Why Is There No Middle Ground of Pricing for Office Chairs?

It seems like on the lower end you buy some officeworks/ikea/other $200 junk chair and then if you want better than that, it jumps to $1850 for an Aeron.

Why is there not a $800 Aeron ripoff that is just as good?


  • +1

    Buro metro

  • -3

    Why is it that there are junk cars, like a Chery for $10,000 and then jumps up to a Ferrari at $1,000,000. Why isn’t there like a $90,000 Ferrari rip off that’s just as good?

    • +6

      I don't think that is a good example at all. I can buy a toyota for $20k which is an excellent car and ticks all boxes for reasonable use and is a great option to get from A to B.

      A $100k ferrari doesn't offer much more than what a toyota does in getting from A to B and performing reasonable duties as a car.

      In the chair example, the Aeron actually justifies the price and is the best by far for something that acts as a thing to sit on for a long period of time.

      If I had $100k to spend on a car, I would be more than happy to buy a $20k toyota. If I had $2k to spend on an office chair, would I go and buy a $200 officeworks chair? No.

    • Porsche?

      Yeah terrible example since most car consumers buy are mid range… If you can't afford a new Toyota, you typically buy a second hand one….

  • If you can’t find a chair that suits you between $200 and $2k you aren’t looking properly.

    As for ‘why is there no rip off?’ Possibly because the brand protects their product and won’t allow rip offs.

    If you think the $1850 one is the bees knees buy it and stop whinging.

    • -4

      you aren’t looking properly.

      Citation needed. Please prove your point by linking to these awesome chairs you refer to that offer similar qualities as the Aeron.

      • +1

        I have no concept of what type of chair you want, but I typed office chair into google then filtered to ‘over $200’ and there was a list of chairs ranging in price. Lots of them. Surely one of them is close enough to being an ‘Aeron rip off’ at a reduced price. Either that or you standards are so high that you’ll need to shell out $2k.

        A chair is a chair. It is either comfortable or not. What is comfortable for some is no good for others.

        • -4

          And thus proves my point. You can't even link to one. Sifting through 50 officeworks chairs does not compare to an Aeron or Life Chair.

          You claim I haven't done enough research but neither have you. So how do you even know that one exists? You don't.

          What is comfortable for some is no good for others.

          For the most part, not really. If you buy Aeron, I think it is widely accepted to be a loved chair and without a significant amount of people who think it is "no good".

          Lots of them.

          Yes, there are a large quantity of shit chairs out there.

          • +3

            @watwatwat: Why does he need to do any research? You are the one wanting a chair.

            • -4


              Why does he need to do any research?

              To make accusations of others relating to their lack of research, one would need to be knowledgeable in this topic to be able to make that a solid point, right?

          • +1

            @watwatwat: So go and buy the damn Aeron then. You obviously can’t be bothered to look at any of the chairs in between the prices and come off as a whiner because it isn’t right in front of you.

            Your original post indicates there aren’t any available between $200 and $2k, but there are lots.

            • -3


              You obviously can’t be bothered

              I'm still waiting for a single link to a fantastic chair. You must know they exist because you told me to go and research them.

              lhere are lots.


              If it's as great as you say, maybe we can post it to ozbargain so others can share on this great value.

              • -3
                • -2

                  @Euphemistic: Once again, can't even show one example. I think it's fair to say that you have no idea what you're talking about. Next time, you can keep your opinions to yourself as you have added zero value to this thread.

                  I don't think even one person in this thread is interested in your "derp derp there are probably things out there, who knows, google it" comments.

                  • -1

                    @watwatwat: Once again: Your whole premise is that there are so called sub $200 junk chairs or one $1850 special chair that is the only one worthy.

                    You did not say ‘can anyone find me a chair between these prices?’ If you had, the answer is the same because you didn’t specify any other criteria other than ‘office chair’.

                    However, if you had asked you question more clearly you might have got the answer you are looking for. Clearly you want a recommendation for a cheaper Aeron copy, and not for a ‘decent office chair in a mid price’.

                    Ask the right question to get the right answer. I now appear to have wasted your time because you are upset when I have clearly answered your original question, and you still haven’t asked the right question because you are too busy being upset at getting what you asked for, not what you wanted.

                    On top of that, others have answered the question you thought you asked and you haven’t bothered to thank them for providing options or provide feedback on their opinion. Incidentally, one of the recommendations I also found in my google search.

  • +1

    You can get some decent chairs around 800-1200.
    Try the Therapod brand. They are also GST free.

  • it jumps to $1850 for an Aeron

    When I bought mine on special for < $1k less than 10 years ago, I was thinking the same thing about a middle ground. Luckily I pulled the trigger; I mean which other product has this kind of inflation rate?

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