is there any Sony Employee Purchase Program similar to Samsung EPP?
"Sony Employee Purchase Program"
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The Samsung Employee Purchase Program is not for Samsung employees but employees of other companies which join the program.
If there was an equivalent for Sony it’d be for other companies’ employees (like CBA as per the comment below.
Yes but I don't see any XM4 using the CBA portal if thats what you wanted.
Sony Employee Purchase Program
Does this program allow you to purchase Sony employees?
Hi, where is the samsung 65Q80T for 2.3k? can anyone clarify as i cant seem to find this price?
samsung 65Q80T for 2.3k
Well if you're looking on the Sony site for it …
I worked for JB in TV sales for 5 years and no I don't believe so, I asked them for direct pricing but they said I would get it cheaper through staff at JB at the time
there is Sony CBA shop ( but login is just standard prompt.. Maybe it's supposed to recognize CBA email…
Are you a Sony Employee? If you were you would know.