Hi all,
Just got my first credit card and have been reading through cash advance threads and see that in many instances, people are hit with a cash advance fee when they purchase through Paypal with their credit card. Ie, Credit Card —> Paypal —> Merchant.
I could be wrong as all these threads talk about gift cards. Can someone confirm please?
Also, normally on your internet banking, would it immediately identify that it is a cash advance and charge you the fee on the spot or is this something to be found once the statement arrives.
I'm with ANZ
Edit 2:
Paypal Says no (https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/do-i-get-charged…) but some people in the thread (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/150255) says that they still get charged for cash advance even when they purchase through paypal. I do note that its been a while now.
Edit 3:
Thanks for the comments. This is what i have gathered:
Tattslotto or gambling will be classed as cash advance EVEN WITH paypal.
Other purchases with PayPal are 100% fine, even sending money won't attract cash advance fees. Suncorp gift cards is normal purchase and wont get cash advance fees. Just tried it out and no fee there.
its never been a cash advance on my amex.