In the current COVID situation I believe everyones super has taken a hit but I have heard a few who have made money so short poll to see where your super is
How Is Your Super Performing in This COVID Scenario?
Poll Options
- 8I lost 10%
- 11I lost 30%
- 12Cant see a difference
- 16I gained 10%
- 5I gained 30%
- 3I withdrew my super
Like a well performing roller coaster.
My balance dropped $46k from Jan to March. It has since regained $41.5k (of course with ongoing contributions). So still down overall +extra if you were to factor in projections prior to COVID.
Still plenty of time to recover before I retire so not worried.
I'm not retiring for at least another 30 years (…if I even live that long!). No point stressing about any short-term losses on paper.
Australian Ethical growth option. Very tech and health weighted, im actually up.
You can look up the performance of all the investment options.
“Super” is just the tax arrangements so everyone is identical. The underlying investments all perform differently.Overall, I'm down 5-10% on a 100% growth orientated portfolio. Didn't change anything during the relevant period.
I had to access mine to get out of the shit, glad I did - I was eligible as well - but I’m feeling so much happier and less stressed debt free and with actual savings for emergencies/moving etc. I lost about 7k out of just over $30k prior, put remaining super into another super fund (Sunsuper), not eligible for the insurance at present so that’s been canned and switched to balanced index so hoping for a bit of growth from the savings on fees. Hoping choice of investment is a good idea
I went to cash before the market dropped, however didn't get back in at the bottom. Was up 20% at one point, however now back to +10%. Currently fence sitting on which way things will go with a lot back in cash now. I think COVID still has a long way to go and will likely play with the markets for another 18 months.
About 7% down in a very aggressive investment mix.
Compared to balance on Dec 31 2019, my current balance is 4.08% down. Only transactions since are the weekly management fees ($1.50 per week).
I switched to 90% 'High Growth' and 10% Balanced in March and its gone up. In the 6 weeks since 1 July 2020 its up 4.5%.
When the bushfires started - there was discussions at work about shifting your super to the most conservative. Luckily that worked out well for covid19…