Unauthorised Charges by Facebook on UP bank account. What Can I Do if the Bank Doesn't Side with Me ?

Hi everyone. I know there are a lot of wise people here so I thought I would put my situation out there.

Seeking some of advice on my current situation. I woke up to find that there were 3 attempted charges on the 28th of this month but unfortunately 1 was successful. These charges were from Facebook pay (didn't even know there was such a thing existed). I immediately contacted the bank and explained the situation. The unknown representative proceeded to close the card and I would be re-issued a new card and a specific team member would investigate the matter and have my funds put back.

Probing further and questioning why I wasn't notified before the charges went out. The UP representive explained that my card details have been obtained by fraudsters conducting a BIN attack. This involves using known BIN numbers and systematically generating an algorithm to obtain the remaining numbers of the card. They were successful in detecting my card number from this process and tested the details with my Facebook account. I was assured that I would receive my funds back after the investigation but I was on queue as I wasn't the only one affected. All this is hard to believe but oh well, you learn something new everyday.

I of course took action and transferred the remaining amount to another bank account in the event there were more attempts. Fast forward to the today,(what do you know) more charges were made to the point that the account is now overdrawn. I notified the Bank and was told to again I was in the queue and would be contacted by the fraud team. The 2 chats I start don't really end, I would reach out to the representative and representative would stop responding after short while. The whole situation has made me loose faith in the bank and I'm just seeking advise on what to do if the bank refuses to return my funds.

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Up Bank
Up Bank


  • Hi garus88,

    Which bank?

    • +1

      The bank name is literally "UP"

      • It's not that much but it sucks being ripped off. End of the day I will be fine but its still money I work hard for.

  • How much money in total did they take out?

    • It's not that much but it sucks being ripped off. End of the day I will be fine but its still money I work hard for.

    • Apologies, I was just so heated while I was writing this.

    • +9

      Seriously? It's not like they were asking you the question directly, get over yourself. If you can help then do, don't be a dick.

      • I was referencing an earlier post which has since been removed.

      • +3

        I think this was a bad attempt at humour.

  • +3

    If the bank is playing dumb. Write to them formally with the resolution and quote https://www.afca.org.au/

    If still no good try the the AFCA with your bank correspondence. Usually get a "good will refund with no admission of fault"

    • Thank you

  • +3
    • Google was more accurate for me

      • First result is https://www.fintechnews.org/put-bin-attacks-in-the-trash/ on DDG, on google it's the same.

        Google has more results for the credit card fraud though, so I've put in some feedback to DDG. You can do the same in the bottom right it has the 'send feedback' button.

  • +1

    Call the number on the back of your UP card which will put you through to the Bendigo fraud team and stop your card. unless you have recently posted this in the UP Facebook group it appears this has been happening recently over the last few days with a few users.

    • -1

      Thank you. If I don’t hear from someone in the coming days I will do just that. I haven’t contacted UP though Facebook but it’s something I will consider.

    • -1

      I thoughts exactly. I will be using a different Bank going forward.

      • +3

        It can and does happen at every bank…

          • @c64: Yes, but there are manual/offline authorisations and they can push through financial advices instead of authorisations.

            Some institutions also still accept transactions on old/expired/closed cards to the account for legitimate reasons (even though it seems illogical).

  • You need to SPEAK to your bank. This is not the sort of thing to handle through online chat.

    • -1

      I feel that way too but I was told to contact someone via the App regarding the matter.

      • -1

        Nah, mate. You need to speak to someone and make certain they have done what they are supposed to be doing. I've never found those online chat things useful for anything with any organisation I've ever dealt with. Get on the blower and get someone onto it!

        • +4

          I have found the online chat with the banks I deal with more efficient, and I have written evidence I can save of everything discussed if necessary. Would rather this than some crappy call centre.

          • @conan2000: You've obviously had much better success than I've ever had. I've found online chat to be spectacularly useless. Each to their own.

            • @Seraphin7: Yeah, 100% and probably depends on the institution. I tried a non-banking one the other day and it was entirely automated, so couldn't help at all, it just spat out what it thought I needed from their FAQ.

              I have recently used Citibank, HSBC and Coles financial services live chat and they have always resolved my query within minutes, and I haven't had to wait on hold.

            • @Seraphin7: Call teams are spectacularly useless. Getting put on hold every few words, next representative having no background of your case, poor line quality, echo, and now with “working from home” even children crying in the background, etc. What nonsense. Online chat is the way to go. At the end of the day, the reps on the other end are filling in the same forms into the system, and neither are more knowledgeable than the other. Online are just quicker, there’s no line issues, and you have a written record of everything. Would never make a phone call unless I had to.

        • You need to speak to someone and make certain they have done what they are supposed to be doing.


          Call the fraud team for Up / Bendigo Banking, if you haven't already.
          Even before calling, disable your card via the app, if you haven't already.

  • +1

    The UP representive explained that my card details have been obtained by fraudsters conducting a BIN attack. This involves using known BIN numbers and systematically generating an algorithm to obtain the remaining numbers of the card.

    Wow, they actually gave you quite a bit of info, usually they don't.

    • But you need more than just a card number.
      Expiry and CVV should also be needed to add the card to PayPal/Facebook pay

  • +1

    What is Facebook Pay?

    • +1

      Seems like the lovechild of Facebook and Paypal. You can read more here.

  • Do you see any record of the fund transfer from your Facebook account/app? I'm wondering which is the vulnerable weak link here, the Facebook account or bank details?

  • +2

    Hang on, how were more charges charged to the card, if UP cancelled the card the first time? You need to press them on this.

    • +1


      I woke up one day to find 3x Apple charges on my CC. I rang my bank. They immediately cancelled the card and issued a new card/new number.

      Had the funds returned.

      If you're reporting fraud on your card, they should be cancelling it.

  • This exact same thing happened to me yesterday too! It's pretty bad that fraudsters would get so many correct cards through a process like that though yeah?

    • They just use a script to run through all the combinations…they can try one every few seconds, tens of thousands in a few hours…it's pretty inefficient, these days it's much easier to just buy actual compromised card data (with expiry and cvv) on the dark web.

  • It happened to me as well on 25/08/20 but it was on my credit card which is with one of the big 4. It was for an amount of $1.40. I was not alerted by the bank. I just happened to log into my account and noticed the charge. It was still pending. I called the bank immediately and cancelled the card. The transaction appeared as FBPAY JCDN fb.me/cc IRL.

    This is the second time in 6 months I have had to cancel my card due to a fraudulent transaction. I have had credit cards for 20+ years and it has never happened before prior to this.
    The transaction that occurred 6 months ago was also with the same bank but on this occasion the transaction was declined as I had locked international transactions on the card.

    Unfortunately the Facebook transaction that occurred several days ago must not have been ,or was not deemed as, an international transaction and was therefore not declined.

  • I've had a similar unauthorised transaction recently.

    When I found a pending transaction that I didn't authorise, I cancelled the card immediately, and thought about the transaction overnight, trying to work out whether it was authorised (it was Telstra, and have used their resellers). Next day, I looked back through my banking and realised that:
    1. The Telstra resellers to date have used their own name (Boost, Belong), and
    2. I haven't used that card / account for my telco bills.

    I called my bank (one of the big four). Advised I had done the right thing to cancel the card, I thought I reported the unauthorised transaction during this first phone call. I also asked about changing my name (going back to my birth name), which is totally unrelated to this unauthorised transaction.

    Fast-forward a couple of days, and the transaction goes from pending to posted. I phoned again, and again I was told I'd done the right thing cancelling the card. Asked what the notes were from the last call, and the person had only recorded my question re changing name. Outlining my disappointment, I believed I had reported the unauthorised transaction before this second phone call ended.

    Another couple of days, and nothing from the bank letting me know they were working on the unauthorised transaction (no email, no message through internet banking), I call a THIRD TIME. Person on the other end of the phone advises that they STILL have no record of me reporting this unauthorised transaction. I asked him to report my complaint about the previous two phone calls, and to report the transaction as unauthorised. He said he could refund it, and I had an email shortly after the phone call ended. Appeared to be really easy to do, so I've got no idea why I was jerked around first two times.

    Banks are under pressure, but my experience is a joke. For my bank, it appears the only way to report these kinds of things is over the telephone (or, I suppose, in a branch), there's no way to report it through internet banking / app.

    When reporting over the phone, when first connected, repeat the person's name back to them and ask for the receipt number for the call (before they put you on hold, transfer you to the wilderness, or "accidentally" hang up on you). Record both these pieces of information (I keep an email trail with myself as the sender and receiver) and before ending the call, ask for the path forward to be sent to you by email or through the message service inside their internet banking / app.

    It's getting harder to protect the money in our bank accounts.

    • Please name and shame this big 4 banking institution. #FAIL

      • I'll help with the identification here, by excluding the other 3 banks. The bank's name doesn't start with A, or N, or W. And agreed #Fail #EpicFail #WishICouldSwitchBanks

  • I hope you disabled your card already.

  • I was with NAB when I had a 500 charge appear on my credit card. When I reported it, it was still pending so I assumed they would cancel it right away. They said they had to investigate with the store first so the charge went through, order was shipped out to whoever, retailer probably took a hit for it and after 1-2 months the amount was credited the amount back to me. Processes move slow with banks.

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