This was posted 4 years 7 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] 6.6kW Risen 330W Solar Panels + 5kW Growatt Inverter from $1850 after rebates ($0 Upfront with Loan) @ Sunline Energy



6.6kW Solar PV System from $0 upfront after STC Rebate, SolarVic Rebate ($1,850), and SolarVic Interest-Free Loan ($1,850).

All you will have to pay is monthly payment of $38.55/month x 48 months ($1850 repayment in 4 years). This is from Victoria government not finance from bank so it will not be subject to credit check.
Total cost for Solar PV System without Solar Vic Rebate & Loan is: $3,700 (including STC Rebate, GST included).

*STC Zone 4 will be extra $199.
Please check your STC Zone map with your postcode here…

*Extra travel cost will be charged for outside Melbourne Metropolitan area.
*If your roof requires more than 2 splits, there will be extra charges.

SPECIAL: If you and your mate is in STC Zone 4 are getting the solar system done with us then both of you will get $100 discount off the upfront cost.

The $0 deal will include
- 20 x Tier 1 Mono-PERC Risen 330W Half-Cut Panels (15-year Product Warranty, 25-year Performance Warranty)
- 1 x 5kw Growatt Inverter (10 year warranty)

Note: Deal is quoted for single-story, single phase property (+$400 for double storey)

Risen 330W Datasheet:…
Growatt Datasheet:…

Growatt inverter comes with Wifi module which you can monitor your solar system via an app on your phone or on Growatt website.

PM me for exact quote for your house
Please mention RISENSPECIAL deal or mention ozbargain deal if you call or via our website.

SolarVIC Rebate requirement:
- Your property value must be less than 3 million
- Total income for everyone named on council rate for either 2018/2019 or 2019/2020 must be less than $180k

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closed Comments

  • So what’s the minimum cost? Shouldn’t that be in the title?

    Also isn’t the Vic rebate $1850?

    • It has been updated, minimum cost will be $0 if you are in STC Zone 3 after VIC rebate ($1850) + Interest free loan ($1850). All you will have to pay is just monthly repayment of $38.55

  • Im assuming if we already have panels were not eligible for this?

    how much does it cost to upgrade an existing system?

    • You must remove your existing system to be eligible for rebate if your system was installed after 1/11/2009. I can give you quote for removal as well. It may be financially better to get the whole new 6.6kw system with rebate than upgrade your current system.

      • PM'd you about this.

      • somewhat interested, depending on cost to remove the old panels , (though i don't really have a north facing roof, id assume that many panels should fit.)
        only moved in 2010/2011 so date should be fine though.
        will email you.

        • PM me your detail and I will get a quote for you. I may get discount for the cost of removing existing system.

  • News for those in SA and matter of time before it spreads to other states…

    This will impact the return on investment and increase in time period to break even.

    • Well, then the earlier you get your solar system the better right to recoup as much as you can and with higher rebate amount.

    • If they were to impose the maximum charge they are suggesting, it works out to 8 cents a day.

      I especially liked the bit where the guy in the article says "people are just going to disconnect them" and it doesn't even impact those with existing panels.

  • Anyone ever used these guys? My roof isn't in the greatest state, wondering if I let them up there they'll cause more damage than it is worth…

    "Surcharge applies for ….. terracotta tiles."

    Are you serious? What for?

    • This only apply to some very old type of terracotta tiles since it requires more time to work with. Most of our quote for tile roofs don't have this charge. I haven't quoted for any tile roof house with this charge yet until now.

    • Tin roof they can simply screw straight through. Can't do that to tiles.

  • My electricity provider, Jemena, just dropped their FIT to 10.2 cents per kWh. Potential customers need to work out their ROI and payback time.

    • Keen to know how much a 6.6KW give you in best of VIC summer and worst of winter?

    • If you rely on just the FIT, it may not reflect the correct ROI. It was just 8c a few years back and with no rebate and with a higher cost back then.

      You need to factor in the power that you consume as well which is ~26c/kwh if you use it from the grid. Let say you save ~5kwh/day by using it from the solar system that is 1825kwh/year at retail rate 26c/kwh which is $475 extra from your FIT. If you use more then the saving is even more.

      All you need to do can be just as simple as washing clothes, drying clothes on sunny day. For example in winter, even on sunny day if I hang out my clothes it is still not dry and I have to use the dryer in the evening which draw power from the grid. Now I just dry it after washing, since it is using the power from the sun anyway just in the form of electricity instead of heat.

  • Hi @samehada Are these made in China and is it company warranty or manufacturer warranty?

    • Check solar quotes for reviews and deets

    • Both Risen and Growatt are Chinese companies. The exception to the rule is non-Chinese manufactured Solar, or manufacturing in general.

      ACL lets you choose how to handle warranty claims.

    • -2

      Risen panels are made for Arise Solar, who where formerly known as Euro Solar.

      Just Google Euro Solar, they are epitome of crap solar in Australia.
      There are Phoenix company, soon as the s*** hits the fan they reopen under another business name, under a relative name.
      Thousands of people have been burnt by Euro Solar and they're offshoot companies under many names in Australia.

      • You can't even differentiate between "solar installer" and "solar panel manufacturer" yet spitting bullshit.

        What does solar panel manufacturer have anything to do with bankrupt solar installer.

        I have reported your post to be removed by mod since it is completely misinformation.

      • +1

        Risen are one of the major solar panel manufacturer, it has nothing to do with those solar installer company. Google is free and doesn't take long to search does it?

    • If you want to pay $1000+ for European brand, I am happy to give you the quote. Personally I can't justify that charge, especially it won't make any difference in most of people situation that is straight forward with no shading issue. Even with shading issue, it is the micro-inverter or different configurations that matters not where the panels are made.

      • +2

        You have not answered straight forward questions from @LionelHutzz and seem to have assumed customers are asking for European brands:

        1. Are panels made in China?
          This was answered above by Steptoe to the extend that these are Chinese company but still needs confirmation on where the panels are made.

        2. Is warranty from your company or from the panel manufacturer? (Your company / panel manufacturer)
          Maybe provide the answer and some confidence on the history of your company, testimonials to support reputation etc. to give some comfort.

        • -1

          All the answer has been clearly in Steptoe comment so I have nothing else to add.
          1. So you expect a Chinese solar panel company making panels in Europe or USA? Or what are you expecting extra answer from Steptoe comment? I believe Google is free and I also believe you don't even bother to read the link I posted above.
          2. From Steptoe comment "ACL lets you choose how to handle warranty claims." This already goes further than what I will reply anyway.

          and this is from the link I have posted if you even click to open it

          Panels - 15 years Product Warranty & 25 Years Performance Warranty
          Inverter - 10 Years Warranty (5 Years plus 5 Years)
          Workmanship - 10 Years Warranty

          • +1

            @samehada: If Google is free then why are you posting here, use SEO tools for advertising, not OzBargain site, read site rules here before posting deals.

            Again you are comparing against Europe and USA, seems like you are ashamed of saying its made in China!

            Steptoe does not run your business, you do. If you can't bother answering questions, how will you provide after warranty support!
            And you poster deal details does not throw light on WHO provides the warranty.

            • @ozdesi: Look, if you have a genuine question I am happy to reply you, but if you plan to just comment with an attitude I am not here to entertain you.

              Regarding your question I will confirm it to you. Warranty will be provided by Sunline Energy.

              I have nothing to be ashamed of Chinese made panel with reliable quality. I suggest you do read the comment right above that you are replying to and see what my standing point.

              • +2

                @samehada: Which part of the question didn't look genuine to you, from potential customers here?

                I think your responses have attitude attached to them, not from fellow members here and we are not entertaining by providing the right information to select genuine sellers from the dodgy lot.

                Thanks for confirming who provides warranty finally, it must help someone willing to know about it make a wiser decision.

  • How long will it take to install this system if I wanted it ASAP?

    • you can send me your detail for proposal, once you accept it we will upload it to SolarVIC so you can apply for rebate. Once it has been approved we will email you instruction to book for available installation date in your area. It can take 4-6 weeks depends on how many installation we have in the area.

      • What would be the timing if I don't care about the solar vic rebate? (my property is ineligible)

        • PM me your detail and I will check for you.

  • Anyone live in zone 4 and would like to install it together to avoid 199 fee?

    • Hi, I am in Zone 4 and interested in. Thanks

      • Does this work? Interested to.

        • me three… man this zone thing is BS. inlaws that are 2KM away are zone 3 im zone 4….
          assume it works better if your close together :)

          i dont think you can avoid the fee, i think you just get a 100 dollar discount towards the fee.

          • @wisc: It is not the fee, the STC rebate for Zone 4 is much less than Zone 3, but the company doesn't want to charge so much more for those who are in Zone 4. Many of the quote you found online will charge extra $500+ for Zone 4

            • @samehada: yeah i noticed it was a government thing. yep, sorry "fee" was the wrong word, should have said ~200 less credit in the rebate..

              • @wisc: it is not $200 less credit, it is $500+ less in STC credit.

                • @samehada: I am interested on this as well, as I think i am in zone 4.

    • I still haven't received your detail for quote yet.

      • yes still gathering interested people in zone 4

        • Hi, I am in zone 4 and interested to install together to reduce or avoid the $199 fee.

          • @leo7721: I am interested as well if we can do this together.

            • @Sinchan: Awesome, anyone else interested to join us, let me know, thanks

  • How long is this promo will last?

    • For this month of July for now.

  • -3

    If you plan on asking for quote, how am I supposed to give you quote without any of your detail? I am not entertained with message like "I want to get quote and my postcode is 3xxx"

    If you don't want a delay in reply, please clearly send in your full detail including full name, address, contact number and email. Your contact number will only for us to contact you for any extra information i.e switchboard type or installation date.

    Your proposal will be used to upload to solarVIC for rebate application once you accept so we will need your full name.
    If possible please also mention if you have the old ceramic fuse switchboard or 3 phase meter (your meter will say 1 phase or 3 phase).

  • My roof is sloped SSW… is there any hope for me?

    • send me your detail and I will have a look for you.

  • Pardon me for posting an enquiry for a deal i can’t get, but how is it that VIC can get these so cheap compared to NSW?? I wouldn’t dream of getting this price in sydney..

    • State Government Rebate.

  • +1

    OP, can you please compare this deal with the other one you have on your website (…) with Jinko panels for $99 more?

    • It was for Jinko panel, not much difference to be honest. Jinko comes with 12 years warranty.

  • How much extra for ABB or Fronius inverter?

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