This was posted 4 years 7 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Luigi's Mansion 3 $53.30 @ Nintendo eShop


A relaxing hotel getaway… What could possibly go wrong?

Best price drop for those who prefer downloading games.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Thanks. Been waiting for this to drop down. There is an expansion.. wonder if that’ll drop at some point.

    • +4

      Think the DLC is just multiplayer tidbits. Honestly I found the MP to be pretty crap, I'd skip it.

      • +1

        Honestly agree the Multiplayer games are very disappointing and easily forgettable, save the money and use it elsewhere

      • Wow, thanks for the heads up. Multiplayer is the main reason I was wanting this game. What a shame.

        • Don't forget you can play the campaign in 2P co-op once you unlock Gooigi…

          • @anthonaut: oh, so the campaign is good and can be played couch co-op? how far into the game roughly do you unlock the co-op ability? thanks!

            • @eggboi: I played it through in co-op mode with my 4 year old son when it came it. It unlocks from memory an hour or more in.

              My 8yo daughter has now started a fresh game today with my 4yo.

              The multiplayer mini games are also a lot of fun, but the loading time between games is a bit annoying (you dont have the option of playing more then one round at a time before it reloads it). More got added with the DLC. My advice is install it on the switch internal memory rather than the sd card to speed up multiplayer mini games a bit.

              I recommend this game - if you are the type of person who doesn't play a game through when finished, buy the digital copy instead - if you buy it for $6X you can likely resell for $5X once you are done - like most other nintendo first party games. That way it will cost you $1X to play it rather than $53.

            • @eggboi: Like JohnSy said it's about an hour. You can't miss it as it's part of the main storyline (1p switches between the characters). Played some with my 5yo. Player 2 only has tiny HP but can instant respawn & only switches room when P1 does. I did p2 but had solo some of the bosses from midgame as it only has one difficulty setting.

      • I was trying to work it out. Looks like there are two more parts to be released still? Which is why the bundle is $45 more then the game or the one released part is $15, so seems they all will be +$15 when released.

  • Great Game, thanks Op!

  • I've heard this game is approx only 5 - 7 hours which would usually make me shy away from a digital copy… but at that price for a Nintendo first party title… hmmm.

    • +3

      From Deku deals

      Publisher: Nintendo
      Download size: 7.377 GB
      Metacritic: 86 8.5
      How Long To Beat:
      Main Story: 13 hours
      Main + Extra: 17 hours
      Completionist: 21½ hours

      • Ooh nice, maybe worth a buy then for me. I'm a couple of hours in on a physical copy and really enjoying it. I am always caught up with Nintendo, I want the ease of digital but their physical stuff holds the value incredibly well. Even Luigis Mansion 2 is still $30+ on eBay.

    • -3

      It WOULD be 5-7 hours if you didn't spend half your time fighting the control scheme.

      All they had to do was have auto suck once the right analogue was moved. And hold the right shoulder button to blow instead of suck.

      They created a twin stick shooter and totally shanked it.

      • I was concerned about these claims of poor controls when i bought it. Then started off playing with the pro controller and didn't get the poor control complaints at all, until i decided to try playing handheld and found it very challenging with the joycon Analogue sticks. Which makes sense as the Joy Con analogues make most stick heavy control schemes difficult, seems fine with the Pro controller though,

  • +1

    Hate getting eShop items, anyone know the best price to get a physical copy please?

    • Cheapest at the moment is from Amazon AU for $63.00 delivered.

      They often, but not always, pricematch brick-and-mortar stores, so it’s best to keep an eye out on Amazon.

      • Thanks mate, purchased. I want the resale option.

        • you could've waited for a bit longer, maybe for it to go down to ~$55

    • Yeah me too ever since I tried to get a refund for a game. Physical only for anything above $15 for me now. Steam and Xbox are ok though.

  • how many GBs?

    • +1

      7.3GB. It is mentioned in the link (in the OP).

  • +1

    Fun game, and the ability to play co-op in the main story is nice.

    • Would you say it's worth it if you're playing on your own?

      • It entirely depends on if you can deal with the awful controls. But maybe they fixed it? There were a lot of complaints and I've not been able to make myself play it in 6 months or more due to how bad they were

        • Sounds like given I have a backlog, this isn't an essential purchase to play now. I still need to finish Ace Attorney, Pokemon Shield and get some good playtime out of Episode 1 Racer!

  • +1

    The controls do take a bit to get used, but worth it in the end. My 5 year old son and I are on our 4th play through. He watched me the first 2 times and now is pretty much playing it by himself. If a 5 year old can do it, the controls can’t be that bad. The multiplayer is limited, however we love playing scarescraper together! The dlc adds costumes which change up the scarescraper level design, so worth it if you play scarescraper a lot. Scream park is pretty boring though.

  • played the majority of the story through with my partner, we both really enjoyed it! best co-op game we've played for a while

  • Great game. I love the boss fights.

  • Great game finished it. Onto Zelda now.

  • Anyone know if it is a good game for my younger daughters aged 7 and 8?

  • The Switch is worth buying alone for this game.

  • Any way to buy the game digitally and then not install it? Waiting for a birthday and would like it to be installed on that day.

    Or is the price drop permanent?

    • TLDR: you can buy now install later.
      Nintendo runs physical fix pricing by being the sole distributor for every country. You rarely get digital sales on their ~20 first party games & they never do price drops. If you want this digital grab it asap.
      You can purchase on the switch or through online account. It will try download when you next connect internet so you will need to delete it from the switch. Then go into the all downloaded software menu, find it then select hide it.
      They can still find it if they go bottom & select view hidden software but they are unlikely to do that.

  • +1

    Just finished this co-op. Honestly it was mostly pretty tedious; you explore the hotel and vacuum up way more money then you'll ever need for continues. The boss design was good, but the first half of the game feels like a slog to get to each one, though the second half felt a bit faster.

    Going to sell my copy as I don't see myself wanting to play this again.

  • Amazing game, co-op is a blast!

  • +1

    @ OP, Yoshi’s Crafted World and Arms are also $53.30.

    • +1

      And Mario odessey $54 if my price alert email is correct.

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