Marked down from $39. Not sure I'd trust any valuable data on it but for $5 why not. This was at The Reject Shop, Croydon, VIC. May be at other stores.
Details on Pack :
Class 10
Marked down from $39. Not sure I'd trust any valuable data on it but for $5 why not. This was at The Reject Shop, Croydon, VIC. May be at other stores.
Details on Pack :
Class 10
lol :) bargain,,!!!
Class 10 according to pack.
Haha,….usernames profile photo checks out lol.
Run f3write/read on it and let us know the results. If it's legit 128GB thats quite a bargain, reliable or not.
128gb is most likely legit. Reliability is probably gonna be S@#T. You can get 128GB SD Cards for $40-$50 depending on speed and the card above is $40 RRP.
You can get 128gb cards for under $25. This isn't worth $39, but it's definitely a bargain at $5.
Run several of these in a RAID1. They can't all be duds…right?
Maybe Raid5
Check my local TRS… not a single memory card or an USB flash drive… whats going on?
No sd cards on the website. It's a store clearance.
Might be thin on the ground as it’s been going a while. Mentioned here
Should be fine if made in Taiwan.
Made in Taiwan
9 of 10 my sd card are made in china, all good.
same here, i am using one right now, all g
These are extremely handy for storing in your wallet for emergency data needs
Sorry can you explain what you mean by that???
Digital Documents, Passwords
In my case I use it if I need to grab something off a friend last minute but didn't bring a USB drive.
There's something known as the Internet which can also help
@0 0 0: Well that depends how long you prepared to wait to get it off the Web as oppose to just copying off a friend.
Wouln't a USB drive on your keyring be better? Much easier to find a USB port than a MicroSD port.
You never know. Might get lucky.
Just keep a USB microSD dongle on your keyring, and the SD card in your wallet, duh.
you can now do nanoSD in earrings and noserings duh
MicroSD in a SD adapter is much more portable and fits within your wallet.
I keep my keys as minimal as possible.
If I know that ill need to transfer data, ill bring a USB drive before I leave.
This is just a security incase you didn't think of bringing a USB drive
Back when I was young people used to have a condom in their wallet in case of emergency how times have changed.
hahahaaa - gold
Good for ebooks on my kobo
All 100 plus million of them.
Not sure how reject shop is essential
Victoria isn't the whole country. In some places we understand social distancing and not shopping at Chadstone after a swab better than others.
I guess it would be they sell other essential items such as food, cleaning supplies, pet supplies
Reject shop sells food items, face masks, hand sanitisers, oral and personal hygiene products, cleaning products etc, mostly cheaper than Colesworth.
must be "rejects" :P
Yeah wouldn’t use them on a camera unless you enjoy the loading symbol after each photo.
Might be alright for an action cam that you don't really care about if the footage gets lost
Good for raspberry pi zeros. Don't need much storage, everything goes to the cloud anyway.
Except rpi is a case where you want something with decent endurance so the writes don't kill your boot drive.
By boot drive you mean the sd card containing OS?
Might buy a few for my rasberry pi.
Perfect for my modded Wii console.
Man, that's an awesome price. Shame Tassie Reject Shop' don't seem to stock MicroSD Cards :'(
Have you checked all tassie stores?
Nah, only two on the NW coast - might be better stocked down in Hobart I suppose
I checked them all, they dont even carry the 64gb, only 32gb for $39
is it even a valid excuse to buy this and travel across many suburbs if I get caught
No it is not. Especially if you’re in VIC
anyone found them in other stores / state ?
Essential shopping in Victoria, good to see the message getting through
Showing 0 stock in Brisbane and Brisbane South
Is there a link to check stocks online?
not that I am aware of, I called the store to check.
What a price, I would definitely have picked this up if it was available nearby my location… Unfortunately, I wouldn't drive to Victoria to pick this up ;)
Couldnt fly due to covid-19, otherwise wouldve flew over to get
Lol, definitely worth it :)
No price reduction in North Brisbane
"Idigital 128GB Micro SD Card $5"
must be better than iAnalog