• out of stock

Jointown Face Mask with Ear Loops 3 Ply 50 Pack $49.95 @ Officeworks


I realise this isn't a bargain, but given the recent announcement in parts of Victoria I thought I would remind people that you can get face masks from Officeworks as I know they aren't normally a place people associate with PPE. Mods please remove this if you feel like it doesn't adhere to guidelines.

They have a number of masks advertised on their site, the below is just a subset:

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closed Comments

  • -6

    Ear Loops 3 Ply 50 Pack $49.95

    Prefer EneLoops 50 Pack $49.95

    • -1

      Could you fit 50 in your mouth?

  • +11

    It may not be a "bargain" in the true sense of the word, but $1 a piece (for me personally) is a bargain and a good price. Due to the incessant amount of price gougers out there, this is quite reasonable I reckon.

    • +8

      That and its OW, it probably is whatever it claims it is on the box…

    • +1

      Fubin rip off

  • -7

    @SuperScope did you seriously upvote your own post? LOL

    • +11

      When you post a deal it automatically upvotes it

      • +1

        Literally just beat me to saying the same thing!

      • Oh wow! I didn't realise that :-) Good to know.

        • Lol yeah I get it though, I smiled the first time I saw it. It's a bit like you're patting yourself on the back =p

          • @SuperScope: That's what I thought which is why I had a chuckle to myself when I asked. Someone probably negged me for saying that thinking I was serious, but whatever :-)

      • Yes, I checked my post right after being educated :-)

        see comments above

  • +2

    If you can't get a hold of face masks. Use any type of material to cover your nose and mouth. Bandanas, scarfs.

    Don't be a Karen.

    • underwear (Hentai Kamen)

      • +3

        Honestly I might use an old pair of jocks for the shit of it.

        Not that shit though jk lol… unless…

        • +1

          you might catch a new disease though 😅

  • +2
    • Seems to be unavailable for click and collect. Can you buy in store?

      Either way, like I said in my post, this wasn't posted as it was a proper 'bargain'… but more to share where people can buy reasonably priced masks in case they needed to rush to get them before Wednesday.

      • $50 for free shipping, surely you can come up with another $6.

        • +4

          Theres also only 3 days left until the requirement to wear masks becomes mandatory… In my experience Chemist warehouse can take longer than that to deliver.

        • -1

          OW shows unavailable online

    • 49 now :(

  • +8

    Not a bargain by any means, this is OzBargain

    • +13

      Its OzInStock now

    • +7

      Might save someone $200

      • -3

        If we go by that logic, the site would be inundated with shite

        Just because someone is price gouging to a higher extent elsewhere does not mean it belongs here

        • +1

          It does if the fabled "proper price" is not actually available anywhere…

          • +1

            @Tuba: $29 on eBay, $39 on Kogan for 3 ply masks

            • +2

              @prkr: Yeah, about that… OW fills me with more confidence that the mask they sell, is actually what they claim it is.

              • +2

                @Tuba: The masks aren’t rated

                You can use your eyes and hands to determine if something is 3ply

                If the masks were rated/certified then I’d agree with you but they’re not

            • @prkr: Kogan jacked the price of several face masks and packs in the last 24 hours by ~$10

      • Save $200 fine by spending $50? Not really saving.

        Or just wear a scarf around the house or a jockstrap

  • +4

    No. it's expensive.

    • +7

      I have to ask - Do you live in VIC?

      It's easy for an outsiders to ditch this "deal" and complain about the price. Can't help but feel that those who b!tch about the price aren't the ones who is affected.

      Think of those in the actual situation. There are already reports hundreds of Victorian lining up outside Chemist Warehouse after the announcement. If you think $1 per mask is expensive you can wait another day and pay $2 for one.

      • +2

        True. 5 million people will need one in the next 3 days. Stock could disappear very quickly.

      • If you're in Melbourne it's probably nit that hard to find. All aldi around me have plenty of stock at $30 per 50 pack and we're in hotspot in the beginning of the second wave

        • +2

          Go tomorrow or Tuesday and we'll see about the availability at Aldi.

  • +7

    Damn, getting down voted!

    I realise paying $50 for 50 face masks is expensive compared to how much they were at the start of the year, but unfortunately its quite difficult to find masks in stock at the moment and getting them from a trusted Australian retailer is worth it in my opinion.

    If you're willing to wait for delivery, you can also get them from (Chemist Warehouse for $44.10)[https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/100117/softmed-face-masks-50-pack---new-low-price] (see @ozvictors comment)

    • I don’t see the point in getting them from a trusted retailer when they are not certified or claiming any ratings

      OW has no obligation to the public to provide any sort of quality with these masks when they are not certified or rated, thus, these may well be identical to what you’d find anywhere else

      I would agree that I would 100% pay a premium to buy from a reputable retailer such as OW if these were certified, that way I would have more faith that the certification/rating is legitimate because of the retailer

      • These masks are TGA approved

        • Masks intended for this type of purpose must be TGA registered by law. Even Apple has TGA registration for those face masks they hand you at the entrance to their stores.

      • It will be $200 for not wearing a mask in Melbourne, so $50/50 isnt too bad.

  • +6

    Just got back from chemist warehouse. It's crazy busy with queues both inside to pay and also to get into the store.

    Almost all 50pks sold out, and were $54. So yes this is a deal.

  • These a probably no different to the eBay's ones today but they are 200 for $50 or so.

  • +6

    I realise this isn't a bargain

    Then why post on a bargain website?

    Maybe post it in the forums as a place to write about all the types of masks you can get and where from.

    • My thoughts, we should have a thread just pasting product links or info of where for Vic.

  • +5

    Bought box of 50 face masks yesterday from Aldi for $29.99

  • +6

    These look identical to these https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/552690 that cost only $19.90.

    Am I missing something?

    • +5

      Yup, missing the extra $30.05

  • Just bought 50 pack from ALDI for 30 bucks.chinese made.

    Is there Australian made? Pay more for them.

    Anyway these will do till we make our own cotton ones.


  • For a little extra context on this company, they appear to be manufactured out of Wuhan

    • -2

      bUt ThEyRe FrOm oFfiCeWoRkS tHEy mUsT Be GoOd

      • -1

        Do you distort what your partner says to, must be fun for them…

  • -2

    I realise this isn't a bargain, but….

  • The jointown face mask are made in Wuhan China

    • Correct - nothing special to cost $50 for 50 - not a bargain

    • +2

      Could be worse. Could be made in Jonestown!

    • To subjugate the world, sell masks dosed with SARS-CoV-X.

  • +1

    OB pedants insist it's not a bargain, I get it. But if you need an easy solution and are time poor, can't wait till whoever delivers (if they deliver), this might be a bargain to you. Tried making my own today, epic fail. Glad I got my $30 supply from Amazon this week - otherwise I might be at OW tomorrow if my local Aldi were OOS. The definition of bargain is changing in extraordinary times.

  • kmart & bunnings have 10 pack for $10

    Aldi have 50 for $30

  • I just bought a 50 pack from MyChemist for $44 and got some make-up for my wife to get the free delivery. Not a bargain but we live in Northern Vic so we want to be prepared if we have to use masks


  • +1
    • We bought these from Costco a couple of weeks ago. We saw the writing on the wall.

      • They might be cheaper in store?

        • I think they were. Will probably pop into Costco, again, sometime this week.

    • oh they do deliver now? :d

  • I am confused….
    Is it "Jo in town"
    or "Joi n town"
    or "Join town"
    or "Joint own"???

  • +2

    This is the costliest I have seen. I bought a similar box of 50 Qty. of these 3 -ply masks for $19 at Miniso store, yesterday.

    • dammit i can't find online

      • +1

        Its not online. I bought it from their store in The Glen. I heard they are still selling at $19 for pack of 50 masks at Miniso stores.

  • Annnnd… Sold out! Haha.

    If you are VIC that is.

    • Looks like the St John masks are still available in store (at least thats what theyre showing online)

  • -1

    If as anyone's looking for an unrated facemask, a Chinese university friend of mine dropped off 50 at my place a while ago. Haven't really thought about using them so… come grab one for free if you'd like? I live in inner NE Melbs

    On second thoughts maybe don't come during lockdown hmm

    • Chinese university

      Victorians don’t plan on taking a flight during lockdown anyway

      • Huh? Friend of mine goes to an Australian uni, he is Chinese by citizenship. If you read a little further, you would've seen that I live in inner NE melbs

  • double price it should be…

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