Hi, so I decided to hook up with ABB but the sad part is that I think they got the wrong connection type for and wanted to cover it up. I live in a apartment and 2 nbn providers told me that the connection type would be FTTB. ABB provided me with FTTN connection type i guess but today I received the router and ABB now calls me and says that we have exceeded the limit in my area to connect new users and i need to wait till October. They didn’t say anything like that when I was applying. The modem/router they sent me was NETCOMMNF18MESH. Someone told me they sent the wrong router too. It’s hard without having a good internet and was wondering if any other providers i can go with it or any other suggestions would be appreciated. I heard optus has a bad 4g modem and they wont even let me sign up without the modem. Thanks.
Other Good nbn Provider except ABB?

I checked up on iinet and the reviews are bad about it. Not letting your suggestion down just saying. How about Superloop or launtel?
with fttb there'll hardly be any problems due to the short copper length. superloop launtel have good reviews, but the price is way higher. you'll be paying more for 50/20.
Divij can't get that $60 iinet FTTB deal as it's different from NBN FTTB.
they never stated they couldn't
@Turn it Out how did you find a $60 100/40 deal for iinet? I can't seem to find that price anywhere?
Would you be so kind as to link or share how to access this?
Do they have month to month contract?
It is no contract, prepaid (however much you want), charged daily. Therefore if it's 2 dollars a day you could put $2 in and you would get a day and nothing more and change providers as you wish.
You can also pause your service at any time. E.g. if I pause it right now, I will be charged today's rate (say $2) and $0 tomorrow and every day in the future (assuming I leave it paused).
Perfect if you need to go away for a weekend or something.
I really like launtel for their high performance, friendly, capable service and transparent network management.
One of the fears I have is they will attract customers who are unable to determine what NBN technology they have at their home, and blame Launtel if there is a delay or problem.
This will soak up the time of the really great current support team, and make them dispirited.
Small ISPs are great if they keep their advantages, but lose their value as they grow (I could give a lot of examples, but iiNet and internode are probably the definitive ones).
So I only recommend launtel to people who seem to have enough interest and capability to be reasonable customers.@mskeggs: Well I connected to launtel. I had applied for the service at around 2am and was connected within an hour. The speed is really good and it was easy setup. I am getting higher speed on the 5GHZ and a little slower on the 2.4GHZ. Their response was fast and I couldn’t believe it lol. Also the daily charges is better and I can switch to another isp such as abb at anytime but I think sticking with launtel will be great
I am getting higher speed on the 5GHZ and a little slower on the 2.4GHZ
That's how it works, nothing to do with your ISP.
5 GHz is faster, but signal drops at longer distances.
2.4 GHz is slower, but goes further.
NBN decide if it's FTTB or FTTN and FTTB is pretty much the same as FTTN with a shorter copper run.
Aussie BB temporarily putting a customer limit cap in your area is a good thing for existing customers to help prevent network congestion.
The Netcomm NF18mesh is suitable for every type of NBN.
Thanks for the suggestion buddy. Do they provide month to month contract?
SL and Launtel are no contract.
Superloop or Launtel would be my pick.
I will search them up. Are they providing month to month contract?
Both are no contract.
How about the router or modem? Which one should i be buying if i go with the superloop nbn?
@Twix: I would love to have a preconfigured router and I also saw the superloop and I think i should go with Superloop. Some are suggesting the iinet or tpg which is confusing me. Also launtel don’t have preconfigured routers i guess
@Divij: The Netcomm NF18mesh should be preconfigured for Aussie BB, Launtel and SL. It's not preconfigured for iinet and TPG.
Well I connected to launtel. I had applied for the service at around 2am and was connected within an hour. The speed is really good and it was easy setup. I am getting higher speed on the 5GHZ and a little slower on the 2.4GHZ. Their response was fast and I couldn’t believe it lol. Also the daily charges is better and I can switch to another isp such as abb at anytime but I think sticking with launtel will be great
That's normal for 2.4 and 5Ghz.
My experience with Launtel has been insanely good, but I'd only recommend them to nerds (like myself!) who don't mind doing self setup & putting up with their growing pains once in a while.
I agree. Not the right ISP for the general public, though, who need a device delivered perfectly configured and unable to troubleshoot or change configuration themselves.
Well I connected to launtel. I had applied for the service at around 2am and was connected within an hour. The speed is really good and it was easy setup. I am getting higher speed on the 5GHZ and a little slower on the 2.4GHZ. Their response was fast and I couldn’t believe it lol. Also the daily charges is better and I can switch to another isp such as abb at anytime but I think sticking with launtel will be great
I used Exetel and haven't had any issues.
NETCOMM nf18acv is compatible with FTTB. Looks like node/building requires same tech?
I’ve moved to future broadband as they are getting a good reputation on whirlpool now. There’s a promo for a free modem (rebated after 6 months)
Aussie is meant to be good especially for first connection sorting out nbn issues (that’s why I chose them as my first provider), but yeah I wouldn’t wait a month :(
Tangerine, no issues
i have bigpond its fast
i get 99/37 most daysLauntel. Day-to-day contract :-)
Well I connected to launtel. I had applied for the service at around 2am and was connected within an hour. The speed is really good and it was easy setup. I am getting higher speed on the 5GHZ and a little slower on the 2.4GHZ. Their response was fast and I couldn’t believe it lol. Also the daily charges is better and I can switch to another isp such as abb at anytime but I think sticking with launtel will be great
TPG offer very good prices and supply preconfigured devices if you are unsure of your network needs.
It might be your building already has their fibre to the basement, explaining why some ISPs are recommending FTTB and others copper based.You would be a fool not to go with TPG FTTB plans if available in your building. Cheap ($59.99) and fast (100Mbps)!
This is NOT a NBN plan…. https://www.tpg.com.au/fttb
They are the best, TPG says they will provide 90/20, but they actually provide 100/40……
No problem so far.
And if it’s not available in your building, and you know few resident in your building, just write to them, they might setup their infrastructure in your building….
“You may register your interest for TPG-FTTB here, https://www.tpg.com.au/fttb#register-your-interest. You may also send me the complete address of the Strata together with your best contact number and we'll raise this to our FTTB Provisioning Team.
Launtel charges 15c per day for IP address or no other option than CGNAT!!!
They have no concept of dynamic addressing for people like me who use easily dynamic DNS to access back to your network. (What 99% of other ISPs do when you opt out of CGNAT)
Another option is pay them 100$ upfront to lease it for service duration, still dodgy ….ABB or Superloop in my opinionGive Future Broadband a go. Business grade connection at residential pricing
They now have Databanking just released few weeks ago :)
$55 setup Stop people signing up as a trial
People can pm me for a referral which offsets the setup fee $35 credit + 1TB bonus for data banking ontop of the 2TB already given
The 1TB data into the bank is worth $15 in itself so it is really an even offset.
Those plans are I think the first that offer data banking.. Nice idea to be honest.
@Ruprect: it's an interesting idea that's for sure just like what most mobile providers are doing now
The setup fee is to offset the fact that they have to build your service manually as its not your standard plug n play product
The point is give out trial but charging set up fee is just not the way normal person would go for.
As customer, I wouldn't care what effort require to 'build my service's when there are services with free trial and no set up fee,i.e. AissieBB, Superloop etc
@SnoozeAndLose: I half agree, the usual mum and dad type of consumer would probably be better suited to a player like Superloop or Launtel but if you want the extra bells and whistles such as the ability to byo your own asn and IP blocks then FBB is definitely a good match
sign up to iinet. $60/month for 100/40.6 month contract to avoid $99.95 activation fee. fttb
tpg need you to sign an 18 monther to avoid the activation fee.