• expired

3-Months Free Online Lessons for Guitar, Bass, Ukulele @ Fender (Normally $10-month)


This popular deal is back. CC not required. Stay safe, and enjoy :)

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Create an account and add code to redeem offer.

Source - GuitarWorld…

If you’re looking to learn to play guitar, bass or ukulele, Fender Play is one of the most complete instructional packages out there - and now the guitar giant is offering three months of free lessons to celebrate the platform’s addition of six songs from Grammy-winning phenomenon Billie Eilish.

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Fender Music

closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks for this. Redeemed and functional.

  • What’s the youngest age this would be suitable for?

    • My 8yo son is plugging away at the guitar version. He could benefit from being older but the lessons are pretty basic and definitely designed for a beginner.

      When I started playing at 12 I think I was more keen and more interested in music, so I progressed much more quickly.

      It will be interesting to see if he sticks with it for now.

  • How does this compare to something like yousician

    • imo quality is better in this. Found the classes unique/useful as well

  • +1

    Recommend. I loved the trial last time so they've got me with an annual subscription already. Using this deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/547482 was only $24.97USD with $9.77USD cashback via cash rewards 😁

  • +4

    Thanks for that! Time to blow the dust off the old six string and get back playing

  • +17

    I gave Fender Play a go and didn’t mind it but felt I needed a bit more structure. I then tried the JustinGuitar website and found it a million times better - plus it’s completely free.

    He’s clearly put a lot of thought into the lesson structure and he’s a much better teacher than the Fender instructors. There is a JustinGuitar app but unfortunately it’s a little clunky, has less features and isn’t kept as updated as the website. Having said that though, the website is brilliant.

    • +1

      Didn't know about this. Will give that website a look

      • He also has a load of tutorial videos on YouTube that show you how to play specific songs. I think he puts a fair bit of effort into them too (eg. he’ll watch videos of the actual guitarists to understand the little techniques/quirks they use for that specific song)

    • +2

      Brilliant! Thanks for sharing. I'll check JustinGuitar out.
      Notwithstanding that this deal is free for three months, I would rather support the free websites via donations than pay for some app/subscription that I don't will be good. Kudos to Justin for having the balls to go free and only rely on donations. Kinda like AdBlocker. I like these businesses.

      • 100% agree. To show some support I subscribed to his app which lets you play along to a load of songs with a backing track. Even though it’s a little clunky I really enjoy it and it’s helped a lot but you definitely don’t need it to progress through his course.

        He’s also from Australia originally and has a few videos on how to play Paul Kelly songs which earned him massive brownie points with me!

        • +1

          He also just seems like such a nice guy!

    • +1

      Plus he's been re-working his beginner lesson plans during COVID, and the good thing is, to make sure that they work he has been teaching himself to play left handed. So he's definitely making sure people are able to follow his course.

      Been doing it for about 3 months myself now and finding it really interesting and engaging. He also has a really positive attitude to teaching, and makes sure to tell you multiple times that failure is just part of the learning process.

      There's some paid content on the site if you want to get into music theory or listening by ear, but it's not needed unless you actually want to get into music properly. For just learning to strum along, it's been really good.

    • Anyone know of any similar sites but for keyboard/piano?

  • I struggled with Fender as even though you select accoustic guitar some of the lessons are with electric and as a complete beginner it's nice to compare like for like

  • Thanks TA, one of your best.

  • anyone else having trouble signing up? It keeps taking me back to the same log in/sign up page…

    **never mind, the bug fixed itself lol

  • +1

    Thanks for the share!

    Sorry if I'm being daft, I cant seem to find the unique code? I've turned-off ad-block and clicked on View Deal but it just takes me to a page to sign up?

    *edit: nevermind I've found it! The unique code appears on the banner up top of the sign-up page! Thanks TA!

  • For those that already claimed the previous 3 month deal, yes you can also claim this one and if you used the same account when redeeming, you can continue from where you left off.

    • How did you manage to get it working? It won't send me a new code to redeem.

      EDIT: Chrome was being all weird and not loading up the red banner with the new code. Jumped on to another browser and it appeared.

  • Piano available?

    • I don’t think Fender make pianos

      • There was the Fender Rhodes electric piano from the seventies, but they sold that operation to Roland in 1987.

  • Epic. You can choose 🅱️ass, 6 strings bass and tropical bass.

  • Maybe I am stupid but where is the code.

    • Once the website loads it will appear on a red banner at the top

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