Bluetooth headphones.
Wired and Wireless Bluetooth Headphones
Bluetooth 4.0 and wired feature
50-hours of in-use battery
40mm drivers
3 color: red, black, white.
Bluetooth headphones.
Wired and Wireless Bluetooth Headphones
Bluetooth 4.0 and wired feature
50-hours of in-use battery
40mm drivers
3 color: red, black, white.
White or black, do you reckon
After some deliberation I'm choosing black. I figure white might dirty / age quicker.
Why not red? Red's always faster.
Any reviews from people here?
Does anyone know the weight of these headphones
All good found it 408grams just not sure if that's total weight
Thanks OP purchased x3 … tried in 1 transaction wanted $20 shipping then tried 3x single transactions and got free shipping, go figure??
Bought one thanks
got me a red ones
Nice find, just what I was after.
Does anyone know which set is as good as the W830BT, but wired instead of wireless?
Not noise canceling?
These any good?
For 34 Bucks?
I found a pair of noise canceling ones at target for $30, target brand tho so just asking sorry
does it have any built-in mic?
thx mate ,
one question , can i use 3.5' jack for mic or have to sue the builtin bluetooth one?
One more question , does it connect only to one device at any given time?
From an Amazon review, yes, connect one device only.
I downloaded the user manual from the USA website as the "Download User Manual" link is not on the AU site.
The USA manual indicates 2 connections are possible but I haven't myself tested?…
Thanks OP. Picked up a red pair for the kid for the extended remote learning activities!
Thanks OP perfect timing, needed a new set for work so bought the white headset
Any opinion on the Microphone quality ? Wondering whether i can use for answering work calls.
I bought these for that purpose. Call quality is good.
Gr8. I got mine delivered this morning. Need to test it out when i get home.
How are the headphones? Is the mic quality good?
Thanks OP, was looking for one too.
Thanks OP , bought one black one
Thanks, bought.
Just in time, I was looking for a set just yesterday 👍