We’re announcing today that Battletoads will be available on August 20 for Xbox Game Pass members to download and play on Xbox One and Windows 10, and will also be available to buy on Xbox One, Windows 10 and Steam the same day.
Game Pass pre-installation on console or PC will also be available soon, so you’re ready to play on day one: search for Battletoads on your Xbox or the Xbox App for PC (beta), or download the Xbox Game Pass mobile app for Apple or Android and pre-install to your console or PC. Until you get a chance to play, be sure to check out our latest trailer for a glimpse of all the action that awaits!
[XB1, PC, SUBS] Battletoads to Launch on Xbox Game Pass @ Microsoft

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Yeah a lot of older games on the microsoft/xbox store are still $99.95 even though the newer titles of the game are significantly cheaper lol
MS paid like 200 million for Rare, so yeah the few games they make are going to be expensive.
Is microsoft really jacking up the price on their games to entice people to use Game Pass, because who the (profanity) in their right mind is going to drop 100 bucks on Battletoads.
Not that I have an issue with it however, Game Pass is great and the more games on it the merrier.
I heard they were promoting that they were putting Fortnite on GamePass!… ;) Haha!
There was an attempt at a joke there
Thanks mate - wasn’t a great joke but I was short on material tonight 🤣
Some clearly don’t like the quip, or maybe they just don’t like Fortnite. No probs - don’t mind the negs - just peeps reacting.
A brand new Battletoads game comes out after decades of waiting, and you complain about Needing to pay full retail price.
You should check out gameplay videos of said game after decades of waiting…you're not going to want to pay full retail price for it.
developed by Dlala Studios and supported by Rare
Oh right, Rare didn't even develop it. Still though, it's a new Battletoads game.
@AustriaBargain: You say that as if that's a good thing. Even when new, Battletoads was little-loved. If it wasn't for the memes, no one would have picked it from a line up of TMNT, Earthworm Jim, or Double Dragon. Ironic nostalgia doesn't actually mean demand, just look at Shenmue 3. By pawning it off to a no-name studio, it seems Microsoft understands this, and is minimising risk.
@SydStrand: That is incorrect, the game is causing actual risk and could turn off a lot of people from the Xbox, if you cannot make a game of exact same quality as the NES then don't bother and this game has no where near the quality of a 30 year old game, it has turned me off already. This is similar to the Marvel Comics where they are not relying on the basic rules. What are the top 10 things you can name that makes an existing franchise? You list them and they are the things you cannot change and everything else you can go nuts on, battle toads have probably just done 1 thing right and that's it. It's going to alienate audience even more.
Shenmue 3 is a bad example, there was already demand for it and you didn't do your research. If you did, you would of acknowledged it was an "KICKSTARTER" game and already received the funding and support from companies way before it was released. Furthermore the game didn't change the formula too much so there was not much backlash.
That is incorrect, the game is causing actual risk and could turn off a lot of people from the Xbox, if you cannot make a game of exact same quality as the NES then don't bother and this game has no where near the quality of a 30 year old game, it has turned me off already
No, this cost them virtually nothing. Shoe string budget, since they effectively subcontracted the work to a tiny studio rather than diverting resources from another project with actual mainstream appeal, like Sea of Thieves. And the impact of alienating the 5 remaining Battletoads purists is laughable.
Shenmue 3 is a bad example, there was already demand for it and you didn't do your research. If you did, you would of (sic) acknowledged it was an "KICKSTARTER" game and already received the funding
Nope. Shenmue 3's KS backing was only a fraction of its actual budget, and they needed much more conventional funding to get it over the line. It turned out to be quite divisive, and in terms of sales was a stinker. For a half year-old game, there's some crazy discounting. This notion that nostalgia, niche or even cult appeal = success, is bunk. Fanboys have been demanding Shenmue 3 since the Dreamcast and it landed like a wet fart. Even fewer want Battletoads. Microsoft's literally making this game because of a meme. Everyone will shrug like we did with Duke Nukem forever. A few will try it because FREE. Then no one will remember it in 12 months.
No, this cost them virtually nothing. Shoe string budget, since they effectively subcontracted the work to a tiny studio rather than diverting resources >from another project with actual mainstream appeal, like Sea of Thieves. And the impact of alienating the 5 remaining Battletoads purists is laughable.
Rubbish they are advertising this game more than the original battletoad, like I said this look worse than the original battletoads 30 years ago and that would of been a fraction of the budget, I don't quite understand this game, is it to get people to buy Xbox or buy more indie games? This is more of a turn off than actual attraction. Even to new and old gamers and purists alike
And the impact of alienating the 5 remaining Battletoads purists is laughable.
Like the 10 people play Sea of Theives Right now on Xbox One? Is that the exclusive game your comparing this to? You know it's on STEAM since it "done" extremely well.
Nope. Shenmue 3's KS backing was only a fraction(kickstarter.com) of its actual budget, and they needed much more conventional >funding(eurogamer.net) to get it over the line. It turned out to be quite divisive, and in terms of sales was a stinker(videogamer.com). For a half
year-old game, there's some crazy discounting. This notion that nostalgia, niche or even cult appeal = success, is bunk. Fanboys have been >demanding Shenmue 3 since the Dreamcast and it landed like a wet fart.Ignoring the link since it didn't state what you said. This isn't a shooter or a sports game, it was suppose to appeal to the fans which was niche who bought Shenmue 1 & 2 and the totals didn't include kickstarter or digital sales (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shenmue_III) . More of an appeal to Japan than to the West. and no it wasn't a stinker (your silly interpretation of sales and your personal opinion), this was a niche game Ys net and Deep Silver already knew this
To show how much harm a product like Battletoads could do you go to a games market and see BATTLETOADS or Shenmue 3. You know which one you will pick up and your then more likely to pick up games from the following companies.
Even fewer want Battletoads. Microsoft's literally making this game because of a meme. Everyone will shrug like we did with Duke Nukem forever. > A few will try it because FREE. Then no one will remember it in 12 months.
That is absolutely true but if they need to let people TRY this for FREE what does that say about the product oh enlighten one?
Take a look at the so called 5 remaining Battletoads pursits here comment in OZBargain do any of them want it?
Rubbish they are advertising this game more than the original battletoad
LOL. You're comparing this to non-existent print adverts from 1991? Online marketing is cheap as chips. Ask normal people just how much they know about Battletoads.
I don't quite understand this game, is it to get people to buy Xbox or buy more indie games? This is more of a turn off than actual attraction. Even to new and old gamers and purists alike
It's one of many games that Microsoft published to push Game Pass. It also happened to be a reboot of a C-tier curiosity from the 90s, that's all. The fact that some people are hyping this up as the second coming and lamenting the purity of BATTLETOADS is hilarious.
Like the 10 people play Sea of Theives Right now on Xbox One? Is that the exclusive game your comparing this to? You know it's on STEAM since it "done" extremely well.
Actually, looks like it's doing better than I thought. Active content updates. Apparently 1 million Steam purchases since June. And 15 million players across both platforms as of last month, so… yeah.
Ignoring the link since it didn't state what you said. This isn't a shooter or a sports game, it was suppose to appeal to the fans which was niche who bought Shenmue 1 & 2 and the totals didn't include kickstarter or digital sales
Are you being daft? It had 81k backers in ALL tiers. Let's be generous and assume all of them bought a copy. We also know the physical sales were poor (apparently 17k first week in Japan), and there's no evidence to suggest digital was any better. In a world where games sell in the tens of millions, these are rookie numbers, even for a niche game, let alone the much-hyped sequel to one of the most expensive games ever made. Deep Silver didn't spend money to fail to appease a handful of hardcore Shenmue fans, but it looks like they failed to attract new players too. Just goes to show that just because there's vocal fanbase, doesn't mean there are many of them, or that it actually translates into sales.
That is absolutely true but if they need to let people TRY this for FREE what does that say about the product oh enlighten one?
Bad argument. It's still pay-walled behind Game Pass, which has other games which are also free to play. Do you assume Cuphead is a bad product, then? Or do you think everything on Netflix is a bad product because it's monetised via subscription? 'Enlightened?' That's nice, but since it's coming from someone who doesn't seem to understand contractions, not exactly high praise.
LOL. You're comparing this to non-existent print adverts from 1991? Online marketing is cheap as chips. Ask normal people just how much they know about Battletoads.
Do you mean tumblrer advertising cause that would be cheap marketing/
I am not going to give you that one, they had to pay for the E3 (we only know this through E3), youtube adverts playthroughs and so forth, these things you think are cheap as chips do take a lot more time than print adverts. With print adverts your just whack a poster up and your done. Just ask youtubers how long they take making a video through editing and so forth for someone who a smart aleck should already know this with your last statement seem you don't understand either not exactly high praise, maybe get off your high horse?
It's one of many games that Microsoft published to push Game Pass. It also happened to be a reboot of a C-tier curiosity from the 90s, that's all. The fact that some people are hyping this up as the second coming and lamenting the purity of BATTLETOADS is hilarious.
This I agree with you 100%, this is no where near the second coming.
Actually, looks like it's doing better than I thought. Active content updates. Apparently 1 million Steam purchases since June. And 15 million players across both platforms as of last month, so… yeah.
After re-reading this, this was my fault, I am saying the new battletoads is better than Sea of Thieves.
Are you being daft? It had 81k backers in ALL tiers. Let's be generous and assume all of them bought a copy. We also know the physical sales were poor (apparently 17k first week in Japan), and there's no evidence to suggest digital was any better. In a world where games sell in the tens of millions, these are rookie numbers, even for a niche game, let alone the much-hyped sequel to one of the most expensive games ever made. Deep Silver didn't spend money to fail to appease a handful of hardcore Shenmue fans, but it looks like they failed to attract new players too. Just goes to show that just because there's vocal fanbase, doesn't mean there are many of them, or that it actually translates into sales.
This is where I refer to you being daft, Deep Silver isn't Activision or EA where they are looking for the next 10 million dollar hit with every game. They know which titles that preform and not every single title is going to hit that target but saying 81k is handful is ridiculous especially for a niche title. If you think 81k + 17k is not many people then walk the talk my friend. BET THIS amount of your own money in dollars on the race track or in the casino and lose it all.
Bad argument. It's still pay-walled behind Game Pass, which has other games which are also free to play. Do you assume Cuphead is a bad product, then? Or do you think everything on Netflix is a bad product because it's monetised via subscription? 'Enlightened?' That's nice, but since it's coming from someone who doesn't seem to understand contractions, not exactly high praise.
Even with your argument Mircosoft is bundling a new game with a Game Pass especially with one that's being released on the same day tells tales that they don't have enough confidence that Battletoads could hold on it's own. All in all I agree with you it's bad game that no one is asking for at all but comparing with that with Shenmue is a long stretch.
@luckydan: Okay, I only saw this after the deal was bumped to frontpage.
I am not going to give you that one, they had to pay for the E3 (we only know this through E3), youtube adverts playthroughs and so forth, these things you think are cheap as chips do take a lot more time than print adverts. With print adverts your just whack a poster up and your [sic] done.
LOL, it got a couple minutes of time on an Xbox panel that was already paid for, among many other titles.
Just ask youtubers how long they take making a video through editing and so forth
Microsoft doesn't pay YouTubers by the hour. It gives them download codes, so the 'marketing' and time spent is offloaded essentially free. It's much easier and cheaper to market games in the digital age, it's why even zero budget mobile games can get views, vs hiring actual marketing companies in different regions to craft in-house, localised print adverts or TV commercials.
saying 81k is handful is ridiculous especially for a niche title. If you think 81k + 17k is not many people then walk the talk my friend. BET THIS amount of your own money in dollars on the race track or in the casino and lose it all.
What kind of ridiculous goalpost-shifting is this? What's the conversion rate between one private citizen's worth in AUD have to do with game sales for a multinational company? Why not compare it to betting 81K Zimbabwean dollars or the number of apples sold by Coles, or some other equally irrelevant metric? 81K sales is exceptionally poor, even for a niche title, particularly one with AAA pedigree, a physical and digital release, on multiple platforms, a much-hyped Kickstarter campaign, and a supposed cult fandom. To compare, Shenmue sold 1.2 milion copies, on the Dreamcast, in fewer regions, at a higher price point, as a new IP. In 1999. Shenmue 3 is a commercial bomb and a good lesson for game companies to not trust vocal fandoms or crowd-funding hype. The fact that the someone had to make a euphemistic, glass half-full public statement in response to poor sales speaks volumes.
Ok, they could release a new Battletoads a millennia after the previous one and I still wouldnt give enough of a shit to pay 100 bucks for the thing.
All full price retail games are AUD$99 on digital and have been since forever. It's insane (and why any all-digital console is doomed to fail in Aus).
Agreed. It'll be interesting to see the digital-only PS5 console fail horribly here. Maybe then they'll finally get their prices in order.
Looks like a beat em up Rayman Legend game. For $99 to buy? I think MS is dreaming. LoL
will eb games have a copy of battletoads
Why is this priced as a AAA game? That's a little ridiculous.
Because it's a AAA game?
Nothing about this is AAA. $30 would have been a better price, at most.
Why isn't Rare developing their own Battletoads games?
Because Rare has outgrown Battletoads and doesn't even make these sorts of games anymore. AAA games keep the lights on, especially when you presumably have hundreds of employees, not ironic side projects. It's like asking why Naughty Dog didn't do Crash 4 or why Capcom didn't make the DuckTales remake.
What's the 'Was' Price?
Was it $99 to sub to Battletoads?
I didn't know you could sub to individual games.
$99 seems to be to buy and own the game.Can we preorder battletoads?
Yes, have done so at EB for $99.95
Receipt or don't believe. I'm very interested to see how many people are gonna bother.
I really hope you didnt fork over $99 for this. Its a $30 game at best and will be had for heavy discounts very quickly.
Nah I am not that silly
I just called and asked my local games store if they have battletoads and they said everyone should call and ask if they have battletoads.
At least someone got the reference. High five!
Yay another beat em up
No news about this game for over a year and all of a sudden it's releasing in 19 days. Ah well it's cool looking forward to it.
Could never get past that hover bike section back in the day. Even by the standards of the time, it was a rock hard game.
I loved the original on the NES, but this one looks terrible.
Placeholder price im sure that will go down to about $50
But excited to play it on xbox gamepass.
I hope its as good as Streets of Rage 4.I think the news here is to get Game Pass.
Downloading now.
Should be out by the morning. Only looking forward to this due to nostalgia but not buying it at $100, if it's ~$30 I will definitely get it.
I must have spend hundreds of hours on the original game on NES. One of the best and hardest games I have ever played, I remember coming back to it years later with a game genie so I could beat the game.
Jesus, 100 bones is a bit rich. I was always gonna play through GP anyway, but 100 is ridiculous.