Hey everyone. I've been wanting to start up an eBay business for a while, I was just wondering if anyone has any good ideas of things to sell that I can bring in for a decent amount per unit, and then sell for a relatively decent price as well. I'd be open to buying from China as that seems like one of the only ways to get a lot of stuff for quite a low price, but I'd be very interested in any other ways as well. And it doesn't matter if the stuff is seasonal, e.g. Father's day stuff, just looking forward to hearing any ideas/successes you have/have had. Cheers :).
Profitable Stuff to Sell on eBay?

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Haha most people are lazy
and if we all be doing it, it won't be profitable anymore! :D
Everything's been pretty much overdone to death on eBay now. What was once a place to find niche/collectable things or have a garage sale clear-out/pickup cheap unwanted stuff is now just littered with rebranded Chinese mass produced tat.
True well said. Still, there's gotta be that one thing we've all missed. I guess even after that it'd be too widespread to bother within a week or 2.
There'll be a niche item or two somewhere but it depends on what you're interested in trading too.
For example this product is only available from one seller in all of Aus that imports them themselves and resells at a higher price here.
Decent margin to be had but with 145 sold over three years, it's not going to be their only venture.
See what you're interested in. Specific car modification parts, Warhammer models, Pokemon cards, rare collectibles, limited run games etc. Find your niche but don't bother with rebranded Chinese stuff. That ship has sailed.
I would be careful in current times and our current relationship with China. Import/Export fee can change at anytime and tariffs could change anytime. We are going through an ugly breakup with a long relationship in which we invested everything.
Ep2. of the post "How to get rich quick?" from couple of days ago that got banned.
Didn't see that one. If only selling a few bits of plastic on eBay could get me rich! I'm thinking more a few extra bucks a week to spend at the weekend or something.
do your own research
Which is why I’ve come here to start with. Nothing wrong with asking for advice.
Why banned?
Yep, dropshipping has been done to death, it's too easy to go to aliexpress and get the same thing for cheaper.
Best reselling things off marketplace/gumtree if you have the time to browse.
I've made a fair bit of selling used computers, tv's and bikes.Cheers for that
Agreed that tomorrow’s landfill from AliExpress is cheaper but personally I have been waiting close to 3 months for an AliExpress IPad cover. Good luck importing anything from China much before Christmas unless things Covid wise improve.
I've been waiting 2 months for an item. The most frustrating thing? AusPost received it in Sydney 6 weeks ago…
The old "We've got it" tracking? No, they don't. I believe that's part of the reason they changed the wording on their shipping statuses.
@[Deactivated]: Yeah ok that sucks then.
A year or so ago I paid for a package to be shipped Express Post and it came about a month after I received the replacement that was shipped a month later (so 2 months after initial shipment). Supposedly lost in AusPost somewhere… (as in AusPost acknowledged that they had actually received the package, just couldn't advise where it was apart from it's last scan).
Thank god you're here. Ozbargainers have been waiting ages for someone to create an eBay/Amazon business selling miscellaneous goods made in China. I predict good times ahead.
Well, can't fault me for trying, especially now all the shops are shutting here in Vic.
You better be quick, you got 5 wks left to set up, operate and sell your business before the other shops re-open again…
FBA is the new rivers of gold, land of milk and honey. FBA = Fulfilled By Amazon. Plenty of paid courses available which I wouldn't suggest you pay for (because if it was that good why would they be selling courses than selling goods).
I watch this one dude's YouTube videos almost daily who has free videos/instructions on how to run a business on Amazon. I haven't watched those particular videos myself, but I do like his videos on economic data.
Yeah I keep getting ads from Adam Hudson on YouTube for this crud…
hey i'm adam hudson and look at my apartments on the gold coast
hella chompers on his mug
Roam your local streets and pick up stuff from hard rubbish and sell it. I see a lot of stuff that could be sold, but couldn't be bothered most of the time unless higher value. A few weeks ago I sold something for $320 that I picked up off hard rubbish.
A bit hard thought ATM if you are in MelbourneNice one. You should tell whoever's pile you picked it up from, they'll be livid!
Agree with this, spend a few hours roaming the streets and you can make some easy money.
Have previously picked up (working)
Wine Fridge
LCD tv's
Xbox's/Wii's/ Picked up a Ps4 which had a hard drive error, new hard drive and she's good to go.
Golf Clubs
Dyson Vacuum cleanersfantastic thank you
there are people who do this for a living. Every friday night they would sell the stuff they find in private auctions. Not sure if convid has shut these down.
@godofpizza: any sort of local pickup would be killed sadly and postage would be huge for large items. Something to look forward to post-covid anyway I guess.
DON'T do this in Melbourne.
What did you find? If don't want to disclose, can you give us a bit more detail?
Old looking bicycle. But given that i cycle I knew its value. I have found a more valuable one before, that I kept. And the speakers I am currently using - reckon I could get $500 for them. But those value items are more rare, i see a lot of items that would be easy to sell for under $50 - furniture in prefect condition, electronics that still work etc etc
Just yesterday wife took kids to post a letter - saw a table out (a few days after council clean up). She spoke to the gardener who introduced the owner who showed us some shelves in near perfect condition. Luckily we live a short street away. Took home 2 solid wood buffets and 1 solid wood bookshelf (last night and this morning) and there's still 2 near new display shelves with glass shelves (no space unfortunately). She was hoping we'd take it all because she's about to sell two adjoining houses and will get high single digit millions for both (bought for <50%). The killer with furniture is the transport.
yes i will tell you what i sell for profit on ebay.
you can also have a night with my wife i dont mindBrilliant great deal
have you seen her
not recently no
Needless to say, not falling for that a sixth time.
OzBargainers are frequently grabbing popcorn, so I'd say popcorn?
The question is are they grabbing premade popcorn or microwave popcorn?
Make it yourself in a saucepan, much better than a microwave.
Could be a new niche
Profitable? Everything and nothing.
Buy in big enough quantities and you can create a monopsony. You will be able to undercut your competitor and squeeze the supplier.
Of course there is a risk you buy big and cannot move stock then you are stuck with sunk capital and ongoing storage cost.
So, do you have that massive capital and an apetite for risk? Probably not but there are so many others doing it, surely there is a different angle.
Yes, yes there is. It's called niche and/or untested markets. Big profits to be made. Perhaps you could buy a few items no one else sells and move them for a tidy sum but you will could again be stuck with products you cannot move or someone else is drawn to the same model and both of you start competing, driving down your margins.
There is no gain without significant capital, risk and /or effort. You need two to start.
I could order in some stuff and not have to worry about the storage while I'm trying the markets, got enough room at home to start with. But yeh well said it's a tough one.
I've been selling on ebay for the past 10 months reasonably successfully as a 2nd income. So far I've turned a $500 investment into approx. $15k over this time, turning around $70k in sales, reinvesting any profit over and over again. The trick is to use the data freely available on ebay to make your decisions, don't get emotionally attached when choosing which products to sell and provide good service. Even though I'm a registered business it is primarily a hobby for me, similar to people who play with stock market. With COVID in play at the moment online sales are growing pretty steadily and will likely do so for some time. Also remember when you first start out it is slow going as you need to build a reputation which takes at least 6 months of good sales and feedback.
Sounds pretty good. So far I've just been browsing the cheap Chinese sellers and comparing them to what things sell for on ebay. Is that the way to go?
Primarily you need to look for items that are in demand with little competition and you can source it, pay all your costs and still come out with a decent margin. It takes time to research, invest, wait for stock and sell.
Do you have an example? Alternately, DM me a link to your store?
@[Deactivated]: Ahhh, you don't want him to know what you sell so he could sell the exact same stuff but undercut your prices by a few cents….
build a reputation which takes at least 6 months of good sales and feedback.
A lot of people don't bother looking where the feedback comes from so if you want a fast start buy 3 figures of ANY cheap junk from different sellers provide immediate feedback to get rating faster . Yeah plenty have multiple account taking advantage of Free FVF ( final valuation fee ) offered to non stores and selling high value products with the common 10 listings offered promo .
And billob stay away from common goods that people are undercutting each other to make a buck . Plenty of niches going that are making huge %'s .
Ah thanks so much. I'll be on the lookout in the coming weeks for that perfect niche.
My Buddy used to buy Levi's 501's from Thrift Shops and sell them on eBay. Not sure of the market now.
I would assumed everyone would just be wearing $40 costco levi's now, best bang for buck.
Nearly everything on ebay is cheaper new on amazon these days, its pretty sad. Similar games, cheaper 2nd hand on cash converters then ebay.
Damn really? Very sad.
Yes got a lot of Switch games for 45-50 on cash converters, they are normally about 60 posted on ebay 2nd hand, and new 69 posted on amazon.
Well this is almost a new level of low effort.
Do all the research to find me stuff to sell so I can make money
Nice one op.
Well no, I'm just getting a basis on what works and what doesn't. This is part of my research, and if you don't wish to share your ideas then you don't have to mate. What's wrong with asking the community?
That's not research, it's laziness and attempting to benefit from there work.
Research is finding out what will sell, and isn't already oversaturated, then finding out how much you can get it for, and how much you can sell it for.
@billbob123454: PM me, I can sell you a book for $10 on how students can make money on eBay, or even direct and skip the middle man. 😀
Quicker and faster than researching things yourself.
@billbob123454: This isn't aggressive. Simply pointing out you have a poor attitude, and the advice you get will likely be worth the amount you paid for it.
If you're a student you should have enough free time to research.
I actually do have a tip, niche markets are the way to go, and not cheap chinese shit that anyone can get from aliexpress. Something that you are interested in, and have knowledge about, is a very good place to start.
Things I have sold -
Mid-high end photography/videography stuff
Marine electronics
Vehicle and boat parts.
Electric skateboards (proper ones not cheap things)
RC car stuffNone of that will help you, as these only really work if you can spot bargains and know what to buy, by having an interest already.
Do you have any hobbies?
@brendanm: Yeh I'm into music and also pc stuff. Good idea on looking into stuff I like it would be a bit easier to spot bargains. Cheers.
@billbob123454: Look on gumtree for people getting rid of stuff, buying bulk lots and then splitting it works well, and you can keep the best stuff for yourself.
@billbob123454: Maybe have a look at auctions for things you can buy in bulk cheap and resell.
Example job lot of records, might be some rare/collectable/highly desirable ones in there: https://www.lawsons.com.au/asp/fullCatalogue.asp?salelot=901…
@Brendanm This is an open forum, people are free to ask what they want. Attitude like this stops people from asking questions and is counterproductive.
@Drakesy: If you are making money from something, you do it yourself. It's an open forum, in entitled to my opinion.
The cost of postage for a lot of stuff will kill most good deals so small items are great or even using Express Post as it rarely gets there by the next day so you get a free satchel.
Maybe consider buying things as you come across awesome deals and then reselling. Limited stuff like release-day sneakers, rare LEGO that sells out within hours, or stuff from auctions from smaller places where you look for quirky items.
Once you start to spot good deals you may specialise in particular items.
Maybe consider buying things as you come across awesome deals and then reselling. Limited stuff like release-day sneakers, rare LEGO that sells out within hours, or stuff from auctions from smaller places where you look for quirky items.
Yes, lets become brodens.
Auspost no longer has this guarantee for Express Post.
yeah coz they cant deliver the next day…not really express if you ask me….
If anyone who has great business ideas but doesn't like money or want to make money for their family, let op get the credit.
A former neighbour of mine has a variety of contract manufacturing gigs and associated import businesses - but on-selling to big retail customers like hardware chains rather than the consumer. His target market is actually the US market - it is far greater in size. He does everything from pot-plants to curtain/blind accessories. He spends a lot of time going to trade shows and visiting the China manufacturers themselves and nurturing those relationships.
Sounds cool but I might be a bit young to do that sort of thing lol. Cheers though.
I made a bundle in 2015 selling consumer electronics sourced mainly from here. A lot of business were closing at the time though and everything was being cleared.
Think starter packs, cheap phones, consoles and TVs.Sick. I'd definitely have a crack at smaller electronics so they're a decent price to post. Thanks for that.
Ashtrays for motorbikes.
Dog leashes with cupholders.
hand sanitiser
The danger with selling on ebay is that the market is not under your control.
Masks and hand sanitiser are examples of where ebay have pulled the rug from under sellers' feet.
If any item gets reported by a disgruntled buyer, ebay is likely to cancel the item without investigating it, or allowing the seller to respond.
Negative feedback may be given by ignorant or malevolent buyers, destroying a hard-won reputation.
I would suggest starting on ebay to get a feel for online trading, but your long term plan should be to establish your own website, so that control is in your own hands.Yeh good idea. Sadly eBay has all the power so they can do what they like :(. Same with grumpy buyers.
Years ago I sold slimming ab belts that plug in because the manufacturer had a great photo I used. People bought them from all over the world and paid $50 postage. So a good photo will sell
What was the great photo? Please share.
the item is discontinued but it showed a man and a woman wearing the belt. I remember it had green and black in the photo
Where did you get the belts
And do they work?
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If we knew that, we'd be doing it!