• expired

McDonald's Weekly Deals: 20% off Orders over $10 / 2 Sml Qtr Pounder Meals $9 / Small Cheeseburger Meal + Extra Cheeseburger $5


Back again with another MyMaccas Offer!
This time, the deals span over a week long

Predeal - 26th July-1st August - $1 Large Thickshake Replaced with $3 McChicken
Week 1 - 3rd-9th August - Small Cheeseburger Meal + Extra Cheeseburger $5
Week 2 - 10th-16th August - 20% off orders over $10
Week 3 - 17th-23rd August - 2 Small Quarter Pounder Meals $9
Week 4 - 24th-30th August - 20% off orders over $10.

Additionally, with the launch of the next promotion, there will be a $1 Large Thickshake available from Sunday 26th July to Saturday 1st August. Only available if you order and pay using the app. [EDIT]: Seems to have removed the $1 Large Thickshake deal from the app, and brought forward the $3 McChicken. The $3 McChicken was supposed to start next Sunday, 2nd August.

Please note:

  • Bottled water can not be used as a drink in the small meals. There is no button on the POS to allow that. If you select bottled water, it adds it on at full price.
  • The national price for nuggets is $9.95. They are advertised at $9.95. There is no reason why some stores would price them at $11.95. No where at McDonald's does it suggest that the price should be $11.95.
  • You must have a valid mymaccas account to receive these offers.
  • There is also a national issue with the mymaccas app, and the integration of it in the POS. All staff and technicians are working on it, so please be patient if the order hasn't been found when you go in store.

Thanks guys, any questions please just let me know :)

Edit: Here is the way they are able to retrieve your code. Has worked for me 100% of the time. Recall it in the "Mobile Order" section, and filter. Then enter the first 4 characters of the user's code into the POS. That should allow them to search it. If it isn't found, keep searching it until it pops up, and it should after the first few times.

Edit 2: Removed the $1 Large Thickshake. My internal resources seemed to have removed the deal, and pushed forward the $3 McChicken by a week.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    week 3 , 2 small quarter pounder meals will be eating a few of those meals …..
    and its not a one off reward …

    • -1

      I keep getting 2 small quarter pounder and 2 small big mac meals. Sick of both burgers lol

      • +4

        why have one shitty burger when you can have 2 shitty burgers

        • +2

          The Burgers are better at Wendy's.

    • +1

      I always chuckle when the app says "Grab a mate". Yeah right

    • @garagesale

      My quarter pounder meals says its a single use offer?

  • +2

    I had it happened to me 2 weeks ago when they couldn’t see my order. I don’t know what they did but I had a pending charge on my credit card for ages and then it disappeared. I think I got a free meal from Maccas! Ha

    • true ozbargain spirit here !

  • +8

    Is the app working properly now? Too many instances of app not detecting my presence and the store couldn't locate the order.

    • +1

      works fine for me on both my android and ios phones. if it doesn't think you're at the store, force close the app and launching it again usually fixes it.

    • Check my edit to see the fix instore.

      • Re your edit about finding the order, only one manager managed to find it. Another manager at a different store didn't know how to do it and just gave me 50% discount as I said I had a 25% voucher in the app.

    • +1

      same experience here, app not detecting my location even when i'm inside Maccas lol. Relaunching the app didn't help. Had to order at the kiosk

      • +1

        Try reinstall the app. I had the same issue earlier this year and think that may have fixed it for me.

        • +1

          Yep, last option that.
          mangoface, a friend used to call me by that name in kid ol days :D

    • +3

      App has been practicing social distance in many instances, hence not detecting your presence. Maybe it's time for severance for the app's insolence heh

    • Yep app keeps bugging out and not detecting my arrival, always have to sit in the in carpark reloading the app which defeats the purpose of preordering.

  • Maccas - the saviour of lockdown

    • Maccas - the destroyer of health

      • +4

        Eat with a stick of celery on the side :-)

      • +10

        Why not get the quarter pounder meal deal with two cups of water and two salads then?

    • I do wonder if you could say maccas is essential.

      If you're trying to do the right thing at least, it's far from essential. And there should be limited hang overs unless your really getting stuck in at home

  • +5

    There is no button on the POS


  • So these deals are only available via the maccas app? I went to a store where nuggets were $11.95 and I told them shouldn't the price be $9.95 and they said no🤷‍♀️

    • +1

      I have no idea where this $11.95 deal came from. One of my mates is a manager at another restaurant, and he said they charge $11.95, while I charge $9.95

      • That's strange. Are all the prices different at different stores or something?

        • Yes, but national advertised promotions should be the same. I've seen ads for 24 nugs for $9.95 recently… ACCC?

      • +1

        Kingsford maccas in Sydney charges $11.95 for the 24 pack. All others stores in the area charge $9.95.

    • I've seen this too.
      Tried it out on other items like burgers for stores close together and the price varies.
      Bit of profiteering I suspect when people order multple items and don't look at the individual prices.

    • What is this $9.95 nugget deal you speak of?

      • +1

        24 nuggets for $9.95

  • +2

    Why does the MyMaccas set an alarm that changes every minute on Android 10? e.g. it'd set an alarm for 11:13. When it's 11:13, it'll set an alarm for 11:14 and repeat … Always crashed on start-up too … I have a Pixel 4 with Android 10 …

    • -6

      I have a Pixel 4

      that probably explains it

    • +1

      Yep, my one does this as well. I install and uninstall each time I need to use it, very frustrating.

    • What does the alarm do?

      • Literally nothing. It doesn't go off. It can't be deleted. It just resets and sets an alarm for the next minute. Very annoying so as patternott mentioned, will just install and uninstall as needed

      • +1

        The app likely sets an alarm to avoid being closed off by background process management. An app that had an active alarm will not be closed automatically to ensure the alarm goes off.

    • +3

      I knew it was something but didn't suspect maccas! Have had this random alarm for so long didn't know what it was.

    • Sorry for caps but
      It's so frustrating because I can't see when I have an actual alarm set.
      Didn't even suspect that because the actual app itself performs without a problem (SURPRISINGLY)

      • Yes; I found out from Whirlpool. Uninstall the app and see your alarm disappear instantly.

        • Thanks a lot for sharing.
          I've got the alarm to disappear instantly just by denying all permissions/notifications and by force stopping the app. Time will tell if that continues to work, if it doesn't I'll uninstall the app.

  • +12

    This app has been garbage for too long

    • +1

      Are you on iOS or Android?

      I don't really have issues with the app on iOS.

  • +2

    Where my Happy Meal deals at!!?

    • Hey yeah. I don't know if McDonald's still have toy prizes.

      • +1

        They sure do!

  • +3

    Anyone else notice the cheese burger meal and quarter pounder meals seem to be a dollar more than past deals.

    • +3

      Yeah was $4 and $8 respectively back in June

  • The last time I had a 2 quarter pounder meals for $9 reward, it kept trying to charge me $20.30 at checkout. The reward was completely unredeemable and sat in my app for 4 days.

    This app is buggy af.

    • so you order for $9 and they charge20.30 on your bank account.

      I need to check my statements

      • +1

        Well, I never proceeded with the purchase because the final total was $20.30. But yes, one could have paid $20.30 if they skipped over the final total before payment.

        What was truly buggy was that the original price showed $15.70 or so, but that was strike-through'd to show my reward price of $20.30!

        So it wanted me to pay an increase in price as my reward! Thanks maccas!

        • haha lol,

          will beware next time

        • Username checks out

  • +1

    The offers I've been getting is 25% or 40% off $10/$15 orders respectively :(

  • I've got 2 quarter pounder meals for $8 currently as my offer.

    Anyone know why none of the codes work on the self checkout kiosks? Have to either order via the app or go to the cashiers

  • Wait, so what part of this deal starts on 26 July? I'm confused.

  • +1

    Some super mad deals going on here.

  • +1

    It's astonishing how poor the McDonald's app is. Do they not know/care? I only use the codes with a kiosk for now

  • Sorry, what does POS stand for? I have only seen it used for piece of sh**

    • "Point of Sale", they're talking about the cash register

      • +2

        they're talking about the cash register

        Exactly why POS fits so well.

    • +1

      ^ what he said.

      you'll also have seen it in the acronym EFTPOS: electronic funds transfer [at] point of sale

      • +1

        Don't know why someone downvoted you so have an upvote

        • +1

          hehe thanks…i have a secret admirer negging my comments ;)

  • All staff and technicians are working on it

    All? So that includes the dude behind the counter who normally gets the shakes is working on fixing the mymaccas app/POS ?

  • With these deals just about ready to start who HASN'T gained weight this year.

  • +1

    Anyone know if the myrewards deal prices are linked to the store the app thinks you are closest too?
    Or are the varying prices for the same deal their way of working out how much more they can make the deal to test how many more people would take it up?

    No way paying $9 for two quarter pounders, but will occasionally pick one up for a $3 deal.
    Currently have $3 McChicken and $2 Kit Kat McFlurry - ugh soggy biscuits in icecream, not my thing.

  • +1

    I believe the Large Thickshake for $1 starts today, how do i get it to show up as $1? The last step where it says “finish in yellow” the price is still showing as $5.30. Thanks.

  • +1

    I have no $1 thickshake today. Only a McChicken for $3.

    • Edited in description

  • +1

    $3 McChicken , ugh not a fan of McD chicken burgers, KFC does them better.

    • At least McDonald's don't cage up their chicken… they don't use any chicken! It's all fake!

      It was satire, but ok.

      • +1

        Have a sympathy pos(itive vote)

        • +1

          Haha I've done that on numerous occasions when someone asks a question (extremely uneducated, but still a harmless question) and gets negged.

  • 20% doesn't seem like much when buying for family like mcfavs or mcfamily… kfc bucket more filling overall for price paid.

  • Medium shake for $1 via in app payment appeared today.

    • +1

      I got $1 Large Shake at 10:30am. Used it as I was near a maccas at the time, and got it. Half an hour later, I see the $1 Medium Shake too, score!

    • +1

      Yeah I got this - found it was a bit of a shit offer after always being a large for $1.

  • +1

    Lunch sorted?

    • I seem to remember this deal was $4 last time, and there were a few people (me included) eating them as a Double Cheeseburger.

  • For a month now my app hasn't worked at the Maccas near my work. It won't locate the Emu Plains store even when it sees exactly where i am when it shows my location. I can fiddle around to get it to act like it found the store. But trying to check out it refuses to work. It says I'm not near the store. Location services etc. All enabled. Permissions are all enabled. Ive uninstalled app. Cleared cache etc.

    Does it to me and my workmate. Yet we can both use the app just fine at the stores near our homes. Anyone else experience this? Trying to get the order brought up at the counter still didn't work. The only thing that did was using the scan at restaurant code at counter. The kiosks ended with an error using the code too.

    Im probably losing weight thanks to the app not working. Not a fan of lining up to place my order so i just keep going elsewhere or skipping lunch.

    • Yes sadly suddenly stopped working for me about a month ago, saying I’m not at store when I am. Only tried it twice, and it can cause a calamity at the store, one did honour the deal…the other saying isn’t much they can do. So now a bit reluctant to do any of these deals…waste time going to them and finding out app tells me I’m not at store. I don’t do McD’s without a special…far to expensive for what it is at normal price.

      • Yep. I ate way more maccas than I should due to a few accounts and great deals. I just cant pay menu price for stuff unless its a special price.

        I try to use the best deals at the maccas near my home. But i really only go to maccas near work as its next door and easier than preparing meals. Usually get great deals so its not much more expensive than bringing lunch.

        At home i can just easily throw together something so ducking out to maccas isn't appealing.

  • I will devour this meal.

  • Do we need to order via app or in store order will work as well?
    Does 20% apply to total amount?

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I actually installed MyMaccas for the first time for this!

  • Who knew the day would come, that we would see maccas pricing cheaper than hj

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