Samsung SHS-7020 has a unique feature that differentiates it from some of other digital door locks in that a temporary password can be registered for one time use.
Accessibilities: 3 way (Password, Key tag/card, Emergency key)
Color: Black
Samsung SHS-7020 has a unique feature that differentiates it from some of other digital door locks in that a temporary password can be registered for one time use.
Accessibilities: 3 way (Password, Key tag/card, Emergency key)
Color: Black
Where cheaper now?
While it might not be the cheapest ever, that's hardly a reason to neg
@themadman: Neg comes firstly because it was the same seller/store recently selling it for $50 cheaper, and the Was $380 is incorrect as the store/seller has never recently had it for that price.
Just because it isn't the cheapest at the moment, doesn't mean it's not a bargain for its competing prices elsewhere. No need to down vote that….
Come on, give an Australian local business a break. They are the cheapest now and not like Amazon who don't pay any Australia taxes.
at 199, its slightly tempting, at 149 its a no brainier…
No brainier than who?
thanks, got one for each door. as i said at 149 its a no brain(i)er
@wisc: "your order is on its way.
Tracking Code is xxxxxxx"
welp…. mine has already shipped with tracking! - now if i can just figure out what the tacking is for! -
edit: which oddly enough is the same as my order number - so doubtful its a shipping company tracking number…?
@wisc: welp, my parcel is onboard for delivery today, that was crazy fast! basically next day delivery (Melbourne)
if this come though with no issues today, I'll be highly recommending them in future.
@wisc: smart locks arrived 1:45pm today, very impressed with the service of Digital Door Locks and star track!
(ordered Tuesday after business hours 11PM - so basically Wednesday morning - arrived Thursday just after lunch)
That is one ugly lock
Bewdie is in the eye of the keyholder UwU
need a new door lock guys, got any suggestions?
Scroll up
No Google.
You don't need your lock searchable on Google
hey google, unlock my door…
FYI, for people that plan to place an order.
I ordered SHS-D607 last week, still haven't get any notification about my order delivery status yet …
I received it yesterday.
Outer melbourne area. No notification till it was out for delivery. So, it might be on it way to you.
Im in Qld, so I do expect there will be delays in deliveries.
I got nuthin from DDL after purchase. I live chatted with DDL yesterday and they sent me a sales invoice and promised to send SMS or email when goods were dispatched (paypal transaction will have the DDL invoice number in fine print). Lock arrived in Radelaide today, no SMS or email from DDL but i did get an on board for delivery email from StarTrack.
I received it yesterday. Interstate. Tracking came through on the day but did receive a sms and email that it had been shipped. Quite happy with their service tbh
I got my lock and already installed it. Let me know if you need any kind of help
What's involved in installation process ? We've just got a usual knob handle sort of lock, would love to install this if I can easily.
I received my order today. Very impressed with the service.
If it ain't broke don't fix it!
better to get bluetooth smart locks for this price
Less security though
I posted in the earlier thread on this model… but the backset is 70mm, so if you are replacing an existing lock - measure up first! This won't fit my door (without serious modification but then I'd question the integrity of the door).
Thanks for the heads up I measured my existing door and locks have 60mm backset so this lock won't work. Will have to keep this in mind when shopping for future lock replacements.
How smart can you make/program these? For example, give my kids a tag/card but if would only be 'valid' after 3pm when they come home from school?
That is a cool requirement, but no thank you. I would not like my wifey to program it to not open when I'm late from pub..
confirmed you can set access controls based on time.
Pity you only get one card in the pack.
I bought SHS D-607 lock on 5th August deal and still Waiting for shipping notification. Any one else received the lock yet ?
I emailed them and got a response. Suggest do the same.
I received my order today, ordered on the same night when ozb's attacked on it.
Website is down again.
Hope the above helps….
Not sure this fits to my door…
What are the cons of digital locks? Are they just as safe as regular ones, and how reliable are they, electronics etc?
If someone wants to break into your house, they will. Doesn't matter what lock it is. They have to stand around and tinker around anyway.
they smash the window. who cares about the door!
What's the catch?
hmmm … show up $147 for me
Price dropped!
Lucky the website sucks, because the delays caused me to get the new $147 price.
anyone tried DIY installation?
I’ve fitted a similar Yale one. In a new door, it would have been fairly straight forward. But, I had to try to enlarge the existing hole in the door to cater for the Yale; THAT was a PITA.
most likely not going to fit a standard hole, as per above its set back a non standard amount, i wanted a new door so grabbed one.
It is a bit weird that the USB port is on the outside of the lock. Not sure if it is possible to initialised the lock from the outside.
I was just able to place the order at $147. OP can you please check and change the price to $147.
Sold at $147.
Anyone know how to get more RFID cards (small tags if possible)? Or do you get more than one with the pack?
And also, any chance you can program the lock to use a Myki, Opal or Smartrider card? Appears to use the same RFID standard.
I have just tried on the D607 I got from last deal, my work id and student id worked fine. I don't have a Myki handy, but I would assume it will work.
phone wont work, my work pass wont work…
SHS-7020 model accept MIFARE®
13.56MHz ISO14443A type card.
so only 1 type of card.
FYI next model supports more
SHS-7120 is compatible with most HID Proximity 125KHz cards
(ProxCard®Ⅱ, ISOProx®Ⅱ, DuoProx®Ⅱ, Smart ISOProxⅡ™, Smart
DuoProx®Ⅱ, iCLASS®
Prox 26bit up to 37bit).
I have this lock for over 7 years, roughly 1.5yrs per change of battery. Been doing great except the passcode panel became worn after all these years. Buying one as a back up
Is the door handles 180 degree changeable (i.e door open L or R)?
not much info from the manual
I would assume all (sensible) locks do that. Never seen an exception before.
As cute as electronic locks are, they're not really that secure. Maybe use it on a bedroom.. not main entry.
Source please.
What makes you say that? please tell us more. definitely interested to learn more on this
Can the handle be flipped to the other side?
after checking Amazon user review, I'll stay away this 10-year OLD product
For future reference: re door thickness the site is wrong, the manual states 35-44mm wide door. I rang up DDL, and she said 40-60 is the general width for locks, they are going to update there webpage. for me: given my door hole setback was the wrong length, I've just bought a new door to fit a 149 dollar lock :'D
(that said we did want a new door anyways so all good)
seen it cheaper at Bunnings on clearance