Weighted Blanket Recommendations and Opinions Please

Hey guys, I would like personal opinions if you've used a weighted blanket. I'm from Melb and it gets quite cold.
At the moment I'm sleeping with 3 layers of blankets and i'm hoping this will make my bedding less messy.
I'm looking at single size blankets. Do you guys have any budget recommendations of where to buy or any promo codes to share for discounts? I'm looking at this particular one at the moment:


Thanks :)


  • You can have mine. Don't like it . To heavy and not big enough

    • really? lol

  • I bought my daughter a weighted blanket to help her sleep. It has an inner blanket in an outer cover. Due to the weight the inner blanket can bunch up. It is smallish so it falls off easily as well as the weight drags it off.

    If you need pressure I would consider one. If you want warmth go with a proper duck/goose down doona. I live in a cold farmhouse in Melbourne and they keep me warm, but queensize may be $300+. I swap to a cooler one in summer as it is too hot.
    I bought mine at harris scarfe on sale. Not sure where you get one now.

  • I'll piggy back here if anyone can recommend a weighted blanket for a child with autism that'd be great. Thanks

    • +1

      I have heard that www.sensoryoasisforkids.com.au and www.therapystore.com.au are reputable sources for these. They are quite pricy though.

      I would probably consult with an OT as the amount of weight (and therefore pressure) needed for each child varies greatly. There are also other weighted products that may meet your child’s sensory needs. Again, a consult with an OT can help you to pick the right option.

      • +1

        Thank you for the tips! I'll check with the OT whether it's worth the investment… i think weighted blankets contain beads or something in them and cheaper alternatives may fall apart.

        The links you provided look pretty interesting for other items as well! (i think your second link should be "thetherapystore.com.au")

        Thanks again!

  • +1

    We bought one for our son a few months ago and are happy with it. Compared a few and ended up with an 'adaptive' one from

    The deciding feature I really like is that the inner weighted part zips onto the outer cover around the edges so it can't bunch up.

    There's often sales with big discount codes. We bought at Mother's Day.

  • You could use 10 regular blankets, that'd feel pretty weighty on you. Or sleep under the mattress.

  • People often forget you can put a blanket underneath and it will keep you warmer in winter than just piling more on top.

  • +1

    Spotlight did have a 50% off sale some while ago.
    Many of the bed shops do them, Fantastic Furniture did do them too.
    The general rule is the blanket should be 10% of your body weight.
    A word of warning though, weighted blankets are not particularly warm to use so your plan to use one may not be effective, I would get a good doona. My son uses his year round, but still needs a full doona in winter.

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