101 Questions for Humanity - The supreme coffee table book for armchair philosophers. Designed to provoke, question, and challenge. Crack the cover open during big parties, small gatherings, or lonely nights on the couch. Once you taste one question, you'll want to devour them all.
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Our universe had a starting point within a grander scheme. What came before it involves quantum mechanics and a theorised multiverse.
Here is an outstanding video about where we're at and where the universe is heading. Quite fascinating and it puts our existence into perspective. Let's hope we can brane-leap some day. And by we, I mean what we might have evolved into (if we've survived), since evolution hasn't ceased (homo futurus is next). Watch it with a herbal remedy, like chamomile tea…
If you recognise any of the voices… respect.
I have a problem with your use of the word "scheme".
Try disassembling ambiguity.
I'd rather not.
"a grander scheme"
So whose scheme is this?
Rocks don't scheme.
Are you positing a creator?
or anthropomorphising the universes?
There was something before it?
Sorry, but Lawrence Krauss and Mike Rowe need to be cancelled for some of their statements against woke orthodoxy. Krauss was just on the Rogan podcast FFS!
Strongly disagree with everything you said that isn't a concrete fact
Pray tell what is - coffee table philosophy?
Philosophy question: can an ebook still be a coffee table book?
Looking at things in a wider scheme, would covid be a way where mother nature is fighting back to say earth is overly populated by humans and it’s a way for her to balance things back. I think I am going to get voted down heavily on this comment.
There are so many inane words these days, yours will probably go by unnoted.
And probably cause I am also not jv :)
Haha! Call me strange but I tend to ignore him. :)
Most probably not; and that's not philosophy, that's airy-fairy BS that is not founded on anything based in reality.
Downloaded it and viewed in the cloud. Worth every cent.
And not a single cent more.
If a social media influencer fell in the forest and really, really hurt themselves (we're talking bone sticking out from skin here) and there was no one around to channel attention, would anybody care?
Even if there WERE people around (I'm thinking myself, specifically), they still probably wouldn't care.
How can anybody care when there is nobody around to care!
I'm not sure about this or how it fits your excellent conundrum, but humour me please.The problem with your question is that quantum physics says that observed particles behave differently to unwatched particles in exactly the same situation. Ergo it could be that your sm influencer didn't actually break a bone nor utter an unheard cry. From memory both situations could and do apply, assuming he/she is composed of said particles that is. Long bow but hey quantum physics is all about possibility from the VERY little I know about it. What a wonderful, weird universe we inhabit!
Ahh…the little known thought experiment Schrodinger's Coaxer.
A more modern way of considering this might involve the Many Worlds Interpretation or, at a more classical level, Eternal Inflation. The good thing about both of these is that somewhere (where is used very broadly here), SMI's are hunted, imprisoned and pitched against each other in savage mortal combat for our entertainment purposes.
The bad thing about both of those is that somewhere we love and adore all of our SMI betters and they are treated as god rockstars from Valhalla.
The good thing about both of these is………
Sadly, and happily, my cat's behaviour confirms the above.
Does it feature Philosoraptor?