Hi all, thanks for everybody's input. I realise that I demonstrated poor judgement and I will learn from that.
However since uploading the footage, many people are comparing the complex thought processes and various other external factors involved in this situation in real life and are diminishing it a simple 2D video on youtube that you are free to pause and press your face up against. I appreciate everybody who offered sound reasoning for their comments (whether for my side or against) rather than just saying how idiotic I was.
I have not decided yet whether I will contest it in court. I have some time to think about it.
I just want to say I know how posts here about speeding fines and not stopping at stop signs etc.. are blasted by this community and the OP is told to just cop the fine and pay up as they were in the wrong.
I'm not here for that, I just want to share my experience today and ask if I was actually in the wrong. If I am, I have no problem accepting the fine but if I am not, whether I should appeal in court and how successful these appeals usually are. Thanks everybody
I am travelling on a two lane highway in regional QLD. There is a large SUV in front of me (think Prado size but I don't remember the exact make and model) let's call it car A.
Car A is travelling around 90kmh in the 100kmh zone. I had just passed a dedicated overtaking zone where I had only managed to catch up to car A and I know it's at least another 5km or so until the next overtaking zone. Dotted centre line comes up. I can't see past car A due to it's wide body so I do a little peeking manoeuvre. I see no oncoming cars. I pull into the oncoming lane and immediately start to accelerate as one does when overtaking. I now see an oncoming car in the distance. I then notice that car A begins to accelerate too (which to my knowledge is illegal, but please correct me if I am wrong). I remain in the oncoming lane for a split second as my brain gauges whether I am able to overtake car A or not. I decide not to, brake and pull back in behind car A.
Now, turns out the oncoming car is highway patrol. They flash their lights, do a u-turn and pull me over. I am civil and respectful. I mention that I did not see the oncoming car before I tried to overtake car A but I don't mention that car A accelerated when I tried to overtake as I know that arguing with a cop usually doesn't work out in one's favour. They hand me a fine for "driving without due care and attention". 3 demerits and $530 fine, saying that what I did was dangerous behaviour and is the main reason there are high speed crashes on the highways. I say OK officer, have a nice day.
Did I commit any offence here? Again, please don't insult me or blast me for being some sort of hoon. I'm not. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Edit: To anybody who has appealed traffic offences similar to this, where you are able to justify your actions: were you successful? And was it worth all the hassle and stress or did you look back and think you should have just accepted the fine and the increased insurance premiums?
EDIT: I've got access to my dashcam footage and I've uploaded it to youtube.
Combined Forum Post (from Node 558123)
I guess you shouldn't pull out to overtake unless you are sure the oncoming lane is clear. If you can't see then you should be patient.
It's hard to get an idea of distances and times from your story - how long did it take for the cop to pass you once you pulled out?