brain.

                  • @carlscott1982: I don't know why they force you to control your characters actions when they're doing awful things? Like, i don't want to do that

                    I felt in many ways the game was trying to punish me or teach me a lesson. Left a really bad taste in my mouth.

                    That last scene where Ellie attacked Abby with the knife. Just… (profanity). It was so awful i put the controller down to see if any other option would play. Nope. You have to attack. I really don't enjoy that type of game design.

                  • @carlscott1982: Same. I bought tsushima but i just couldn't get into it. I'm just not in a violent media place now. I have NO desire to watch any realistic violent films either… I've been playing peggle and tetris.

          • -3

            @[Deactivated]: Imagine saying a game is 10/10 when it's widely regarded as a 6-7/10 by those who aren't shills or SJWs. TLOU2 fanbois are the worst part of the internet right now.

            • +1

              @maddison: I guess this thread must be filled with shills and SJWs then. Or is this just one more incel crying that there's a woman with muscles in his vidya game? Capital-G Gamer in the midst lads, watch out!

              Imagine thinking people who enjoy something are the worst part of the internet. You people must perform so many mental gymnastics throughout your day you could be the next leader of the Liberal party.

              • -1

                @[Deactivated]: Who mentioned a woman with muscles? Why do you assume it's just "lads" in this thread? You seem to have some sort of issue with women bud, best get that sorted out. I just think it's a shitty game, that SJWs defend to virtue signal, and shills defend to shill. Hurling insults like incel (again with the women thing?) isn't going to help anyone.

                • -1

                  @maddison: one day a woman will give you attention, today is not that day kid

        • +3

          What are you talking about?? That makes no sense at all? People who like a game are toxic, compared to people who are such a "fake fan" of the first, they hate the second so much that it's unplayable for some stupid reason.

      • +1

        Went to bed after posting this comment

        Come back and comment section is a mess lmao

  • +20

    Loved this game as much as the first one. Any game which wrecks you emotionally deserves a 10/10. Seems the large majority of haters haven't played the game and are just going off the leaks and things they've heard from others.

    • Did you know there's this revolutionary website called youtube where you can watch videos? It's pretty crazy I know.

      • +22

        Did you know that a video game is meant to be played rather than watched? It's pretty crazy I know.

        • -8

          Last of us is borderline an interactive movie. Regardless, not sure how the game play would impact story related opinions anyway. Your original comment is a cop out that blind fanboys use to defend the games story from any criticism.

          At the end of the day you can watch the entire thing on youtube. You don't need to play it to form an opinion on the story when you can just watch the movie.

          • +17

            @bert-lifts: Blind fanboy? Mate, I've played the whole game and formed my opinion on it based on the story and it was supposed to be experienced.

            If you've played the game yourself and have come to that criticism, then fair enough. But based off your comments you have only watched YouTube videos about it rather than actually going in and making your own educated opinion on it after playing the game.

            • -1

              @epicttiimm: I've watched the entire story. How will the gameplay change my opinion of the story exactly? Does the gameplay expand/change it or something?

              • +8


                Does the gameplay expand/change it or something?

                Did you forget it was a video game? Are you going to tell me if you went to your mate's place and watched them play a game you would never feel like you might have more fun if you actually got to play?

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: Fun factor was never mentioned? I was simply saying you don't need to play this game to form an opinion on the story when you can watch the whole thing. Emphasis on story.

          • +13

            @bert-lifts: Games are made to be played like movies are made to be watched. This is like listening to a soundtrack and saying a movie sounds bad. You have to experience the medium the way it's made to be and with the right context. I went into TLOU2 with no knowledge of any issues people had with it and think all of it was amazing, even when I was trying to look for what had caused all the babyrage I couldn't figure it out.

            Last of us is borderline an interactive movie.

            This is such a dumb take. This isn't Heavy Rain, it's an action game. The story being a huge focus doesn't make it an interactive movie. Was Uncharted 4 an interactive movie?

            • +14

              @[Deactivated]: I'm in the same boat tbh. Didn't look into the game and managed to avoid any spoilers. Went in completely blind and was very happy with it. I wouldn't call myself a fanboy by any stretch. I played through the first game for the first time on ps4 only a few years ago and thought it was pretty good, but not my absolute favourite game of all time or anything. I think that amongst the people who played the game and legitimately didn't like it (an opinion they're perfectly entitled to) there were a bunch of people who got caught up by the internet outrage machine.

              Tbh if I had watched the story or read about it first I definitely wouldn't have enjoyed it as much. It's really a lot more than just an interactive movie. It's an experience in itself that needs to actually be experienced. If you experience it and don't like it then you're perfectly entitled to that opinion.

              • @krazynayba: I overall really liked the game, and it's a technological marvel. But the story is way too contrived. Hell they had to spend half the game trying their hardest to make you sympathise with the 'new' character, and even then it's not convincing. Also it felt like I had 'finished' the game like 5 times, but then they go, "but wait, there's more!".

              • -1

                @krazynayba: I'm fully of the belief that if the story summary never leaked, there would be no hate-driven community like there is now. Apart from killing off a big character early, the rest really isn't all that controversial and definitely doesn't warrant the crazy hate-boner the incels have for it. But since it developed a reputation for going against the grain before it even launched, a toxic community was waiting to hate it no matter what happened in it, and they spread their vitriol and dumbass opinions all over the internet. Did you know some of these people genuinely believe it was a total commercial failure, because they felt white males were under attack (literally)?

    • +15

      I played it and finished it but wouldn't rate it 10/10. There was points I was just wishing it would hurry up and get to the end. Never had that feeling with the first one. I only finished it so I could sell it for roughly what I paid, overall it was 6/10 for me.

      Moved onto Ghost of Tsushima afterwards. I can't want to jump on and play each night after work. So much fun, freedom and storyline. I normally struggle with open world games but I can't rate it highly enough

      • +7

        I've moved onto Ghost as well and am also thoroughly enjoying it!

        • man I'm also loving Ghost, so fun and the cinematography is mesmerising

      • +6

        Yeah; I think it's a 6-7/10. Most disappointing game for me of 2020. Initially blown away by the visuals. However, it was just too repetitive for me; and the story and characters weren't interesting enough to drag me through. At times it's like a dumb decision simulator. I'd personally keep waiting for a bigger sale.

        • +3

          The gameplay was fairly tight but each chapter just felt so stretched in my opinion.

      • Quite the opposite for me, moved to GOT after finishing TLOU part II just to move back again.

        I enjoyed some open worlds but it was such a letdown after completing TLOU2, average AI, poor animations and a not well polished open world. I just couldn't get to it.

        But good that many enjoyed it so far.

        Sony delivered two excellent games for the last months of PS4.

        • +1

          I felt the same way after finishing TLOU, nothing even stood close technically. But ghost is really fun and I love the world, I was able to get over the lack of polish due to this haha

        • I felt the same for a little while cos TLOU is so insanely polished but Ghost is nothing short of incredible, seriously those 2 are easily 2 of my favourite games of all time and dropped within weeks of each other. I couldn't put Ghost down until I got 100% completion.

  • +24

    A good game if you are a golf-lover.

    • +1

      What a shot!

      A hole in (some) one

      😂 but 😔

    • +1

      You cheeky (profanity). Take your upvote and get out.

  • +15

    Would HIGHLY recommend this game, easily one of the best I've ever played. TLOU2 to TLOU1 is Uncharted 4 to Uncharted 3, improved upon in every way.

    • lel just got downvoted to oblivion for saying that I enjoyed it and asking people to actually play the game before making their opinion on it

      • +6

        no you just assumed anyone who doesn't like the game didn't play it which is stupid

        • +2

          The first dude who responded to him even proved him right by parroting the same nonsense the haters do that this 94/100 average score game that was the fastest selling PS4 exclusive of all time is in fact so bad it doesn’t even need to be played to be hated.

          TLOU2 hate squad is the dumbest part of the internet, prove me wrong.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: well you two already proved how stupid the TLOU2 fanboy "squad" is so good job

            • @Freestyle: I love that sad little incels like you need to create labels like "fanboy" as a means of insulting people who enjoyed a universally acclaimed artform. How dare we enjoy things! Go back to /r/thelastofus2 so I can continue making fun of you for spouting complete nonsense in your little echo chamber.

              next are you gonna tell me about how the sales dropped in week 2 therefore it was a failure and druckmann is hitler? I honestly pity you

  • +6

    Don't have to wait too much as this game will drop even lower before December.

  • +12

    Incredible game/experience. I have never felt this way throughout a movie, book, TV show, anything. One of the best games I've ever played for sure. Don't listen to the haters!

  • When will this come out on the PC? Anyone heard any rumours, confirmations, anybody?

    • Doubtful considering the first one was never ported to PC, it only Seems like Sony is interested in porting certain games like Horizon Zero Dawn and possibly God of War.

      • Thanks for the reply. I'll wait for the PS5 version then since I'm planning to get the PS5 console when it gets released.

        • No worries the first one on PS3 was remastered on the PS4 so they would be crazy not to do the same for the second one

    • +1

      I don't think any Naughty Dog game has been released on PC. Their titles are often PS exclusives.

  • +9

    Graphics were amazing in 4k with snide and smooth frame rates, but the character story hopping was annoying not as near as good as the first one but still worth a buy at $55. Also the bonus content on standard is pretty good too.

    I feel like this will be GOTY still !

  • Currently making the switch over to PS after many problems with Xbox. Can't wait to play this, but I think I'll wait until the PS5 to buy part 2. Hopefully the price with be down a bit more around that time. I'm sure many people would be glad to score it at this price though. Thanks OP!

    • +2

      Pretty sure PS4 games you own such as this one will get an upgrade to PS5 for free

      • +3

        I hear ya. On a bit of a tight budget at the moment with the rumoured costs of the next consoles, I'm trying to save as much as possible. Hopefully by the time I've trashed Cyberpunk, this should be much cheaper along with Ghost of Tsushima and a few others.

      • +1

        I hope so, but current marketing indicates they are “available for purchase”. Indications are Sony may back down and make it a developers decision.

    • +1

      Do NOT sleep on Ghost of Tsushima dude! While you're getting up to speed on PS4 games, God of War is also an absolute must-play

  • +5

    Great game. Before I bought it I was thoroughly worried after reading all the hate reviews from all the anti fanboys who hadn't even played the game and I felt like putting my face through a meat grinder after reading some of the reasoning behind their hate. I kept well away from the spoilers (seriously why would you want to know spoilers for one of the games of the year? It's a bit like reading about the twist to a great movie before you even watch it).

    Anyway, it dragged on a bit in parts but certainly got my 34 hours play through money's worth. And the 1.05 update is great with infinite ammo etc.

  • -3

    Let’s just stop with all the moral high horsing about “but you have to play to experience it”, as if Let’s-Plays, and gaming streamers, or competitive spectator e-sports are all some sort of new novel phenomenon that’s yet to be fully understood: you can pretty much judge everything about a game from watching live plays.

    At the end of the day, the game didn’t sell like they thought it would, and is now being discounted to get rid of stock.

    Take from that what you will.

  • Nah! I’m gonna wait and get it on PlayStation five

  • +2

    I've purchased the game about 2 mths back and I'm about half way thru and I'd say its about a B+ rated game.. i only play it when im over playing regular games.

    RDR2 is still hands down the best game out there if anyone wants a covid distraction.

    If anyone is in inner west melb ill sell you my copy of last of us 2 for $40

    • +3

      I frankly found RDR2 boring as hell after the first 10 hours of gameplay. I liked TLOU2 better.

      • +2

        That's why gaming is subjective.

        I have a friend who thinks RDR2 and TLOU2 are the worst games ever made.

        I mean, how good are opinions? LOL

        • +2

          Some opinions truly are worthless though. You can have issues with them but they are far from "the worst games ever made". Personally I couldn't really get into RDR2 enough to finish it, still enjoyed what I played.

          • @[Deactivated]: yes any opinion that doesnt like TLOU2 is 'worthless'

            top tier logic

            • +2

              @Freestyle: did you even read my comment? you're just reinforcing the idea that the TLOU2 haters are really unintelligent.

  • +4

    This game immediately got to the top of my all time fave games simply because it upset soo many haters.

  • +1

    Simply incredible game. Took me like a month to get through but it was worth it.

  • +4

    Went in blind and loved it, theres a huge hump right in the middle that initially feels like a drag, because it is, but once you get over that and accept it you really start to enjoy it, I don't remember the exact point but there was a transition where you're like, hmmm I'm kinda really enjoying this now.

    Don't listen to others opinions, just buy it and form your own opinion, don't watch it it's not the same you need to physically play and feel the characters.

  • +3

    I cried like a little bitch on multiple points of the story, very emotionally draining game. I would say its 8-9/10, not a perfect game, theres some parts that need to be cut down a bit but overall great game.

  • +2

    Requirement to enjoy this game: don't be a homophobic bigot

    :EDIT: /s

  • +4

    Fantastic game! I only watched one reveal gameplay trailer, other than that I kept myself blind from any of the spoilers and politics behind this game. I am a big fan of the first one, but not as die-hard as a lot of others whom I'm sure everyone's seen the noise that has been made.

    Technologically from audio and visuals, and the gameplay mechanics are a significant step up to me when compared to the first. However the story line, while isn't a deal breaker for me, is disappointing. It does a fair bit of pandering, and it does try really hard to do so, just be warned. Overall, still a highly recommended play in my books. In fact, I am on my second playthrough: the super stealth ninja zero alert playthrough! :D

  • Will not buy until its under 40

    • +5

      wont be long

    • lol, someone actually negged me. Last time I checked this is still ozbargain.

  • +5

    This was a slow-burn game for me, when I first finished it I felt very conflicted and really disliked some of the pacing and plot points. But two months on and I still can't stop thinking about it and am now on my 3rd playthrough on Grounded difficulty. Am appreciating it so much more now and there's heaps of little details and callbacks which have a big emotional punch. This game has affected me just like the original The Last of Us, so much that I haven't had the drive to play any other game for the last few weeks.

    This game is VERY different to the first game so I'd caution anyone who is looking for more of the same: you won't get it in this game. Regardless of whether you appreciate the story or not, I have to say the gameplay is brilliant. The animations are the best I've seen and combat is smooth, frantic and brutal, especially on the harder difficulties. Definitely a classic. It's a 9/10 for me.

  • -5

    my take on this whole game:
    firstly id like to state that im not much of a gamer, but when a true 'must play' title comes out, it draws my attention, only few games in history have done that to me, to name a few, gta franchise, red dead redemption 1/2, and last but not least my favorite story line game ever was the last of us. i was so drawn into the first game, (this is coming from a non gamer) that i loved it to bits. you must understand what im talking about here, think of your favorite movie ever, and think of a second one releasing but the second one is so disappointing and filled with garbage that you absolutely dispose it.

    my issue was the whole "gay vibe" that is ever present in the second game. its hammered into the second game repeatedly, its a big part of the second one, and i just dont feel like it should be as it ads no contribution to making the story better in any way, it makes it annoying and forced. as that was never present in the first movie. the first movie was a bout a touchy heart felt story all along, and i feel what the studio did was capitalize from teh fame of the first movie, and they had their way with the second game to push an agenda (currently popular in movies an TV and youtube) they tried to be pro gay, and support the gay community and the feminist community, but they completely ruined the expectations of the fans of the first game, it was a total bait and switch where they used the fame of the first game and what it stood for to push the second game that was so different in part of the story to the first game that if this second one got released as a standalone different franchiser no one would ever buy it.

    most of the defenders of the second game are actual gay and feminist supporters, ive read so in the comment section of youtube comments. (not all but most as there are some people who are not gay nor feminist that did like the 2nd game). ive read countless comments saying omg my little brother was playing this game i dont know what it is but im proud as im gay and this is really supportive of the LGBT community. ive read that countless times and actual gay gamers too who said "this game is my favorite game as it pro treys the gay community coz i just came out bla blah". so yeh that is what its all about . a total bait and switch, i have no hate for the LGBT in my opinion do what you like as long as it does not effect me, but dont force your agenda onto other people. if you wanted a gay lead character game, please start one from scratch, dont jump in the middle of a franchise and change the plot to serve your movement.

    • +3

      Strange because I am usually actively against shoe horned fake wokeness yet I didn't feel that at all in this game. Your point about it coming in half way doesn't really make sense though since in the first with the DLC it shows Ellie's sexuality ever since she was very young.

      • -2

        yeh DLC not the actual game, and it was not hammered in, also her being lesbian was not the biggest deal to me, it was the muscular feminist, and the sexually confused asian side character that really was not needed.

        • +1

          I disagree, SPOILER WARNING Abbie being muscular showed how absolutely absorbed and how finding and killing Joel became her only priority in life, she lost her own humanity and relationships in the process. Her jackedness was a visual representation of how it overtook her life. Gameplay wise I thought it was a nice change up to become the charging type of aggressor instead of all stealth. So for me personally it all worked.

          To me I never really noticed these things, they all just were part of the story. I thought it was essential unlike in star wars where they added in one scene of two rebel females kissing, to me that is shoehorned in, especially when that truly added nothing to the story, whilst in comparison I felt all of this was necessary to the growth of the characters and the plot moving forward.

        • +1

          At literally no point in the game was Abbie portrayed as a feminist. And neither was Lev as "sexually confused". All the game told us about Lev's sexuality was simply that he had "shaved his head" which caused him to be ostracized from his tribe. As the player, the game left it up to us to fill in the blanks, which was really subtle storytelling. I honestly have to wonder whether you played the game.

    • +8

      i have no hate for the LGBT in my opinion do what you like as long as it does not effect me, but dont force your agenda onto other people.

      ahh, the classic

      • +6

        Be fair, he's only indicating that he's affected by them having any sort of rightful place in society and mainstream media, it must be very confronting.

    • +2

      I said above that TLOU2 haters are the dumbest part of the internet, behold my first exhibit.

    • +5

      so in other words you want every character to be straight, white and male?

      grow up and learn to accept other people mate

  • +3

    Amazing game. Can't believe how far gaming has come, what a great time to be alive. I feel sorry for people who cannot appreciate this.

    • +5

      Me and wife’s boyfriend thoroughly enjoyed it

    • +2

      it is refreshing though that the consensus in here (after people actually PLAYED THE GAME, who'd have thought?) is that it is indeed incredible.

  • +3

    Good game. I enjoyed it.

    No further comment.

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