Good stuff to use on faded plastics, discoloured tyres and to soften rubber seals.
Keep safe and stay optimistic.
Good stuff to use on faded plastics, discoloured tyres and to soften rubber seals.
Keep safe and stay optimistic.
This stuff is crap as it's not water based. Crap for the reason it sprays onto paint when the wheels spin and make the car harder to wash. It does, however look good for a little bit.
What would you recommend?
None. Haha. Is it really necessary to have shiny tyres?
Crazy idea but could you use boot polish?
@plmko: It might last longer (but I doubt it). It also shouldn’t affect the paint work like some are complaining about.
@sween64: The shine last for about 3 weeks (gradually fading), and it doesn't affect the paint work in my experience of using it.
But hey, I do the common sense thing for leaving it applied on the wheel overnight before driving my car.
I said this last thread and got negged to oblivion haha. This really is a stupid wasteful product.
Meguiars tyre gel. Use a foam applicator to apply which can be both bought at supercheap auto
I have both, it is the same in term of how hard to clear it off when you do car washing.
I find Armor All Original Protectant is ok to give a wet look for a few days and won't leave dark oil spot on the car paint near the wheel.
@SnoozeAndLose: I used to have the same problem, but after using a new applicator and a small even amount of the gel, i dont have the slinging of the tyre gel onto the paint
Spray lighter coats and leave it to dry. Never had any problems.
Yeh this sounds like a PEBCAK issue. I hold an old tshirt up to the wheel as I spray the tyres. No issues.
When you work for westpac and drive nice European cars….
Why not? It looks great. Thanks for your 2 cents enjoy the negs.
I wouldn't care either if I was driving your bomb 😄
It's like saying who TF cares about having a clean shiny car. Geesh.
Remember when we used to paint our tyres with tyre black?
Wait what?
yeah Tyre Black comes in a can like housepaint, need a paint brush to apply.
Think our last can was by Kitten, probably still sitting somewhere back home if I can be bothered looking. Never actually bought any ourselves with money, it's always been gifted from carshows etc.
I have stuck by the Meguiar's Endurance Tire Shine Gel; easy to apply, last for weeks not days and doesn't spray off. A 473ml bottle lasts me about seven months on average (I write the open date on bottle with Nikko). I usually wait until one of the "big three" have a minimum 30 - 50% off as a few had this weekend as standard price is around $28….
Thanks for sharing. Gonna give this a try. Do you park on the street or garage?
Currently $18.89 at repco.
Does it work on hair?
If you're after slick, oily and super shiny hair… then Yes!
Why do you want to have black shiny pubic hair?
First impression matters.
User name checks out.
If you have faded fender plastics I find cheap olive oil the best thing to restore them and that it lasts the longest. After a few applications it seems to really penetrate the plastic.
Just do whatever Sweet Project Cars on YouTube says. Usually good and cheap.
Not a fan of this stuff. Lasts days on the tyre at best and uses a lot to bottles over time.
McGuire's have a tyre shine gel which you wipe onto the tyre with a sponge. It lasts on the wheel for weeks even with rain and the bottle lasts for years. I've had the same bottle for over 10 years. Paid $18 for it from memory and use it every time I wash the car.
So annual car washes huh?
Nope. Wash/spray down both cars after every drive in the rain and use the tyre gel when it's needed. It just lasts a long time on the tyre and needs very little to apply.
I used to love this spray stuff when i started driving and washing the car. Then I found the gel.
I thought i was the only one! Im a car guy and regularly wash my car, however my bottle is easily several years old now. You really dont need to use that much, a few small drops per tyre works great for me. I do however always apply it to a freshly washed tyre so there is no dirt and debris to go through.
Hot tip: wear some mechanic gloves when applying to stop your fingers going black.
Don't bother with spray, get tyre gel from any brand and they last much longer.
Wouldnt recommend - not water based
After 2 days the shine is gone and your wheel has dust stuck on it
Tough crowd tonight, I love this stuff, I've been using it since my first car.
Much prefer Armor All Tyre Foam. It usually costs a few dollars more but it's so much easier to use and seems to last a lot longer.
As others have said, tyre gel like McGuire's lasts a lot longer but I usually grab the foam because it's quicker and easier. Few seconds per wheel and it's done.
Wet look
Does it work on ladies 🤔
I don’t use sprays, I use water based gel lotion, apply with a pad and does not have tyre fling/sling. Safe for all rubbers and seals. Won’t eat into the rubbers like silicone does.
If you want to know what I use - I purchased it 2 years ago and I haven’t even used half the bottle yet. Good value if you’re serious about car care, $20-30 online.
E-TECH Pro Class Tyre Detailing Gel (500ml)
+1 on the silicone comment, will destroy tyres as well as any other rubber or plastics.
I think this stuff works great. I like it more than Bowden's Own Tyre Sheen.
It all comes down to how you use it.
I use it once a week on my tyres after washing the car. Makes the tyres look great.
The only downside is any overspray when spraying the bottom sidewall of the tyre soaks into the concrete driveway and only a pressure wash removes the stains.
I find using this makes car washing harder, there are lots of dark oil spot near the wheel.