[Price Error] Thule Xpress 2 Bike Car Rack $0 + Delivery @ 99 Bikes

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Price error on Thule bike rack. Shipping is $20, click and collect is not available unless your order is $40 or more (excluding shipping).

Mod: Price error + Orders cancelled, moved to forums.

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99 Bikes
99 Bikes


  • +24

    with all due respect - this is ridiculous.
    retail is getting hammered - esp here in victoria.
    By all means bargain hard and negotiate to our advantage - but this is just wasting everyone's time!

    • I'm surprised they don't have a business rule in their system to prevent items being added with a $0 price.

        • Why are you surprised? He's doing us a favour by posting this deal. Highly likely it's just a price error but it wouldn't be the first time a pricing error has been honoured (e.g. Bunnings drone). You should be thanking him

          • -7

            @inasero: 🤦🏻
            (I stole that emoji from someone else's comment - but it captures how I feel)

          • -2

            @inasero: I have purchased many item with price error.

            Recently purchased $300 watch for $25 .

          • +1

            @inasero: agreed. but not when the economy is going downhill! i dont know the business quiet well but im sure honoring the price error will certainly add some undue stress and the headache you need to go thru if they dont honor.

            • @lknight: How would them not honoring the deal cause stress and headache? You just get your money back

              • +2

                @inasero: As someone who's had to deal with this crap on the other side, I wish it were that simple. You have to spend time identifying every affected customer, reaching out to each one, explaining why their orders won't be fulfilled, and even then theres a small percentage who want to misconstrue ACCC and waste your time arguing why you are legally bound to honor the obvious pricing error. It's painful.

                • @Arty.R: The person I was replying to mentioned it would cause the buyer inconvenience. In regards to any potential inconvenience for the retailer that's a whole other topic for discussion

              • @inasero: I meant for the business. If I'm a business and made a genuine pricing error, honoring this is going to impact my bottom line when the business is already taking a hit because of covid.

        • this is how things get better, there's consequences to mistakes so people know to only make them once

        • +8

          I've seen other price errors posted, how is this one different?

          • @deadcat: people that think this is wrong are just naive, this is how the financial system works so no sweat deadcat

  • +1

    I'll be sad if they honor this because i'm too lazy to claim refund

    • Me too!

  • +8

    they will just cancel all orders and would be within their rights to do so.

  • +8

    Don’t waste their time having to cancel and refund orders. NOT A DEAL!

    • Refund what? $0?
      Edit : sorry, just saw shipping charges

      • Not just for this particular case - but I think they mean in general.

  • You say that but looks at the previous deals on Amazon that people thought were errors but was honoured

    • +3

      Thats Amazon not a small business.

      • They were all third party sellers such as Austin computers

      • +6

        Started by the Flight Centre founders son and now 50% owned by Flight Centre. Not really a small business like the mum and pop shops.

        • +2

          They ran most of the "mom and pop" shops out of business.

        • +2

          Compared to Amazon it is.
          connections to flight centre make me positive that they won't honour it.

          • +3

            @Ma77mc: To be fair, everything is a mom & pop shop compared to Amazon.

          • @Ma77mc: once again, those price errors were from 3rd party sellers much smaller than 99 Bikes and not Amazon. Amazon even got a cut in those deals

    • Yes, and that's Amazon.

    • This is not Amazon! Read the ‘about us’ page…

      • None of it was sold by Amazon

        • The website is not Amazon, it’s a direct small business website…

          • @[Deactivated]: Exactly so Amazon even got a cut in those price error, this company won't have to

            • @ln28909: 🤦🏻

          • +8

            @[Deactivated]: Hahaha, 99 Bikes is nowhere near being a small business!

            • +2

              @deadcat: ahahah yup,

              Austin computers: 4 stores

              99 Bikes: 49 stores

              • @ln28909: Could be a franchise or co-op, where each store is individually owned, where they can share marketing expenses and get bulk buying power.

                • @Buy2Much: Unlikely, even then it's like Harvey Norman scale, are you telling you're not gonna jump at the opportunity if Harvey Norman has a price error

          • @[Deactivated]: There's almost 50 stores Australia wide…Thats a small business?

            • -3

              @aragornelessar: Yes, compared to Amazon…

              • @[Deactivated]: That previous deal that they are referring to wasn't even Amazon! It was Austin Computers, sold on the Amazon platform. How about that facepalm now? 🤦🏻

  • +3

    We all know this isn't getting delivered.

  • +5

    I love to get a good deal but I'll pass as I dont feel it is ethical getting it for free as its a mistake

  • It’s telling me it’s unavailable now anyways

      • +5

        Well done, I'm sure the other Boy Scouts will be proud of you.

        • -7

          I’ve earned my ‘courage’ badge today!

      • I am watching "The Good Place" on Netflix and as per that series you did the right thing.

  • +6

    I was quite excited seeing the pic at first because I have a wagon too. Then I realised I dont have a bike…

  • Not available

  • +10

    i know this is ozbargain and always nice to get a great deal once in a while, but not at the expense of livelihood of other people, especially this time of pandemic. imagine spending just to cancel orders and process refunds.

    • Too bloody right!

  • +11

    not sure how small they are since they are owned by flight centre travel group.

    • I concede - they are not a tiny business.
      I wonder how flight centre are doing at the moment?

      • their shares are up 50%+ from rock bottom, so guess it's not too bad

    • +4

      that may be true, but imagine the repercussions to the person who should be monitoring this site. we don't know if that person will be removed from his job or if he/she is even sick from covid, thus causing this overlook on the items. anyway. always better to just do good recklessly, rather than the other way round. =)

      • +5

        All of us at times need to be reminded of this. We spend so much time being self absorbed and forget how others are travelling

    • This is their business model if anyone wants to read https://thelatzreport.com.au/features/company-features/insid…
      The store managers and employees have stakes in the profit/loss of each store.

  • +1

    OOS / unattainable

    I added one to cart and it comes back with:

    "Product that you are trying to add is not available"

  • +6

    No one should buy this, not even I did, its not fair to put these businesses under pressure during these times. I am surprised that OP even posted this, cmon OP

    • +2

      Reminds me of the other day when SCA sold a roof rack for $1.59 (instead of $159) via eBay…

      Of couse, OzBargainers pounced on that - but it feels morally wrong when you see that someone took advantage of a businesses' misfortune by ordering 3 :/

  • You can no longer attempt to add it to your cart.

  • +2

    Bike shops are likely one of the few retailers who may well have done quite well recently.
    I know I have seen best to no stock left of bikes in many stores before the latest lockdown.

    Minimal chance this will be honoured.

    I don't classify a shop with stor s Australia wide a small business at all. Each to there won classification but.

    • +1

      Agreed - the amount of bicycles (and just people, in general) out and about in my neighbourhood has noticeably increased due to COVID.

      Very slight chance that it'll be honoured - but nevertheless, I still find it morally wrong to pounce on a businesses' misfortune.

  • Not a deal, it is a steal (literally).

  • Im an optimist, may be its intentional? They just wanna get rid of it kinda
    How much does it cost otherwise?

    • +1

      RRP $200 :/

    • +1

      They do seem to be no longer stocking Thule gear though.

      • It might make more sense to be selling them for dirt-cheap, in that case - but for free? I doubt it…

  • Nice find OP, thanks.

  • +1

    This is the toxic side I don't like about this site, certain people will take advantage of anything just because.

  • +2

    Thank you for sharing OP. Don't mind the comments, you have not broken any site rules.

  • -8

    Poor form op

  • +25

    No idea why the OP is copping so much flack for this when there have been countless deals like this in the recent past. Seems like everyone's jumping on the hate train since the first comment, but in the end they're the same people that would swarm at the sight of a bargain like this.

    Not to mention, 99 Bikes is NOT a small family owned business and online retail is doing better than ever these past few months.

    Forget the haters OP, your contribution to the site is very much appreciated.

    • Agreed. OP posted a steal, up to your own morals what you do with that information. Can't hate on them for sharing imo.

  • I got 5L engine oil full syn for $2 each two year ago from sca. I recon those were loyally rewards. But I wouldn't get these $0 racks… Wait, I bought a road bike from 99bikes years ago. Still not triggered. Ok pass.

  • +4

    So much self-righteousness here.

    • +2

      Still better than selfish and inconsiderate.

  • +2

    Thans! Bought 3.

  • +1

    ….waste of time. ridiculously obvious price error

  • -1

    Anyone get a cancellation or delivery date yet? I'm in suspense about the outcome here.

    • +1

      Still "processing" for me mate.

    • +1

      …and order cancelled.

  • +1

    I was hoping for a discussion on whether this rack is good or not. (Price error hopefully will be fixed soon)
    Was considering a bike rack.

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