I am looking to purchase an IP camera that I can use for 24/7 streaming to YouTube.
I want the camera to output to RTMP/S, so that I don't need a computer or service in the middle to convert the stream to something that YouTube can read directly.
Basically I want to go: Camera -> YouTube, instead of Camera -> PC/Device/Service -> YouTube
Does anyone have any recommendations? The camera doesn't need to be fancy, it will be inside near power and within Ethernet cabling distance of the router.
I have seen PTZOptics cameras as an option, but they are pricey. Dahua is a bit cheaper, but information and support in English looks light on.
Any other IP cameras that can do this?
Not what you're looking for, but price wise it may be a lot cheaper to get a raspberry pi of probably any generation and throw a form of linux on it and use that to stream to youtube.
The power draw would be pretty low and for size its also small.
And yes, I know its exactly what you didnt want but you also seem to think a product is too expensive and people are known to make compromise especailly when price is an issue.
At least a raspi (or similar) is much cheaper/smaller/less power draw than any x86/64 system you could get for doing something like this.