Also being sold at JB-HiFi for same price including PC & console versions.
(First time poster)
Also being sold at JB-HiFi for same price including PC & console versions.
(First time poster)
I would play 2 and 3 first, if I were you.
If you have the time, play all three. It's well worth it carrying your Shepherd character all the way through.
As for Andromeda, it was heavily panned on release and people negged it a lot because it didn't live up to the massive hype that EA gave it. Sadly, it didn't live up to Bioware's excellent reputation, either. I've played it and it's not an awful game, just not as good as the original series. Bioware has fixed a lot of the glaring errors with patches (even on console) so at $5 it's worth giving it a go.
I don't even know why anyone would play 2 and 3 without playing 1. The Mass Effect trilogy (barring the EA stuff up in the final game) is hands down the best story driven game ever, IMO.
@Prodev3r: Honestly, I haven't played many DLCs, but I hear that the Overlord and Citadel DLCs were really good.
@Prodev3r: The DLCs expand on the story a fair bit. I don't normally buy DLC, but I made an exception for the Mass Effect series. In particular there's a very important character (I'll try not to spoil things) that is available for Mass Effect 3 which Bioware annoyingly made DLC only.
I still can't get over the janky facial expressions and physics in Andromeda…
3's ending was at the very least, most displeasing…
@goraygo: If you bought an early version you would have only had a single ending. You need to get a patch and replay the last mission to see the others.
I played Mass effect andromeda without having played first 3 games. It was fun. Now I am waiting for mass effect remaster.
Absolute bargain!
Is this even worth it for this price? Haha It single handedly killed the franchise.
How did it kill the franchise? Was it actually bad game play or did they break the story line or something?
baloney, gameplay is absolute top tier fun.
It was an expensive production and hyped a lot and expectations were sky high so there was quite a backlash at the end product.
If you want some laughs, search for "5 years + $40M = Mass Effect Andromeda" on YouTube
It had terrible technical flaws with really bad animations and the goofiest looking face ever for femshep, she has the dumbest expressions possible no idea why they thought it was okay to ship like that. The writing is also really bad compared to the others in the series.
Combat is fun. Story is pretty average.
Garbage story, characters, locations, terrible tumblr tier writing and multiplayer. All of these were top tier in mass effect 3 was absolute top tier so it was a huge disappointment on many levels.
The animation and character models sucked in this game if you do a side by side comparison. The characters look dorky and the animations, even with the latest patch, are sub-par. However, the game itself is actually quite enjoyable. I put 76 hours into the game and I found combat to be engaging - better than the previous games. The crafting system is annoying with research points to grind, as well as getting materials. The enemies in the game are kind of basic, which is a bit of a let down, and the main villain is quite underwhelming, but believable. Not as badass as the Reaper storyline. I would rate this game as definitely play it once. I think people made a huge deal about it when it came out, and just remembered that backlash, rather than giving it a chance down the road.
Play it until your face is tired.
Not sure if worth $5
$280 too much………. how much would you want to be paid, to ruin your good Mass Effect memories?
Without Prime membership: $5.99 to deliver the digital codes via post…
Have this on Xbox One but never bothered playing it. Apparently it's much better with mods so PC all the way.
Already have it, but I like to get these for $5 when the physically copy goes on sale for the shelf, then give the key away.
I graciously accept your key donation :-P
It wasnt a bad game (wasnt great either) the problem was it followed a brilliant trilogy in the mass effect series and they went a direction they might of been alright but the plug got pulled on the project and now mass effect is dead
Available on EA Access for $5 a month…
71 Critic Score
4.9 User Score
Lmao, wouldn't touch it even it were free.
i take my hat off to anyone that gets half way through this game. The only redeemable feature was the multiplayer and they shut those servers down too.
Multiplayer still going on PC, the shutdown was a misunderstanding - just a server issue they have since resolved.…
i actually finished this game last week. About 60hrs on record for it. It was a good game for what it was; certainly doesnt live up to the first 3 ME games but if you treat it as a stand alone game than it was actually decent in its own right.
I went in with really low standards and came away pleasantly surprised.
I agree - if you tell yourself you're playing "Andromeda" (or if you never played any o/t previous ME..) then it's an enjoyable & entertaining experience - guess I'm looking forward to "Andromeda 2" (if that ever materialises) - Prodromos here we come!
Rubbish game, you should spend your money on something better like kindling a fire with a $5 note.
Play this game gives me headaches literally. You can save your money.
I haven't played 2 and 3 yet I'm tempted… why?