Hi everyone,
After many weeks of waiting I finally received my PC from this deal here —> https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/547051
I am still newish to the more indepth PC stuff but it states in the deal that it will come with "Memory: 2x16GB Dual Channel 3200 C16 DDR4 w/ Heatsink" however, I received 4x8gb of "corsair cmk8gx4m1d3000c16".
This is obviously a slower RAM and was not what was advertised but I am wondering if this makes any difference and if it's worth complaining and shipping back. I'm afraid if I have to ship it back, it may be a long while before I receive it again.
CPU Z picture for reference: https://imgur.com/a/MgBo1Og
Got Given Incorrect RAM - Does It Make a Difference?

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Yeah thought that might be the case thank you.
Do you know if theres any difference between using 2x16gb vs 4x8gb? Does that matter at all?No difference, just limits your upgrade potential down the track.. 32GB will last you the life of that machine easily.
It makes a big difference if you want to upgrade from 32gb to 64gb, as the ram slots will already be used up.
You won't notice much difference, but you also have to factor that it's going to be easier to upgrade the 2x16GB configuration than the 4x8GB configuration. In one scenario you just buy an extra two sticks, in the other you have to sell 2.
Don't know how long-term you plan though and how much you care. As you say, if you're going to have to wait an extra month for it probs worth just sucking it up. That being said, it doesn't speak well to the company to just change the specs like that without saying anything to you or giving you any compensation. I'd at least raise it with the company and say it's not the right thing to do.
It affects you if you want to increase RAM storage, but at 32gb 99.9% use cases wont need an upgrade.
I would actually say it better, because the 4x8gb kit doubles the "bandwidth" compared to a 2x16gb kit. Google what that means if you don't understand. Or if you can't be bothered, a quad channel kit is generally more expensive than a dual channel kitConsumer Ryzen does not support quad channel memory. 4 sticks of ram will still run in a dual channel configuration bandwidth wise on a Ryzen 3000 series CPU
You shouldn't have to ship the whole pc back surely. Should just be a matter of they mail you correct ram sticks and you return incorrect ones.
Only thing I'm worried about in that scenario is if they decide to claim some funny business with warranty if I "edit" the build myself but I'll see what they say.
Perhaps contact @CGB Solutions first? You won't see a difference (unless needing more RAM but, depending on your use case, 32GB is plenty.).
You should be able to OC the ram to 3200mhz but i would send it back as its not what you paid for.
4 sticks might be tricky to oc higher … 200mhz should be ok .. but no guarantee higher
If they didnt give you whats listed on the invoice, theyve made a mistake with your order.
Double check the invoice to ensure you get what you ORDERED and PAID FOR, mistakes do happen
Invoice says "32gb 3200" so they definitely made a mistake.
Place sounds super backyard if just "32gb 3200"
Any legit place would be crazy specific like 'Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) 3200MHz DDR4 Desktop RAM - Black'
Keep expectations low
Is the part number correct on the ram stickers? Cpu Z can make mistakes sometimes (rare). Other than that, hopefully the seller will send an express post option if pursuing a return.
Yep sticker is correct and all
Okay… so both of sticker says " cmk8gx4m1d3200c16" or something with 3200 in it? Then the error is in CPU -Z. Try any other hardware monitor and see what model info comes out.
Oh no, I meant the sticker matches with CPU-Z as in "cmk8gx4m1d3000c16"
Mate, complain and get it sorted out. They failed to provide the parts as advertised. It's slower AND taking up your all your slots. What if you wanted to upgrade in future?
What if you purchased a brand new car but dealer cheaped out and put on eco tyres? You didn't get what you paid for so why accept it?
Yes, it's worth bringing it up and getting it replaced. It's lower spec, it takes up more RAM slots you could use later, and what happens if the RAM fails and they go "not our problem, that's not the RAM listed on the system you bought"?
Hey guys, thanks for all the responses. I brought up the issue and my email reply was literally "Sorry to hear about the error" and no mention of any compensation or option to fix it. I replied asking if there anything they could do but have yet to see a response in 24 hours.
Again, speak to @CGB Solutions. It quite clearly says 2x16GB 3200, unless you changed the build. The rep you 'purchased' off will help more than a general support email.
Yes I have been in contact with the exact same email that I had first used to contact the company and had many back and forth emails with about my order.
I did not change the RAM and the invoice states that it is “32gb 3200”.
I’m just waiting for an email reply.Did they get back to you and fix the issue?
@Bro-Die: They sent a replacement to me and a return slip for the other RAM. It arrived today but it’s 4x8gb of 3200 RAM not 2x16gb lol.
I mean it’s still not what I ordered but I think it’s okay as I don’t see myself going past 32gb anytime soon.
Lol really? That is poor form.
Which motherboard did they give you out of curiosity?
You won't notice a difference between 3000 and 3200, especially with a 3600X which is the middle of the Ryzen range. I would be happy and move on.
Take a look at this and notice the negilible difference between 2400 and 3000, and your speed difference is signficantly less: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL5Eg8gqnPM