• expired

[PC, XBOX] Xbox Game Pass Ultimate - up to 36 Months for ~A$102.50 (A$2.85/Month) - Brazilian VPN Required


Sorry if this is a repost but with the release of the new Flight Simulator I thought I'd post it for those that don't know.
Note: This only works if you don’t currently have any active subscriptions and haven’t already used the $1 upgrade/trial on your account yet.
Edit: Thanks to ShortyX, It seems like you may be able to do the $1 conversion more than once provided that it has already expired.
Edit 2: It seems like if you've already done the $1 conversion/trial, it will cost you $15.95 to do the conversion the second time.

Steps are as follows:

  1. Create Xbox AU account here: https://www.xbox.com/en-AU (or use existing).
  2. Get 12 month Xbox Live subscriptions here for $34: https://www.g2a.com/en-au/xbox-live-gold-subscription-card-1…
    I purchased from the "Floatingclouds" seller. BACK IN STOCK
  3. Get a Brazillian VPN. If the one you have doesn't work in Step 5 (my paid SurfShark one gave me errors when redeeming), try this free Chrome Extension (G2A seller recommended this one and it worked): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/free-vpn/jcbiifklm…
  4. Connect to Brazil VPN and go to https://redeem.microsoft.com/. Login to your Microsoft/Xbox account if not already. (I opted to login to my Microsoft account with a one-time code sent to my email rather than using my password as a precaution while using a sketchy VPN/extension.)
  5. Repeat redemption for all of the codes. I had to try a couple times for each one as the VPN is free and slow, I think it times out. Note: Make sure you don’t opt-in to automatic renewal for the 1 bonus month. This will prevent you from redeeming the 3rd 12 month pass.
  6. Once you have redeemed as many as you want (max of 3 for 36 months), you can then opt to “upgrade” to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for $1. I did this in the Microsoft account/subscriptions page, but I think you can also do it here: https://www.xbox.com/en-AU/live/gold/upgrade. Note: Don't use the VPN for this part.

Hopefully that's clear enough. Not sure how much longer this offer is going to be around for so I'd probably jump on it if interested. If I've missed any steps or there are better VPN's/key prices let me know and I'll update the post. Cheers!

If the keys are out of stock, here's a list of some other sites I was considering before I purchased (not quite as cheap):
https://www.electronicfirst.com/12-month-xbox-live-gold-memb… (Warning: some users reporting ID verification required)
https://www.gamivo.com/product/xbox-live-gold-12-month-brazi… (Warning: some users reporting ID verification required)
Note: Buy at your own risk, I cannot speak for the legitimacy of these sellers

Edit: Floatingclouds on G2A is back in stock here (scroll down, top of the list): https://www.g2a.com/xbox-live-gold-subscription-card-12-mont…

Note/Comparison: Australian Xbox Game Pass Ultimate has RRP of $574.20 for 36 months ($15.95/Month)

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closed Comments

      • I turned off auto-renew on all three. I think the 3rd one failed for me because I was applying it to a current XBL account.

        Which when I go back and read the post it did say you can't have any active subscriptions. So totally my bad lol.

        But now I'm just wondering what my best options are. i.e. lose the 8 months on the 3rd card, take the risk of waiting a month, or some other option I haven't thought of.

        • Did the account currently have an Xbox live Gold subscription that was active with time remaining?

          • @Sammy Boi: Yeah. Just over a month; was due to expire on the 26th of Sep.

            If I had of realised I would have been better off cancelling it like you did and then just getting the full 36 months. Now I'm just trying to work out the best way to fix my stuff-up.

    • +1

      Just for anyone reading later I decided to remove my risk and I upgraded to GP Ultimate now and then applied the third card.

      As it turns out, I got an extra month for converting to GP Ultimate (presumably because recurring billing was turned on), and then after the 4 month for 12 conversion of the card I ended up getting 29 months instead of 36. So instead of $3.40/mth I ended up paying $4.23/mth.

      Trivial difference really to remove the risk, and just shows what a good deal this is regardless of how you cut it. Similarly, whether you can get the Live Gold cards for $34 or $40 is pretty trivial too - just jump on it.

  • Thank you Elliot I successfully did this process

    For the record I contacted Xbox support via chat and cancelled my current ultimate subscription as I had six weeks left

    Then I just followed the instructions

    I can confirm Brazil on nought VPN works fine for this process as per a comment above as well

    I did have to pay the 15.95 conversion but definitely worth it

  • Thanks OP,

    Just successfully applied 3 x 12 months ($44 bucks ea from CDKeys) and $1 conversion.

    8pm Sydney.


  • Trying to access this today - looks like the best price is $40.90 on https://www.g2a.com/en-au/xbox-live-gold-subscription-card-1… - does that sound right? Anyone know if the $34 is still available anywhere? TIA

    • +1

      That is the seller that had them for $34 after the increase in demand his prices went up personally I would jump on it before things change regarding the prices of these codes or regarding upgrading to ultimate.

  • Is anyone else unable to view their subscription? Came up with expiry 2022 initially when redeeming for the 2 years I purchased initially, now I can’t see the expiry in my Xbox live account at all. I defiantly have access to game pass but can’t see where it officially states the service is active.

  • You turned off recurring billing for your Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription
    Your subscription will end on 24/08/2023, but you can subscribe again at any time.

  • I've had a right stinker, so I thought I should share my experience of the dark side of seeing a good deal on OzB.

    I got hyped about this beautiful saving in light of the Xbox Series X and spent:

    • $112 with Gamivo (then they asked for a picture of my passport, which I thought was super dodgy and refused, now with PayPal trying to get money back)
    • $120 with G2A successfully purchased 3 codes and got the 36 months
    • $280 on Gumtree for an Xbox One X that turned out to be a scam as I got too excited to wait for Series X and thought I would get into some GamePass games now…

    So as of right now just me browsing and then seeing this great deal has cost me $512. Feels odd when a money saving website loses me money…

    (Yet somehow I'm still not at the RRP of GamePass for 3 years.)

    • +1

      There are plenty of red flags for gamvio above….and you being scammed on gumtree is somehow Ozbargain’s doing too?
      I don’t think it’s the money saving website, it’s someone else!

      • Please only use cash on gumtree. It's crazy how many people send money via bank transfer on gumtree.

      • I was the first red flag for Gamivo I think, and I'm not blaming OzB at all, I am saying I made some rush decisions for sure, I am taking the hit, just thought it was interesting that I think the boredom of being stuck in Vic with covid has made me stupid with money and boredom.

    • Did you use fake Brazilian payment/address information on Gamivo or correct Australian info? Were you using a VPN to buy the keys? Just wondering why you were requested to provide passport etc.

      • No idea, wasn't using VPN payed through my normal PayPal, then got hit about 20 minutes after with a suss looking email from Gamivo and no codes.

    • $280 for a 2nd hand one x even sounds like a scam. They are selling a fair amount higher than that (at least when i looked a month ago)

      • Some people do price things cheaper because they are lazy, and I do like to jump in on that. I got a Nintendo Switch Lite off eBay a while back with a 'too good to be true' price. But it was true, hoped it was true again.

      • Edit.

    • That sucks dude, Gamivo is legit, have used them many times. I hope you use paypal to buy the xbox.

      • Gamivo just refunded! Win! Or… less of a loss at least!

    • +1

      First rule of OzBargain: Stay on target.

      I empathise with the anger and anxiety those unfortunate events caused, the hype some deals can stir is infectious causing many an Ozb'er to impulse buy at one stage or another - I hope you recover your money.

      Also, stay away from Gumtree, that place is a cesspool of deception and theft. I've heard many a theory that Ebay intentionally allows (even promotes) this behavior to cement Gumtree/Ebays paid services as the most trustworthy method of selling/buying. You'll always get some people sitting on their high horse praising their own brilliance for never been taken by any scam and demeaning those who do. Truth is that not everyone who swims in the sea is attacked by sharks, those that are never forget the scars.

  • Nice find! Only ended up getting 2 years. That free vpn was abit buggy at times but just reloaded and worked fine. bit deceiving when you go to upgrade to ultimate and says $15.95 per month but checked the next payment date and was for 2022. just cancelled the recurring billing to make sure I dont forget about it.

  • Hey guys,

    Did any of you had trouble with the last step ?(upgrading to gamepass)

    When Im about to pay the 1$ I always get this error:

    “ Change your Microsoft Store region

    You currently have a subscription from a different region . If it still doesn't work , please contact customer support

    PUR Conversion BlockedCurrencyCountry Mismatch agvkZfNnKi1pl / axZJwlle.9 2020/08/25 - 02:11:14 UTC ”

    My Microsoft store is set to Australia and Im. Ot using a VPN.

    Any ideas or workarounds?

  • +3

    I've tried to buy from g2a and cd keys and both have rejected my purchase on PayPal and credit card. Am I doing something wrong? I asked in the online chat and they said I lived in the wrong region… I'm feeling rejected :-(

    • Did you turn the vpn off when buying the key? If not it may look like you are trying to use australian payment while located in brazil setting off alarms.

  • +1

    Thanks a lot OP, you're the best! The method you explained totally worked although I paid $122 because the seller on g2a increased the price I think neverthless still a bargain, you made me very happy!

  • Sorry for the dumb question, I have Xbox Live Gold until the end of next month.
    Does that mean this own't work for me?
    I haven't converted it to Gamepass, it's pure Xbox Live only.

    • +1

      you couldnt get 36 months if i understand correctly. You could buy 2 and get 24 months +what you have left then convert to game pass ultimate.

    • +1

      I had one month ultimate which won't expire for another two weeks. I just realised you could cancel it and get your refund back; mine was only $1 and then follow the steps in this deal.

      I did this because I'm not sure how long this deal is gonna last and didn't want to miss out!

  • Anyone else have trouble purchasing from G2A? I tried to purchase using PayPal, then got a message that my transaction was declined and now my account has been blocked. Then they asked for way too much personal information. Am I doing something wrong?

    • I just had the same thing happen

      • Same thing, for G2a, passed 2 transactions, the 3rd one declined. Tried different account, still declined…

  • +1

    FYI, the original seller the OP purchased from "Floatingclouds" is back in stock. I purchased from them without issue and without using a vpn and they didn't ask for any additional id or anything like that.

  • +1

    Price is currently $33.88 from floatingclouds if I'm not mistaken ($33.89 as a backup from Goodcheapcodes).

    Go go go!

  • Question: I was too chicken to try this myself, but with the 3rd 12 month card, why wouldn't you let it auto-renew for the extra month (i.e. total 37 months) or can't you actually have 37 accumulated in your account by some limitation?

    EDIT: nevermind, just found my answer when I did the Game Pass upgrade. You can only convert a maximum of 36 months.

    • +1

      Yeah I wondered that too but I don't think you can have any more than 36 months accumulated.

  • My god it worked, this is amazing thank you for the clear guide.

  • Legends, great saving hack. Bought 3 years worth from G2A $45 each on Sunday (not via VPN), G2A rang me to confirm and asked why I wanted them, I just said they were great value.

    Redeemed them tonight after waiting for my current subscription to expire using Tunnel Bear firefox plugin on an old linux PC.

    Did the upgrade conversion back on Windows ($15.95) and boom $574 worth for $150 all up. Not too shabby ;)

  • I'm not a huge fan of game pass but this is worth it for playing online and discounted games with gold. Of course, playing free games with game pass is a nice bonus.

  • Do I need to have an xbox to upgrade to ultimate? The button is blocked and under it is a message "Requires a Microsoft account with an Xbox profile".
    I've had an xbox in the past and want to buy another one but I figured this was cheap even if I just use it for PC game pass.

    • +1

      Hey mate, you should be able to do it with your old xbox account. Give that a try. If that doesn't work, I'd be happy to do it for you.

      • Hi, thanks. I was just about to edit my comment. It was giving me that error when I followed the link you provided but then I went back and did it the way he did and it went through. Cheers

        • Good stuff man

  • I was on the fence about this and then I saw floating clouds was back in stock.
    Purchased 3 for $101.55 via PayPal and then the $1 upgrade.

    Now I can play Flight Simulator!

    • +1

      Well, you have to download it first. Lots of people had issues with the downloader at launch, hopefully it's been fixed by now. Good luck!
      Also, don't minimise the game when downloading, it will make your GPU sit at 100% usage. Just leave it opened/windowed in the background, don't "minimise" it.

      • Thanks for pointing that out. I wouldn't have noticed.

        I may have to leave it overnight if it's going to fry my GPU.

        • They may have fixed it by now too, so just check your GPU usage in the performance tab in Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) to see if it does it. You don't have to have it in Full Screen mode while downloading, the installer is "windowed" by default, so you can still use other applications over the top of it.

          • @elli0t: It was at 99% when minimized. So they haven't fixed it - just like the MCG.

  • +1

    Thanks Op!

    My gold expired in march but didn't renew as i haven't played much online games, let alone multiplayer games. Could not resist the 3 years of gold and upgrade to ultimate only for $115.93 (bought through Electronic First last Sunday).

  • +2

    Just got 3x12 months for $92.01 (from G2A/Floatingclouds)

    • Nice! Can't believe the price has gone down to $30.67! Great price

    • Same, still in stock at $30.67 each!

    • LOL and I thought $33 was a great price! Nice score.

  • +1

    Huge kudos to the OP for this. They put in a lot of effort writing up the details of this deal and exactly how to get it.

    • Cheers mate!

  • +2

    Thank you very much for this.

    Worked exactly as described.

    I was a bit confused with the $15.95 "recurring" charge to upgrade to ultimate, but figured out that is a one time charge now with the recurring bit starting 27/8/23 (3 years time on expiry). I still went in and switched off the recurring in my account (I will 100% have forgotten in 3 years!)

    Finally, 28Degrees has each subscription at $30.67 x 3 + $15.95 = $107.96 (or $2.99 per month). Sweet!

  • +1

    Thanks OP, worked perfectly. Picked up 2x 12 month cards for $29.22 each from your link :)

    • :-0


      • Now $23 :0

  • I couldn't get this work despite being on VPN :(

  • AU$15.95 every month, next charge on 8/28/2023

    Love it! :D Thanks OzBargain.

  • Thanks OP, worked as described. Bought 3 x 12 month cards from link at $23.30 ea from Psnusd.
    Used tunnelbear on phone to redeem codes with no issues!

  • +1

    I didn't have a game pass but did a valid live gold with auto renew that had just renewed july1. Went in turned off auto renew. Puchased 2 12 Month games passes, brazil vpn redeem the codes, no vpn activate $1 ultimate game pass, now says next renewal for ultimate games pass is July 2023 Thank you very much

    • Are you saying you didn't wait for live to expire before redeeming the codes and converting? I had active gold and game pass which I have just cancelled, but they don't expire for 3 days. Would be good if I could complete the process now.

      • +1

        No my live wasn't set to expire till July 21, added 2 * 1 year passes and then did the gamepass upgrade

  • Just bought 3 keys from psnusd on G2A for $69.90 all up.

    • +1

      geez that's a good price

    • Bloody hell. Although, not intending on raining on anyone's parade, but I do wonder whether those low quantity keys are actually stolen…

  • Bit the bullet and created a separate account and redeemed 3 codes for $91. Did the upgrade for $1. Will set this new account as my “home” account so that I can share ultimate with my actual main account. It has a year of ultimate left on it but even giving up that year I’m still way out in front at effectively $91 for 2 more years than the 1 I already had.

  • Was $77.28 when I did it (bought from psnusd)… went exactly as described. Awesome deal, thanks OP!

  • Just bought a brazillian 12 month xbox live gold code from psnupsd and it redeemed as a 6 month xbox live gold subscription, so be warned.

    • +1

      After complaining they sent an additional 6 month code.

      • Did you complain to the seller or G2A to get it resolved?

        • +1

          Complained to the seller.. They responded to my negative vote rather quickly then gave me another 6 month code. They also then gave me a link to change my vote so i'm guessing that was more important than the fact they gave me the wrong key.

  • Hi guys, I purchased the “
    Xbox Live GOLD Subscription Card 12 Months - Key BRAZIL” from Psnusd for $25.33.
    But when I am trying to redeem it on the Microsoft site using Brazil VPN, it said I will get “ Xbox Live Gold (6 month subscription)”

    Shouldn’t it be 12 months? Did I miss something?

  • No problems at all for me - thanks op.
    From psnusd 12months was 16.94 USD - a steal!
    All sorted to the end of 2023.

    • Could you please share the link to this deal.. 12 months for USD16.94

      • Hi There,
        I ordered it last night - i used the same link as OP, i guess i got lucky thats what the pricing was then.

  • Thanks OP. Got Ultimate 3 years for $69.9. Sweet…

    • wow, i paid over 120 :(

      • +2

        I paid around $115. Still a good deal though.

      • Yeah I paid $120 in the end, to be honest still one of the best deals I've had on OzB.

  • Floating clouds now says 'Can't activate in Australia' wonder if it still works

    • +3

      that's normal and the reason why you need to redeem with the Brazil VPN.

  • +1

    Many thanks OP! All worked as per your description. The only difference was that I paid 3 lots of $37.15 AUD from Floatingclouds. I also used the getflix VPN which worked seamlessly.

  • The price fluctuates immensely, yesterday they were down below AUD20 and today about AUD35.

    What I'm really curious about is how long this $1 deal will be around, and if it changes will it simply go up to $15. I need 6 weeks to be able to redeem my last 12 month card - do I risk it and wait or do I simply take the 2 years …….

  • Works as expect, thanks

  • Floatingclouds seems to be gone now, am seeing $43 cards from gambledeals, anyone else?

    • yes, seems to be the case.

    • Followed the steps today. Bought 2 for $43 each from gambledeals (I already had 10 months remaining from a last minute JBHI COVID purchase), used tunnelbear VPN for brazil, activated first time with no issues, made the $1 payment, looks to be sorted for 34 months. First gamepass game installing on xbox now.

  • I am late to this party.

    I redeemed the first 2 months. No problem.

    when I try to activate the last 12 months code. it says "You've reached the limit of how far I can extend a subscription"

    strange. I do not have subscription on my account.
    it will recharge on 10/02/2022 (which seems to be 2nd october) did I get a month for free somewhere?

    the more important question is. If I upgrade to gamepass, can I still use add the last 12month xbox live code?
    or wait a month then use the last 12month code then upgrade to gamepass ultimate?

    • You can still redeem the Live pass once you convert your current subscription to Ultimate, however the time it gives you is reduced. MS has a chart somewhere bt from memory a 12 month Live pass will give you 6 Months of Ultimate.

      • It is actually 12 Months Gold to 4 Month Ultimate. See here: https://www.xbox.com/en-AU/live/gold/upgrade under "After I join Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, can I still redeem Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass codes?" for the conversion rates.

        • Thanks guys, I saw that after digging around on their website.

          I think I will wait then redeem the last 12 months card.

  • I like cdkeys.com
    I have bought dozens XBox games from them and everything worked like a charm.
    They follow Microsoft Store price as I noticed. Unless Microsoft is doing some crazy promotion, cdkeys usually will have an awesome and cheaper price than Microsoft.

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