Hi All
We are small ice cream manufacturer that is based in Melbourne. We pride ourselves on using top quality ingredients (Fresh Australian Cream, Other Ingredients from all over the world) and taking care to produce the best quality products.
As most of our customers are in the Melbourne food service industry, Covid-19 has really kicked us in the teeth.
We are offering the following Gelato, which is served in a 6 Litre Tub, but is churned up, so the actual quantity is closer to 7.5 Litres.
The following flavors are available;
Gelato - Activated Charcol 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Black Sesame 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Bounty - 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Boysenberry Twist 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Bubblegum 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Chocolate Lello 6Lire Up
Gelato - Coconut Getato 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Coffee 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Durian 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Golden Time 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Green Tea Matcha 6 litre Up
Gelato - Hazelnut 6L UP
Gelato - Honeycomb 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Mint Chocolate Chip 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Pomegranate Sorbet 6 Litre
Gelato - Rainbow 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Rocher 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Rum Rasin 6 Litre
Gelato - Salted Caramel 6 Litre
Gelato - Tim Tams 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Tiramisu 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Unicorn 6 Litre Up
Gelato - Vanilla Bean 6 Litre Up
Gelato -Strawberry Cheesecake 6 Litre Up
Sorbet - Blood Orange 6 Litre Up
Sorbet - Coconut Ash 6LUP
Sorbet - Dark Chocolate Sorbet 6 Litre Up
Sorbet - Fruits of the Forest 6 Litre Up
Sorbet - Kombucha 6 Litre Up
Sorbet - Lemon 6 Litre Up
Sorbet - Lemon and Lime 6 Litre Up
Sorbet - Mango Sorbet 6 Litre
Sorbet - Passionfruit Sorbet 6 Litre Up
Sorbet - Raspberry Sorbet 6 Litre
Sorbet - Strawberry Sorbet 6 Litre Up
If you would like a flavour that is not listed on the website please call our office during business hours
Deliver to Melbourne & Suburbs
Pickup from Reservoir
Enquirers please call 03 9462 6422
EDIT - Guys the support has been amazing, please if you have any enquirers please call. Note because there are a large amount of deliveries we will endeavor to have these delivered by Friday week (4th of September 2020) If you order is urgent, please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate.
**EDIT V2 - Guys we are pausing for the moment to make sure that everyone's orders are fulfilled properly - I will be back early next week hopefully with some more options **
I will check tomorrow