A bunch of friends and myself are starting up a local quidditch club.
We will be playing on natural turf.
What shoes do you recommend?
I am size 14 on the right and size 12 on the left so may be limited by that.
Budget of $250
A bunch of friends and myself are starting up a local quidditch club.
We will be playing on natural turf.
What shoes do you recommend?
I am size 14 on the right and size 12 on the left so may be limited by that.
Budget of $250
They still wear shoes in the air when playing Quidditch; they look like boots from memory going by the movies
I’ve seen people plat quidditch. They look like fools running around with a broom in between their legs!
MS Paint drawing please.
Finally a shoe recommendation thread I can get behind!
pfft Weightlifting and Badminton!
Like any team activity on grass, football shoes probably. They have larger frictional force than normal shoes while running on the grass. The studs prevents player from slipping on the grass and help to run faster and change direction quickly without slipping.
Heaps of cheap choices as well, from this for $30 https://fila.com.au/product/unisex-arezzo .
If you have different feet sizes and given your budget, probably better to try a few $100-200 ones on in store.
Air Jordans.
I see what you did there
That was my first thought as well.
Is this sport contactless?
Highly recommend the Nimbus 2020
Will look into them. Might uncloud my judgement.
Careful. I’m led to believe the 2020 version has something in it that causes breathing difficulties.
2020 version comes with extra killerwasps.
Guess they redeveloped the Nimbus product line to better suit the muggles…
Other than OP really wanting people to know they play Quidditch, why would shoe choice be different from any other sport like footie or oztag?
The Aussie version needs thongs.
I thought that was played in the air on broomsticks……shoes optional ?