Hi Ozb,
just wondering what is your go-to stout beer on the market?
value & taste wise.
— added poll option, but can't add/edit options
Hi Ozb,
just wondering what is your go-to stout beer on the market?
value & taste wise.
— added poll option, but can't add/edit options
Coopers Best Extra Stout
I personally like Wayward Brewing or Batch Brewing's milk stouts.
Ive been going with the Four Pines Nitro Stout lately - Its not bad.
This is good stout
Not in my books. Try Sheaf Stout?
It may horrify some, but that contributed to the best ever Beef, carrot and stout casserole I have ever made [ washed down with a four pines Amber ale], but for a next level experience, I consider Zywiec Porter well worth a try - one at a time. That one is not for cooking, regardless of epicurian considerations. Stout/porter are pretty much interchangable terms.
I just came here to say Coopers Best Extra Stout.
Try Southwark Old Stout, it's boozy at 7.4% but it is perfect for a Winter sesh!
I like Monteith's Black but I'm not sure it's a stout
Definately and ale and near the top of my favourites after Smiling Samoyed offering.
NOMAD Powder Day
I'm partial to a Young's double chocolate stout, I drink it rarely though.
Black Hops Eggnog Stout, but I don't think you'd find it in NT.
Look for a stout with best in the name. e.g. Coopers Best Extra Stout
West City Oaty Stout is decently priced and tasty
Big Shed's 'Golden Stout Time' or
Grifter's 'The Omen Oatmeal Stout'.
Trying to decide between them is Sophie's Choice.
Philter - Stout
Running with Thieves - Stout
Moo Brew - Stout
Four Pines - Nitro Stout
Batch - Elsie's Milk Stout
Big Shed - Golden Stout Time
Special Release Beers:
Nomad - Powder Days
Batch - Elsie's Other Udder
Sauce Brewing - Zoooom Choc-Pecan Mudcake Stout
Dark Deeds - Double Lamington Stout
Dark Deeds - The Second Horseman Imperial Stout
Balter - Nitro Double Milk Stout
Dainton - Violent Crumble Stout
+1 for Dainton Violent Crumble
Trying to find this in stores, but it’s all gone!
I'm a little teapot
Short and stout
Here is my handle
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up
Hear me shout
Tip me over and pour me out!
I'm a very special teapot
Yes, it's true
Here's an example of what I can do
I can turn my handle into a spout
Tip me over and pour me out!
There's a second verse?……well, thats blown MY mind.
i guess it's not sung much because no-one is 'special', just differently abled. even teapots.
Surprised there's not more love for Tooths Sheaf… Best drop in winter.
Youngs double chocolate stout
Beerfarm milk stout
Cheeky Monkey Pastry Stout (tastes like Ben and Jerry's ice cream)
Big Shed Golden Stout Time (tastes like Golden Gaytime)
Coopers Best Extra Stout #1.
O'Brien Stout (gluten-free) #2.
I thoroughly enjoy Coopers Best Extra Stout as far as a "commonly" found one goes.
However, if anyone is ever looking for an amazing stout down around Wagga Wagga way, the Vanilla Milk Stout at the Thirsty Crow brewery is the best (in my opinion). It started me on stouts and is still my favourite.
Might be able to order it online… But it's not cheap.
Russian imperial stout, amazing stuff but bloody expensive.
Coopers extra.
Guinness on tap.
White Rabbit Chocolate Stout - Still around at Dans, if you're interested - a little sweet but that's my thing… :0
-Beer description: In the making of this stout we delicately blended premium brandy along with rich, complex Pana Chocolate cacao. Both were added late in the brewing process to produce a smooth, velvety stout with distinct chocolate undertones. Perfect for Easter.
Normally avail in limited edition.
I like a black and tan using a lager
Coopers is my ultimate go to but never buy at full retail $69
Southwark is also a really good drop and id have Guinness extra stout up there but its usually the most expensive. Lately ive been enjoying clare valley brewing stout and boatrocker but only in small doses as they are pricey.
Your wish is Dan Murphy's command apparently. Guiness extra has just gone on offer at Dan's - had that been the alternate it would have been a hard choice. It's ambrosia indeed…
I've put it up as a deal:
As with anything that doesn't really have measurable qualities thats very subjective. If you want a TRUE stout, as many folks will consider anything 'dark' a stout - which they aren't - then I think a Coopers Best Extra Stout is very hard to beat for the value+taste combo you've stated. I say that as a pretty experienced home brewer who also doesn't mind a good stout. If you're instead just after dark ales etc then thats a completely different kettle of fish and you'd need to DYOR to better qualify what you're after but as true stouts go, thats right up there.